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Everything posted by spidawebs

  1. Am I missing something, or is the upgrade module not included in thirty bees? I've just migrated a site from Prestashop and want to upgrade it from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 but can't find the upgrade module...
  2. @Common-Services I already have the module, but if you want me to download the latest version I will test it for you
  3. You need to use a semi colon instead of a comma to separate the categories in your spreadsheet
  4. There's another thread which has just been posted, asking which is the best theme to use, and the reply was the community one because it will always support any updates. So my question is, although these themes work fine now, surely they won't support any new features that are released? So isn't it better to use the community theme and adapt it to your needs?
  5. @Common-Services Brilliant, many thanks for the update. I'm hoping to do some testing myself this week and will let everyone know how it goes.
  6. I see all the funds have now been raised to make this module. Great news!
  7. @zen Yes, that would be great, thanks. I don't need Sass source
  8. @zen Has this been done yet? Is the theme ready to use? I'm keen to use it when I migrate to thirty bees next month.
  9. @sellshop I'd like to know this too. I've migrated one of my shops to thirty bees but have held back on my main shop which uses the Amazon and eBay module. These are critical for us so I need to be sure they will work properly, but how can I test this before migrating?
  10. @wakabayashi yes, I agree, a better built in supply order system is a must, plus the ability to be able to track stock coming in and out and an easy way to see the movement history. Before we used Inventory Planner we had no way of checking where stock errors were going wrong.
  11. @wakabayashi If the starting price of $99 a month is too much for anyone then they probably aren't big enough to need something as sophisticated as this though. We pay $199 a month but the time it saves us and the cost saving in always having the right amount of stock (never being out of stock or having too much) saves us thousands a month.
  12. I'm sure if you speak to them they will do a special price for that many skus. I have 10,000 at the moment and any more than that it would be too expensive I think.
  13. I use Inventory Planner. https://inventory-planner.com It is absolutely superb and by far and away the best thing I have found to handle re-ordering and receiving stock, but it's not cheap (depending on how many SKUs you have). I set it to sync stock levels with PS every morning at 8am. Then when I want to order, I select the supplier and set how many days I want stock for. It will then automatically generate a purchase order with recommended quantities which you can adjust by seeing a graph of sales for that product over the last year. It will also recognise seasonal trends and adjust recommendations accordingly. It also has statistics on every product which makes our yearly forward orders so much easier, and you can see exactly when products came into stock and when they were sold. It will also tell you which products are moving slowing and may need a price adjustment. If you are a reasonable sized business then I would highly recommend it for improving your automation and the sync with PS works perfectly. I'm hoping when I switch my main site to TB in a few months time it will still work - I can't see why it wouldn't. Have a look at the demo and see what you think.
  14. Why is your store's code different? Have you had some custom changes made?
  15. @alwayspaws I think the category names need to be in every row. So for product ID 19 for example, put Dog Dresses;Dog Birthdays in every row not just the last one. That's what I do on mine and it works fine.
  16. Thanks for the video. Why do you install it in a sub domain though? Doesn't that mean you have to setup redirects for all your old pages? Can you not just back everything up and run the migration module from your current installation of Prestashop?
  17. Can you share a few lines of your csv file so I can see what is wrong?
  18. Sorry that was a typo. It should be Dog Treats;Dogs Birthdays;We Love Dogs Yes, you just need to specify whatever category you want the product in. You don't need to include the parent category unless you want it in there too.
  19. @alwayspaws If you just want a product in those three categories then just use Dog Treats;;Dogs Birthdays;We Love Dogs
  20. @alwayspaws That will make the product appear in 4 categories: Dog Treats Dog Clothes Dogs Birthdays We Love Dogs
  21. If your fields are separated by commas you need to use something other than a comma to separate the categories and then select that in "Multiple value separator" when you do the import. So use a semi colon for example: Dog Tee Shirts;We Love Dogs
  22. I believe they are building an update module to handle this. Hopefully it will be released at the same time.
  23. I have always used https://www.pos-tpv.com/en/ with Prestashop and it has been excellent. We have a busy shop as well as website so we needed a decent POS. The one main advantage with this one over ROCK POS is that you can receive new stock through it and print your own barcodes. I have tested Rock on both Prestashop and thirty bees - it works fine on both but I prefer all the extra functionality of POS TPV. I have now migrated one of our websites to thirty bees and POS TPV is working fine with it. The support is also excellent. Hope this helps.
  24. Is anyone else having problems with the statistics? I still can't get them working. On my dashboard everything is zero. If I click on Stats > Stats on the left menu the stats dashboard is all zero. My visitor stats are also zero, as is sales and orders, best selling products etc (although the best sellers correctly appear on the front end). The only thing that seems to be working is the available quantities, catalog evaluation and product details.
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