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Everything posted by nickon
@wakabayashi It does not have to be money. But a badge or a banner or promote a paid module does not cost anything. For you @datakick or @SLiCK_303 it may seem unnesserey but for others it may mean something. You have to motivate ppl
@slick_303 yes I know but if a developer helps TB then the nice thing from TB's site is to say thank you and give something back (that's why I suggested pizza and beer, everybody loves pizza and beer :-))
@lesley A banner in the TB marketplace for his paid module, a banner in the homepage, a contributer badge, a beer, a pizza you deside :-)
@lesley and no success ? @datakick came to mind when seeing review module feature request. You could use that and close that feature and give to @datakick something back. Same applied to @wakabayashi or @SLiCK_303. If someone creates a module that is on the feature list
@lesley Since I can't seem to shut up... :-) What about giving developers motive to create TB modules. Depending on how complicated the module is you could offer discount on the marketplace, but banners on the site etc. This can also apply for marketeers. If a marketeer offers good help to TB put a banner for their other services, or provide commision on the product or service sold. Just saying....
@traumflug You have a "feauture request page" for that. IMO versioning is not the problem. Feauteres are also not the problem (I am not a developer ) But most of those feautures exist in prestashop via modules. Keep the core clean and let the merchant choose the modules he needs by downloads. That way you keep compatability at a max with ps and can easely find if a module is causing the problem
@yaniv14 and can you point me to the place that says "we the users expect micheal and lesley to be always availble 24/7 to fix bugs?" But putting a note out or a tweet (twitter is silent from January) to inform the community that someone has to take some time off is also not a bad idea. If one complains than that is his problem, if many complain than that's TB problem. All problems can be resolved by communication but need addressed in any case. That what leading means. I have already suggested to create task teams. Anyway. For a user that doesn't use TB I talk to much. But I like TB, @lesley and @mdekker too much to shut up
@yaniv14 if @mdekker (or anyone else for that matter) posted a reply saying "i can give priority in fixing the problems you have with xxxxx amount of money" then you would be correct. But both are apsent. So when you have a problem and no developers reply then you get frustrated
@MockoB No the problem is not the bugs. Nobody can DEMAND free support from a free project. If you choose a free plaform nothing is quaranteed. If support is crusial to the merchants then you pay to fix it or find a payed platform like shoppify or 3dcart The problem here is the lack of communication, I guess that @zimmer-media main frustration is that nobody helps. It is the silence of @mdekker that causes the "problem". So we will have to wait and see what happens
@rubben1985 said in I will say goodbye: @nickon said in I will say goodbye: @MockoB Totally agree. I don't use PayPal in any of my (PS) shops but even in PS PayPal seems to be problematic. I suggest @zimmer-media to buy a module instead of setting the whole shop again. As for the rest we have talked about it on other topics. Funny thing is I did some research online yesterday to get to know PS 1.7 and see if it really is that bad. I did not find a single good review in the 2 hours I spend. TB has a future but the team has to change things around NOW Hi @nickon Are PS marketplace Paypal modules compatible with TB? I just migrated to TB after 9 months (lack of time) to see PayPal present problems. I know most of modules are compatible but seeing that TB developed his own instead of using the official one for PS, makes me wonder if there is some kind of incompatibility. IF they are compatible, they are not expensive. https://addons.prestashop.com/en/482-payment-card-wallet?pab=1& I guess some on those should work. But I don't use paypal to know more. I used paypal for a short amount of time (the paid one) and had nothing but problems. Since paypal is not that popular in greece I removed it
@rubben1985 said in I will say goodbye: @nickon said in I will say goodbye: @MockoB Totally agree. I don't use PayPal in any of my (PS) shops but even in PS PayPal seems to be problematic. I suggest @zimmer-media to buy a module instead of setting the whole shop again. As for the rest we have talked about it on other topics. Funny thing is I did some research online yesterday to get to know PS 1.7 and see if it really is that bad. I did not find a single good review in the 2 hours I spend. TB has a future but the team has to change things around NOW Hi @nickon Are PS marketplace Paypal modules compatible with TB? I just migrated to TB after 9 months (lack of time) to see PayPal present problems. I know most of modules are compatible but seeing that TB developed his own instead of using the official one for PS, makes me wonder if there is some kind of incompatibility. IF they are compatible, they are not expensive. Another question is that only 1 short comment from only 1 of TB creators is not normal for this type of """crisis""". Makes me wonder too....
