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Everything posted by spidawebs

  1. But I don't even have those categories. I chose not to installed any demo data so I had no categories and created my own.
  2. At the moment the default for viewing products on category pages is list view. How do I make it grid view instead? And is it possible to remove the list view option altogether? I think the products look a lot better when they are displayed in a grid.
  3. I can't even see how to get rid of them. If I go to the top menu module, there is no option for images? Where do I find them please.
  4. Strange. It was a clean install I did 3 days ago and those images never appeared before. I'm using the zenitude theme.
  5. I can confirm this problem still exists. I've just upgraded to 1.0.3 and the backup files doesn't work. It says there are millions of files to backup and takes forever. We will just have to disable it until it is fixed. @DavidP that's exactly what I am doing but I never dared to go past after all the previous problems of upgrading. Lesley fixed most of the problems to give me a relatively stable shop but I have so many fixes that migrating to thirty bees is a real problem - all the problems are carried over. The only way for me to do it is to do a fresh install and then manually move across the customers, products and orders etc. I have a couple of other shops running successfully on fresh installs of thirty bees but migrating from prestashop isn't as good unless you have no third party modules.
  6. I've just updated one of my stores to 1.0.3 and notice that it has added some thirty bees images to the dropdown menu. I'm not even using the community theme. Should this happen?
  7. the basic thing you need to know is that the combination name is size;colour and the combination value is the size and colour separated by a semi colon
  8. sorry, after I posted that it removed all the spaces. Hope you can understand it
  9. You would do it like this: ID Reference Combination ID Name Combination Name Combination Value 600 600 600-1 Framed Art Dog Portrait size;colour 8x10;BlackFrame 600 600 600-2 Framed Art Dog Portrait size;colour 11x14;BlackFrame 600 600 600-3 Framed Art Dog Portrait size;colour 8x10;DarkWoodFrame 600 600 600-4 Framed Art Dog Portrait size;colour 11x14;DarkWoodFrame
  10. You can probably change that under Preferences > SEO & URLs but I can't see it being a problem how it is
  11. spidawebs

    Panda Theme

    I've been looking at this theme, as well as a few others, but what worries me is when I do speed tests and run the HTML5 validator on them, the results are nowhere near as good as the default community theme. These themes might look good, but you could be losing sales if they are slower and not as good for SEO. I'm leaning towards using the community theme and adapting that to suit my needs. Thoughts?
  12. You can add missing products to the search index manually after importing products and their combinations, or just do what I do and setup a CRON job to do it automatically each day.
  13. The impact on price field is in the combinations upload. So do your new product upload, then do you combinations upload and you will see the impact on price field. Not sure what you mean about reindexing. Are you talking about reindexing the search engine?
  14. @alwayspaws Yes, that's it, but keep the price the same, so for the first product both prices should be 11.95 then keep the impact on price at 10.00 for the more expensive combination
  15. @alwayspaws OK, so the combinations are uploading correctly, it's just you're not using the impact on price field.
  16. @alwayspaws I can't see why it wouldn't upload the combinations. They look correct. I might be wrong but maybe it's because you're using commas to separate multiple values in fields like tags. I don't use tags so I'm not 100% sure, but if you have your field separator set to commas and your multiple value separator set to semi colons I would have thought you need to use semi colons to separate each value. Try it and see if it works. To use different prices for different combinations I think you need to create a field called "Impact on price" and for the combination with the higher price enter the price difference.
  17. @alwayspaws :-) That looks correct. It will create four products, two of which will have combinations, two of which won't. What is the problem you are having?
  18. @alwayspaws In the meantime can you do a screenshot of your open office csv file and I might be able to work out the problem from that.
  19. @alwayspaws I can't see the csv file - something has gone wrong with the upload. Can you try again?
  20. @alwayspaws In your spreadsheet you have one product not two. A product has to have a unique ID. So by using product ID 500 twice, you are uploading one product with two combinations. As you have two different product names it will upload the first and then overwrite it with the second. So your product name should be: At Home Dog Spa Girl Dogs Shampoo Natural Gentle Girl Dog Grooming You shouldn't put the combination values in the title - let the shopper select them from the dropdown menu which will be created with your combination values. The alternative is to leave it as it is and create two separate products. So the second product would have an ID of 501 and the combination reference would be 501-1 Hope that helps
  21. I've always had the same problem so I think it is a bug from prestashop
  22. I'm on InnoDB
  23. I tried that as well as I see it saves as you make the change, but when you go back to that page, the change still reverts back to how it was
  24. @DavidP I'll keep a record of everything I have to manually copy over and then post it here once I've got it working. At the moment it looks like you need to copy the product, customer, address, and order tables and the image directory. Plus of course any other tables for third party modules that you still want to use, such as Amazon & eBay. I have a clean url's module on my prestashop store (which has been an absolute nightmare and the cause of most of my problems), but thankfully all I have to do is replicate it into the built in thirty bees settings and all my urls will be the same. If you are going from non standard to clean urls then I guess you will have to setup 301 redirects for each one. The other way Lesley suggested to migrate was to make a clone of your prestashop store, delete all the third party modules and then do the migration. That will save you having to manually copy over all the tables and will hopefully remove all the prestashop problems. I'm going to have a crack at the first option though as I would prefer a completely clean install of thirty bees.
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