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Everything posted by nickon

  1. Hi, I just finished updating our site to transformer theme. I would like to know if it possible to hide products that don;t have an image on the frontpage not the other pages. Is this theme specific? Do we need an override ?
  2. @mdekker My moto is "don't fix it if it;s not broken" I have made quite a few modifications trying to fix some issues with 1.6.0.x with a lot of help from nemo. The main issue was to make the site more mobile friendly. So I got the transformer theme. I did a test update and the issue I was having was (maybe a cookie issue) that random points it would not log me in or out. So I asked myself "what will I gain and what will I loose?" I would loose a lot of time testing/bugfixing and I would (maybe) gain a bit of speed that together with potential new problems made me deside to not loose my time and wait for my server to be ready for tb. That is something that is worth my time.
  3. @mak that is a problem that will always be there. No one is quarantee you that they will support it for ps 1.8 or 1.9 or... I am currently on 1.6.0.xx and I am not willing to upgrade to 1.6.1 because with ps you will never know what will break As soon as my hosting server upgrades my mysql I am moving to tb. I am sure as soon as tb has the userbase everybody will be supporting it.
  4. nickon

    ERP Systems

    Do you have something specific in mind that I should ask?
  5. nickon

    ERP Systems

    @mdekker , I think not :-) Pylon (as the program is called) is a windows based program that is based on the Greek tax system that (altough improved the last years) is a big mess. If I should recommend it then a whole new set of issues arise such as installing, training, support etc. Anyone who is living in Greece and wants to give it a try I could get him the contact information and to some testing. All I know at this point is that it is connected to PS (whatever that means). So it would be easy to make it play with tb 1.0.xx
  6. I had to buy onepagecheck module from the the ps shop in order to improve things. Although I don't use it yet as I am trying to make transformer theme to work as I need. I have yet to find out what the impact (in conversion) it will have.
  7. nickon

    ERP Systems

    @wakabayashi if you where is Greece we could make somthing work :-) A friend sells an erp system that connects to ps. So tb would not be an issue.But as I said that for here in Greece .Don't know if there is an international support for it
  8. @30knees Sounds easier that it is. I think @mdekker had mention that the whole structure must change in the core for this to happen. But I agree that the checkout process is quite important and ps/tb are far far from perfect
  9. the tranformer theme although uses the same layout, looks quite good on mobile
  10. @DaoKakao Thats exaclty what I also did. I tried cs-cart for a few days but found it to difficult to use. The only thing that I realy liked about it was the mass editiing and the flexebility of the checkout. But as you said I too am to lazy to learn something new :-)
  11. As I said I never touched magento neigher am I an expert on this topic. At some point I guess @lesley who is an expert on this will write some articles about this
  12. At some point I will have to make the choise to eighter stay with this -decent secure- server. or move to something bigger and faster. Not realy thought about it before to be honest. Atm I have 15GB storage 4GB ram (shared I think) unlimited traffic,emails etc. It was a good time to mirgrate to tb (and was really exited about it) but after that failed I desided to do the best I can with ps (for now) and move to transformer theme. And by the amount of work I am putting in this theme to make the transision I am terrified of what might happened if I switched platform also :-)
  13. I asked if we could upgrade the mysql server and since this is on a shared vpn that this option is not available atm
  14. hey @mdekker https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/634/migration-from-1-6-failed/28 remeber :-) no option to update mysql to a newer version :-(
  15. @wakabayashi because tb does not want to play with my server. There is an mysql issue. :-(
  16. @wakabayashi Metadata. (don''t ask me what exactly) They told me that magento stores that data in a better way and google can access it better and get better data. As I said I am not that technical :-) A comparsion of tb and magento would be nice at some point Me, I am creating a wordpress site in a subfolder and start blogging :-)
  17. @wakabayashi I also disagree with you :-) Customers will have to find you first. To find you, you must rank in google (or pay ads). To rank in google you will have to give google what it wants. Google needs good metadata. Magento (they say, I have not even touch it) gives google better data. Sure you can take care of links write artciles etc but image you have 10.000 products that change every few days. That;s not easy to handle manually. But I am not that technical. I haven't compared tb(ps) to magento on that level. I am sure @lesley is an expert on this. I am very exited to see what we will read https://thirtybees.com/guides/ on these issues
  18. Funny this came up today. Yesterday I was trying to convince a fiend to setup an eshop with tb, but as soon as I mentioned that it was a clone of ps I got a big fat no. He insisted to use magento because it handeled seo much better. As I have never tried magento I was going to ask someone here on what their opinion is.
  19. bummer. @lesley on a small local provider. I will ask him if he can do something about it
  20. With fresh install : Cannot convert database data to utf-8 (DbPDO)
  21. i will try a clean installed the next few days and see how that goes. Still the migrator should prevent that from happening. eg check for old databases or php versions
  22. 5.6.29
  23. mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503
  24. should be 5.6. let me check
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