@rubben1985 That may cause confusion. eg. if we have both 1.0.3 and you have the one with the fixed bug and I find the bug how would anyone know that it is fixed. The solution is simple IMO. If the bug is in the module release an updated version of the module if the bug is in the core then release a -1 release eg 1.0.3-1. This is common in most open source project and with regular relaases would increase trust
@zimmer-media The problem is not the number of developers. (PS has 6 active devs working on the core I read yesterday) The problem is that TB is led by 1 man at it's best considering both @lesley and @mdekker don;t work full time on this. I understand that both have to make a living and TB is not making enough money (I bet they are loosing money on this) and this is normal for a project that young. I see ppl carring but that alone is not enough. Besides the communication gab I already have talked about I notest yesterday that there isn't even a developers topic in this forum. Not all ppl can/want to mess with github. So why isn't there a dedicated developers forum where ppl can talk about the internals of TB or submit code or ideas to improve TB. There should be one with a todo list and a clear roadmap for 1.0.xx . When this is all fixed and stable THEN we can talk about 1.1 as @rubben1985 correctly stated. These couple of days this forum has proven that there are ppl carring about TB but if @lesley and @mdekker don't care or if it's too big for them let's admit that it was nice while it lasted and call it a day. There need to be changes and fast
@MockoB Tottaly agree. I don't use paypal in any of my (PS) shops but even in PS paypal seems to be problematic. I suggest @zimmer-media to buy a module instead of setting the whole shop again. As for the rest we have talked about it on other topics. Funny thing is I did some research online yesterday to get to know PS 1.7 and see if it realy is that bad. I did not find a single good review in the 2 hours I spend. TB has a future but the team has to change things around NOW
These are all good ideas. Let's see how/if @lesley or @mdekker will follow one of these
@wakabayashi that is together with customaziation and support. Mostly done by me
@wakabayashi He was talking about 2000 & 5000€ did I understand wrong?
@traumflug l myself am such a small website the prices i have payed so far are not even close to That. So far I have spend not more than 300€including shipping and payment modules and some custom coding
An other big opportunity is the GDPR. From what I have read from the ps forums, ps has not totally figured out how to do this. they are talking about modules etc but it seems to me a half solution. @lesley has said that all this is implentended in 1.0.4. Since the GDPR will start at may. It is a great selling point to have european merchants covered by TB while is PS is not sure. But then we need the migrator.... damn!
Hi, Let's face the truth. TB can not make money at this time. This is a hard fact. Not because it is not good but it just too young. And money should not be the goal right now anyway. Bringing ppl onboard should be. Asking for ppl money is difficult for a product that has not all things in place yet. So think out of the box. I have said it before and I will say it again. There is big communication gab here. @lesley and @mdekker are not too open to the community. Talk to the community. Use a twitter account and just say a goodmoring. Developers are commiting code and deleted with no explanation. The explanation came later on this forum as not fit. It is OK for a code not to be fit but why did the guy not know it during the rejection? Too much emphasis is giving as a ps fork. Currenty TB has stopped because the migration module need to be recoded. Not all merchant will need to upgrade from ps. Some just need a good platfrom. TB is a good platform. Put 1.0.4 out and state with big bold letters that this version is only for new eshops. You will win time with this, ppl will start using it reporting bug etc. When the migration tool is ready release a minor version with all fixes and mirgrator included. The migration module and other modules: Just ask for help from ppl that care. Even one line of code would help the module finish quicker. Create task: @lesley create task. Big and small. Let anyone who can help, help. Not every improvment needs to be in the core. Create small or big modules. Or let the community create them. I hear ppl need a better OPC page. This can be a module. I am sure that some merchants will put a donantion in for such a module. Ask the community what it needs. Editing orders in the BO? Great! maybe someone can code it someone may donate. Most modules should also work on PS. Let the developer or TB charge for that change. If ppl can't donate money let them donate time. The less time @lesley or @mdekker spend on secondary task the more time they will have for the core or other things that need to be done with tb. Just my 2c
