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Everything posted by nickon

  1. nickon


    @MockoB Give crowdin a try. Trust me it's worth it. I managed to get Greek from 82% to 91% in no time and the tools it has are also great. For downloading /Localization issues I still beleave this forum is the best option. But for translation Growdin is the best thing I have ever seen. If a localization forum is created a sticked post with basic direction would solve all your issues. Also I have suggested that the installer could manage many localization proccess eg if I install a Greek eshop, the installer could download the latest language and handle all other localization setting like taxes/ timesetting etc. As I said there are many thing to do. Let's all help
  2. nickon


    @MockoB I also never used crowdin before but I must say that it is super. I used my google+ account to sing in in less then 1 minute. Other than that I agree totally with you (that's why I posted this), but you have to understand that this is a young project and many things still need to be sorted out. For now I am sure that the hands are not enough to handle of off tasks. This is a huge project. The good thing here is that both @mdekker and @lesley are listening and I am sure they will do everything in their power to move forward. Please have in mind that this is v1. many things will need to get fixed. I have 3 eshop myself but I am going to wait a bit before putting TB live Nick
  3. nickon


    Most people (non tech anyway) would ask "What is crowdin" and would get lost. I think that most users when they are looking for a translation, but also for country specific settings (German law seems a mess :-)) they would go to the websites forum to ask for help. Simple questions like ""How do I change Greek tax" for example would make sense in the forum. There will be for sure issues come up issues that are country specific eg with german ebay and amazon or Greeks who want to add their shops to skroutz.gr. So IMO I think it would help.
  4. nickon


    Hi all, Since I started the Greek translation, I was wondering why doesn't the forum has a specific category for this. This would make it easy if someone is searching for a specific language and/or settings. There could be a general Localization categoryfor all languages and for the most popular languages a seperate sub-cat (eg. German) Nick
  5. When that many categories exist in the same level (almost) everything you do will be difficult to deal with. IMO in these cases vertical is not the way to go. It is much better to go horizontal. Take a look for example at http://nemops.com/prestashop-17-alphabetical-manufacturers/#.WK01fvLQC70 where nemo deals with manufactors. If this was my site and I had @mdekker to code for me I would place a 100% horizontal bar with the first letter only like nemo has for manufcators and when the user clicks on the letter the submenu would open. This would display only the first letter of the EXISTIING categories to save space.So if you have a few categories beginning with the same letter then a 1/4 or 2/4 block would be ok. Otherwise put the 100% categories bar at the end let it open when you click on the letter.
  6. ap_funiture. but the button section is the same as the default theme
  7. @wakabayashi Since you seem to know about themes could you help place a "more" button instead of blank ?
  8. Hi all, A very annoying issue with PS is that if you have attributes enabled and want to force the user to go to the product page so he can select them you have two options: 1. Leave as it is by default. In this case in the product list page (and all pages that rely on that) the "add to cart" button is displayed. This IMO is wrong because this defeats the attributes purpose all together. 2. Disable the button from the BO. Then no button is shown at all for the products in the product list with attributes. This IMO is also wrong as the user doesn't understand that a) the product has attributes he has to select b) it can confuse the user as for the product that have attributes there is no button at all, but for products without attributes the "add to cart" button is disblayed given the impression that the product is out of stock. This could be easyaly fixed but simple adding the "more" button instead of nothing. I guess this is more of a template isssue. Is this the same in TB ? Is it that hard to add ? Man... I can't wait for the migration tool to be finished so I can migrade my shops. There a issues like this that are too time consuming Nick
  9. nickon

    New Forum?

    Please add a link to the original site. IMO you should keep a yellow header with links to both the original site aswell as the github etc
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