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Crowdin can assist the user to find the context, given the translation section is well configured. )Ok, I know where to find it, but I have the advantage that I'm dealing with this translation for years.) There is still need for some improvement to help newbies to easier grasp the context. Crowdin provides some sophisticated variables, but the admin has to use them.
We're all dealing with the same text. This is not about the Google translation, it's about pidgeonholing. One more link: Blockchain for Dummies :) Software license management using blockchain technology creates a data structure that enables the creation of a kind of digital ledger of transactions, a trail of license inventory and installations. This trail is shared or distributed internet-wide among the network of computers, with each node having the same exact copy of this ledger. You get real-time data for each time a license is utilized, shared or credited, all these transactions are appended in the ledger in the form of a block (therefor blockchain). Not the software itself, but these chains are based on a consensus algorithm, the ledger is using digital signature and cryptographic algorithmic programming, so each block can be secured and referenced to the previous block. In this way you can check the validity of every new software license purchase or installation. Thus you do not need any encryption of the software product you sell because it becomes virtually impossible for anyone to manipulate this block since each transaction has a unique cryptographic 'serial number' and there's always the reference to the previous block.
@marci123 said in Localization Pack German (de): I would love to make some amendments to the German language pack (for example: Employees is translated as "Benutzerrechte" which means "user rights"). The same wrong translations shows up in prestashop. I know I can change it in my own backend but it might be confusing for newbies who are looking for the employees and don't find the menu item. Where can I make some suggestions for a better translation? 98% of the current TB English source is genuine PrestaShop, unfortunately a in some parts outdated translation ( we're working on improvements). But currently (minimum since 3 month) the menu item employees is translated as Mitarbeiter, which is correct. Du hast leider wohl schon eine Weile die Sprache nicht mehr aktualisiert, denn die "Benutzerrechte" gibt es weder in Prestashop noch in thirty bees mehr. Das war ein kurzzeitiger Fehler, den ich zu verantworten hatte, ist aber schon gut ein halbes Jahr her. Das hing mit Prestashop 1.7 zusammen, wo sich die Menüstruktur geändert hatte. Kann sein, dass thirty bees in der ersten Version auf einen veralteten Sprachbestand aus dem Crowdin-Archiv zurückgegriffen hat. Wenn du bei Crowdin mitmachen willst, solltest du dir aber darüber im Klaren sein, dass ein Großteil des Sourcecodes von Leuten verfasst wurde, die das Englische nicht sonderlich gut beherrschten. Du solltest also die Fehler, Ungereimtheiten, sprachlichen Missgriffe und irreführenden Begriffe immer erst im jeweiligen Kontext prüfen, bevor du sie übersetzt.
Follow the link I provided, or ask some expert of the bitcoin technology. This certainly isn't my forte, because I'm not interested in those things. But I can assure you after reading the French contribution to this official competition: this is no kind of DRM.
I guess Michael's fully aware that this caching bug isn't solved yet. It may occur by switching the laguage, but this happens just by accident. I did explain above how you can help yourself - the best way still is just to deactivate the smarty cache. Not even in PS 1.7 they were able to find out what exactly caused the bug in this hook. In any case it started with a later release of AEUC, though I don't know which one exactly. The predecessor EU legal ( unril PS did not cause this bug though it contained already most of the AEUC hooks.
Encryption? DRM? J'en suis desolé, messieurs! I guess you're really barking up the wrong tree. Those people behind PrestaTrust don't want to encrypt their modules and themes, and they don't want the developers neither. They try to imitate the Bitcoin technology and use a blockchain server. This is what it's all about, gathering hash points and timestamps and transaction data. Absolutely nothing will be encrypted, it's just he other way round. These recorded blocks itself are cryptographically secure linked, secure by design. This seems to have inspired the PrestaShop CEO Lejbowicz to make PrestaShop get again. How come I recall the PrestaShop cloud shipwreck? ... because it failed spectacularly not long ago? This is kind of a déjà vu!
Two days ago a friend of mine was told by the developer of the Transformer theme that there are still some issues left to reach full compatibility, but he's dealing with it.
I'm sorry, but I cannot reproduce this error with TB.
@zimmer-media Versuch's mal hiermit: Try this file instead: 01501693461931order-address-advanced.tpl
OK, dann eben auf Deutsch! ? Überprüf' mal, ob die order-address-advanced.tpl im Update 1.0.2 identisch ist mit der im Shop. Check if the file order-address-advanced.tpl is exactly the same in shop and upgrade 1.0.2.
Did you include or exclude the theme when upgrading?
@marci123 Oh, sie kann die Posts jederzeit wieder reaktivieren. ? Und ...natürlich ist es wurscht! Die Dummheit, jemanden dazu aufzufordern, seine Posts zu löschen, lag mir jedenfalls absolut fern. Das habe ich auch nicht so geschrieben. Ich wollte lediglich darauf aufmerksam machen, dass es nicht sinnvoll ist, sprachbezogene Unterforen aufzumachen und sich dann selbst nicht dran zu halten. Da im Moment die Anzahl der Beiträge sowieso noch sehr überschaubar ist, halte ich persönlich diesen Split für verfrüht und würde es begrüßen, wenn alles wieder in einem Forum zusammengeführt wird. Denn mich stören unterschiedliche Sprachen in einem Topic überhaupt nicht, wenn es um die Sache geht. Da es eine amerikanische Software ist, werden die meisten Diskussionen wohl auch weiterhin auf Englisch geführt. Ich bin wirklich der letzte, der damit ein Problem hat.
Does the same error appear when you switch to OPC?
Did you clear the cache? I know this error, but currently cannot recall the reason for this.