@rubben1985 I agree on most things but having this problem myself (lack of marketing) I can understand the devs here. You need money to have a good marketing expert and TB can't affort that (I think) at the moment. Sometimes you need to hear things the hard way to get to realize what you are doing wrong. I posted a few thoughts myself on an other topic. Both @lesley and @mdekker (and users) need to be understand that a project like this can take years before you can live from it and hang on to it. Depending just on shop owners is a bit slow. An other way it to find funding (I think PS did it that way) But to do that you at least need to have regular updates. It will take a while before TB gets it's own place it the e-commerce planet as a product. I understand that TB started as PS done the right way but at some point it has to cut loose
The problem is that tb is to small ATM. Two people working on the core is not enough. In order to get more developers tb has to grow. For tb to grow it needs more shops. Consider what most merchants need: 1. Free. Yes anyone who can save on setting up a store will consider that 2. An easy to use and maintain shop. TB has inherented both a good and bad legacy from PS. To me little things like editing an order in the BO or mass editing is something realy missing 3. Fast. I think tb has done a good job already on that. 4. Support. These forums are already great on doing so. 5. Active community. Considering the size of tb this is already very good. Look at @SLiCK_303 , @datakick , @wakabayashi These are users putting in time and developing FREE modules that are way better even for old similar paid modules from the PS shop. 6. Communication with the users. This is lacking IMO. @lesley and @mdekker are not communicating enough with the community. Asking for help from the community is also not bad. We need to hear from @lesley and @mdekker both for minor things (eg I need to take some time of the work on my companys site) or bigger things (eg fixes in the migrator / updater). Why is it for example not asked from the community to help publicly I mean. Sometimes a tweet would be enough. And why is the migrator such a big deal? What If I am setting up a new shop and don't need the mirgator? And the money? Most open source projects do not make money from selling products. They make money from support and customization. But to have this you need to have the 1 to 6 points above. Also I think that some moves where wrong eg. the elastics module. although a great idea and a good module I doubt many are going to use it. It is just too overkill. The same (or less ) money could be used to develop a better OPC module or a payment module. or fix the migration module considering the time spend by @mdekker. People are talking about patrions. I think 19 are not that bad considering the size of TB. For more patrions you need more users. IMO opinion TB should target the small /medium retailers. That's what PS was good at. I could go on but this is already a long post. Sorry :-)
Thanks @datakick nice tip. But what is the direct url to the list ?
@Pedalman I can't use a module for that. I need the query because the erp system will execute it on the db to get the data it needs. I already found this: SELECT d.idorder, os.name AS tila, d.productname, d.productreference, d.productprice, d.productquantity, o.payment, o.dateupd, g.lastname, g.firstname, g.idcustomer, ad.address1, ad.address2, ad.postcode, ad.city, ad.other, ad.phone, ad.phonemobile, ai.address1, ai.address2, ai.postcode, ai.city, ai.other, ai.phone, ai.phonemobile, g.email FROM psorderdetail d LEFT JOIN psorders o ON (d.idorder = o.idorder) LEFT JOIN psaddress ad ON (o.idaddressdelivery = ad.idaddress) LEFT JOIN psaddress ai ON (o.idaddressinvoice = ai.idaddress) LEFT JOIN psstockavailable s ON (d.productid = s.idproduct) LEFT JOIN pscustomer g ON (o.idcustomer = g.idcustomer) LEFT JOIN psgrouplang gl ON (g.iddefaultgroup = gl.idgroup) AND gl.name LIKE 'piiri%' LEFT JOIN psorderstatelang os ON (o.currentstate = os.idorderstate) WHERE os.id_lang = 1 But it is missing some data. I am sure @datakick knows more on this What I basicly need is all data that is displayed in the Backoffice on the order detail page
@mdekker hi, So after a lot of digging I found what needs to be exported from the database. Question is how do I export it? Is there a query command to export all order data (eg what is displayed in the BO in the order detail) Should something else be used ? Kind Regards Nick