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Everything posted by spidawebs

  1. Does exactly the same with me. Looks like a bug? I'd report it.
  2. Lesley has been helping me and has been a great help. The problem when migrating from Prestashop was that I had so many poorly written modules with so many fixes over the years just to keep it working, that when I migrated to thirty bees, all these problems were carried over. So rather than migrating, I'm going to do a clean install of thirty bees and then just copy over the data I need from the database. I think this is a better way of doing it if you want the true benefits of thirty bees and leave behind all the nightmares of prestashop.
  3. Yes, I want to use the community theme as it is much quicker than my default bootstrap theme from prestashop. I'll pm you the details
  4. @lesley That still doesn't work. Even when I switch back to the old theme it now doesn't work, yet it did before. Whenever I try to switch themes, I get the following error popup in a red box: Notice on line 31 in file /home/cricket/domains/cricket-hockey.com/publichtml/test/modules/blockrss/blockrss.php [8] Use of undefined constant _PSPEARXMLPARSERPATH - assumed 'PSPEARXMLPARSERPATH' Warning on line 31 in file /home/cricket/domains/cricket-hockey.com/publichtml/test/modules/blockrss/blockrss.php [2] includeonce(PSPEARXMLPARSERPATHParser.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory Warning on line 31 in file /home/cricket/domains/cricket-hockey.com/publichtml/test/modules/blockrss/blockrss.php [2] includeonce(): Failed opening 'PSPEARXMLPARSERPATHParser.php' for inclusion (includepath='/home/cricket/domains/cricket-hockey.com/publichtml/test/vendor/pear/pearexception:/home/cricket/domains/cricket-hockey.com/publichtml/test/vendor/pear/consolegetopt:/home/cricket/domains/cricket-hockey.com/publichtml/test/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src:/home/cricket/domains/cricket-hockey.com/publichtml/test/vendor/pear/archivetar:.:/usr/local/lib/php:/home/cricket/domains/cricket-hockey.com/publichtml/test/modules/newsletterpro/libraries/NewsletterProphpQuery/:/home/cricket/domains/cricket-hockey.com/publichtml/test/modules/newsletterpro/libraries/NewsletterProphpQuery/plugins/') Is this the cause of the problem?
  5. @lesley Yes, when I enable them the website works again but it looks the same as my prestashop site and is very slow. I want to start again with the community theme without all the modules which must be slowing it down
  6. Yes I tried that and have just tried it again but it doesn't work. Have also disabled and enabled the shop again.
  7. @jnsgioia How bizarre. I'm seeing that too now. Before I was just seeing the logo. Yet my shop is set to available in the settings. See the screenshot here: https://nimbus.everhelper.me/client/notes/share/1046481/34m531y8ogdmbbn03qyr
  8. @Tomik no it's not, that is the whole problem....it is just showing the logo. If I switch maintenance on the logo moves to the middle and a message comes up saying we'll be right back. I had to install the theme manually when I migrated as there were problems with it, so maybe there is still a glitch with the theme files somewhere?
  9. It's test.cricket-hockey.com
  10. I have disabled external modules and overrides and now just the logo appears on my website and nothing else. How can that be? Shouldn't the theme revert back to it's default layout once all the other modules are disabled?
  11. My website is still as slow as it was before the migration from prestashop. I have another website with a clean install of thirty bees which is incredibly fast so I assume it is the result of all the extra modules I purchased when using prestashop? What is the best thing to do? Disable all the extra modules and enable them one by one to see which ones are slowing it down? I have redis and full page cache enabled in my settings. Is there anything else I should be doing to get the speed as fast as a clean install? I almost wish I could just install thirty bees and transfer just my database so I don't migrate over all the crap from Prestashop, but of course that's not possible :-(
  12. Yes, I've just made the change too and can confirm it's now working how it should
  13. Ah, that's what I wondered. Thanks for the advice!
  14. When bugs like this are fixed, do we just download the updated file from github and FTP it to our server, or do we have to wait for the next version to be released?
  15. Is there an easy way to change the colour scheme? There used to be a live theme configurator but I know this was removed in the first release. Is that still the case? I can't see any easy way of changing colours without manual css changes
  16. I wondered why mine looked different too. I actually seem to have more of a red theme rather than yellow on my front end now
  17. @lesley works for me, thanks! @zimmer-media did you unzip and upload it by FTP?
  18. I still can't get the community theme to install, which is a major problem if people can't instantly get their front end working after migration
  19. No, there is no such option. It must be inbuilt into thirty bees but this is not great if everyone's url's are going to change when they migrate.
  20. I'm having a similar problem with the community theme. I have migrated my shop from Prestashop and kept my prestashop theme. I now want to switch it to the community theme, but when I go to Preferences>Themes and try to install the community theme it comes up with the following error: Bad configuration file I have downloaded the theme from github and uploaded all the files by FTP, and checked permissions, but it just won't work. Any ideas?
  21. I have just done a test migration of my main website to thirty bees and all seems fine apart from the language iso code has been added to all urls as follows: www.domain.com/en/product name whereas in prestashop the url was: www.domain.com/product name English is the only language I have enabled so is there a way to keep my urls the same as they were before?
  22. @vzex yes I checked but it wasn't in modules and services so I downloaded it from github
  23. It seems it isn't included - I've just downloaded it from github. Shouldn't this be included in the installation of thirty bees?
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