Hey @alwayspaws, bitte versteh mich jetzt nicht falsch, denn ich weiß deine Posts wirklich zu schätzen und bin mir auch nicht sicher, ob diese Aufspaltung in nationale Unterforen bei einem so jungen Forum überhaupt angebracht ist. Aber das hier ist das deutsche Forum. Um einen Sprachmix (der ja durchaus reizvoll sein kann) zu vermeiden, schlage ich vor, immer die Sprache des Forums zu benutzen. Wäre das ok für dich? Denn es scheint ja, dass du die (deutschsparchigen) Beiträge gelesen und verstanden hast ... Nur meine unmaßgebliche Meinung! Ich bin nicht der Moderator. (Was mich angeht, so ist mir das eigentlich schnuppe. Aber es muss ja wohl einen Grund geben ... oder ist diese Aufspaltung nur Nachahmung des PrestaShop- Forums? :D ) please don't get me wrong, but though I appreciate your posts and don't know if it makes sense at at all in such a young forum, it is a fact that the General Discussion has been divided into several subforums with a specific language. And this is the German forum. To avoid a language mix (despite this may be charming) I'd suggest to always use the language of the subforum. Would this be ok for you? I mean, it seems that you were able to read and understand the (German) posts ... Just my 2 cents, I'm not the moderator. (And as far as I'm concerned I don't give a damn --- but there must be a reason! Or was this split just an imitation of the PrestaShop forum? :D )
@zimmer-media https://heimtierbedarf-service.de Mal ganz auf die Schnelle: 1. Auf jeden Fall solltest du noch AEUC richtig kofigurieren, denn derzeit hat der Shop keinen für Deutschland ausreichenden rechtskonformen Checkout. So riskiert Euer Kunde eine Abmahnung, und die kann er Euch dann in Rechnung stellen. ;) 2. Außerdem empfiehlt es sich, das Anzeigefenster für in den Warenkorb gelegte Artikel entweder zu deaktivieren oder einzudeutschen. 3. Auch der Warenkorb heißt immer noch "Cart". 4. Einen Shop, in dem die Bilder der Unterkategorien fehlen (bzw. nicht angezeigt werden), würde ich noch nicht online stellen. 5. Die Schriftgröße für den Kategorienamen ist zu groß. H3 mit 23px erscheint mir doch ein bisschen sehr üppig. Denn ist der Kategoriename länger als 18 Zeichen (und, wie aktuell, kein Truncate für die Smarty-Variable definiert), dann ragt er in der Kachelansicht über die Kachel hinaus, zumal noch ein linker, aber kein rechter Innenrand definiert ist. Das sieht sehr unprofessionell aus.
Not at all, feel free to do so. But in this case you should mention that the update safe way to implement such changes is always an override of the standard behavior and not a direct core change. The modified informations.tpl should be created as /override/controllers/admin/templates/products/informations.tpl
I can confirm that this works like a charm because we used this already with PS 1.5. But sometimes we needed to deal with just the opposite, because we didn't want every new entry to show up in frontend. So we backdated the products via date_add and for the remaining new products "abused" the database field upc. Every entry > 0 serves as condition in blocknewproducts to display a product (or not). This is helpful, if you have many new products, but don't want them all in your shop's frontend and want only a choice of them displayed.
When you ordered more than one product of a kind, the product total price in the products section of the invoice doesn't change and still displays the unit price in release 1.0.2. I solved this bug at Github: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/pull/329
Bug in EU Advanced Compliance with shipping taxes?
Occam replied to 30knees's topic in EU Compliance
Yes, but it's not an easy way. Or use a module like Presta plus. Not really cheap, but solid in programming and very useful. Works with thirty bees. -
Bug in EU Advanced Compliance with shipping taxes?
Occam replied to 30knees's topic in EU Compliance
Yep, just the default one. -
Bug in EU Advanced Compliance with shipping taxes?
Occam replied to 30knees's topic in EU Compliance
@30knees said in Bug in EU Advanced Compliance with shipping taxes?: @mdekker I think generally you're right, though in Germany the legal opinion is divided whether displaying the shipping costs directly before the "Buy now" step is enough or whether you need to show them also before. However, something else to take into consideration is that the link "Shipping excluded" (which should be changed to "plus shipping") next to the price on the product page leads to the shipping cost overview page. I don't think listing net shipping costs and explaining that the total will depend on a proportionate calculation makes sense. At least in Germany in my opinion it should be ok when you show the exact shipping costs during the checkout process, because AEUC provides the link to shipping costs near every product price. You can avoid this irritating "free shipping" in the cart (as long as the shipping costs can not be calculated) by adding a boolean condition to hide this display when $is_logged is not true. @mdekker There seems to be another bug in the proportianate taxes for shipping. If you have mixed taxes in the order and the quantity of products with the lower amount is greater than 1 the proportionate tax on shipping is the same as for the other tax rate, but negative. And btw there are problems with the invoice, too: 1. If you entered a base price for at least one of the products, instead of tax label/tax rates the base price is shown. But this should not be considered as alternative. {if isset($layout.before_discount)} <th class="product header small" width="{$layout.unit_price_tax_excl.width}%">{l s='Base price' pdf='true'} <br /> {l s='(Tax excl.)' pdf='true'}</th> {/if} 2. The variable $order_detail.total_price_tax_excl_including_ecotax contains the same as $order_detail.unit_price_tax_excl_before_specific_price. It's not the total amount! -
Shipping fees wrong computed with enabled AdvancedEUCommpliance
Occam replied to Occam's question in Bug Reports
This should solve the bug: Bugfix shipping fees wrong displayed in Checkout and Invoice -
Shipping fees wrong computed with enabled AdvancedEUCommpliance
Occam posted a question in Bug Reports
Follow this Link: Bug in EU Advanced Compliance with shipping taxes? Reported already at Github by @30knees: Tax & shipping fee calculation bug in AEUC