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Everything posted by nickon
File marketing/2.9.0.zip (size: 36944881) has been skipped during backup. File marketing/vendor/lightsaml/lightsaml/resources/sample/EntitiesDescriptor/ukfederation-metadata.xml (size: 21805988) has been skipped during backup. File themes/shop-new.zip (size: 23379503) has been skipped during backup. SQL 1115 in CREATE TABLE ps_module_carrier ( id_module INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, id_shop INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', id_reference INT(11) NOT NULL ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4unicodeci: Unknown character set: 'utf8mb4' SQL 1115 in CREATE TABLE ps_redis_servers ( id_redis_server INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTOINCREMENT, ip VARCHAR(46) NOT NULL, port INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, auth TEXT, db INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id_redis_server) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4unicodeci: Unknown character set: 'utf8mb4' SQL 1115 in CREATE TABLE ps_currency_module ( id_currency INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, id_module INT(11) UNSIGNED ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4unicodeci: Unknown character set: 'utf8mb4' SQL 1115 in CREATE TABLE ps_page_cache ( id_page_cache INT(11) UNSIGNED AUTOINCREMENT, cache_hash VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, id_currency INT(11) UNSIGNED, id_language INT(11) UNSIGNED, id_country INT(11) UNSIGNED, id_shop INT(11) UNSIGNED, cache TEXT NOT NULL, cache_size INT(10) UNSIGNED, entity_type VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, id_entity INT(11) UNSIGNED, UNIQUE KEY cache_combo (cache_hash, id_currency, id_language, id_country, id_shop), PRIMARY KEY (id_page_cache), INDEX (cache_hash), INDEX (id_currency), INDEX (id_language), INDEX (id_country), INDEX (id_shop), INDEX (id_entity), INDEX (entity_type) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4unicodeci: Unknown character set: 'utf8mb4' Warning detected during upgrade.
OK. that went bad LOL. During upgrading I got some error messages (can post them if needed) But after that I get an error 500 both in the font and backoffice. Enableling debug shows this error: Fatal error: Cannot access protected property Shop::$idshop /httpdocs/testing/Adapter/AdapterEntityMapper.php on line 103
Hi @lesley . No space issues. But that is an lampp installation so anything may go wrong :-) I am doing a migration ATM on an online server. Seems to be working.
@mdekker 01501619213024thirtybees-v1.0.1.zip
@mdekker will do as soon as I get home. btw should I wait for 1.0.3 ?
Also keep in mind that it seems to download it normaly. One feature(?) is that I should be allowed to put the files in the dir manually
hI @mdekker. Nice To see you. No firewall here.
Hi all, At last I am migrading a site of a client of mine to thirtybees. But when I run the migration module I ge Archives will come from https://api.thirtybees.com/migration/packs/thirtybees-v1.0.1.zip and https://api.thirtybees.com/migration/packs/thirtybees-extra-v1.0.1.zip md5 hashes for core and extra should be resp. 384da5ef55a0d11a74ac335a177b06b6 and ce3a43d9e7cafb46e62d4bba3583a039 Directory tests complete. Downloading from https://api.thirtybees.com/migration/packs/thirtybees-v1.0.1.zip and https://api.thirtybees.com/migration/packs/thirtybees-extra-v1.0.1.zip false Download directory has been cleared Download complete but the md5 sum of the core package does not match (a76e0f1233a1c2b98640d1d46fd5963e). First question is why is it trying to download 1.0.1 and not 1.0.2 ? Second why is it failing. This is a lammp installation on a linux machine. I tried manually copieing the file to the download dir but it ignores it and redownloads it. Any Ideas ? Kind Regards nick
You need conact the person that created the importer.
In the xml importer I am using the same rule applies. TB wan't the categories seperated by comma
@Havouza In the category line of the .csv try adding the category id's seperated with commas. eg. 2,12
@Havouza Hi, Go to the file you want to download, select view, and then raw. Copy and paste the file. That's the way I do it anyway
Assuming there is an xml I always pay a developer to create an import script for this. It's worth every penny. The time and effort for importing via csv is simply not worth my time + it's prone to errors.
@alwayspaws LOL
@lesley mayb a good idea would be: Create a roadmap where in between features could be added. (From the feature list that is on the main page or by asking to submit a new) Next to the features add an "I would like to help" field where someone could contact you for that specific feature. Then assign that to the person/team and let them work on that The same could be done for documentation and other things Just my 2c
@TobyMudito to me one of the main things missin atm is a roadmap.One of the (million things) @lesley and @mdekker should do is this
It is clear to me that if TB should live for a long time that it need to make money and hire some developers and/or other core members. This is going to take some time. @mdekker and @lesley should as ASAP outsource secondery things and help build teams. Translations teams, Bug Teams, Forum moderators, Document writers, etc so they can focus on more important things like making the core more stable and setting up the store
I also agree that documentation is important (was looking for hours how to display variables) But I don't know if it's worth for 1.0.xx since 1.1.xx will be quite different. I would prefer we focus on other thing atm. Store beeing one of them
Seems you bumbed into a bug:-) Reporting it would be the best option we have so @mdekker and @lesley can fix it
@kdziebaj there will always be country specific issues that no one else cares about. So these need to go into language specific forums. But it seems we are not at that point yet
You will have probably problems with subcat's. You have to asign a root cat
Hi, Did you enable "force ID" ?
@MockoB Fist of all this is not something I am asking. This is a general problem of PS (and TB since it is based on PS). Other carts like cs-cart let you customize the checkout fields anyway you like by adding or removing fields. So this is a missing feature mostly that impacts Greek merchants. This is not that big of a problem to implent. Adding two entries in the database and two fields in the BO is nothing special. Since TB is listeing to merchants it would be a real shame those two fields did not get added. The proccess I used from nemo is http://nemops.com/new-customer-address-fields-prestashop/#.WLPS8fGLQhc and as you can see it requires the addition for two entries in the database and the mofication of two files (and still use the gift button to tell the merchant that this an invoice). I myself have already solved this for myself and even when I switch to TB I could add them again. So this is basicly helping all Greek merchands that needs this. I could help with this if asked. But @mdekker and @lesley are those who deside what will happen. I am optimistic Nick
Hi all, In Greece one off the requirements is to issue an invoice for companies and a reciept for regural customers. There are two totally different things regarding the IRS. So when a company does some shopping it needs to get an invoice from the seller and on the other hand if you are not a company then you get an reciept. Adding to this you (as a seller) should ask from companies the VAT Office the company belongs to plus the company's activity. Over at prestashop merchands have found various ways to overcome this. mainly using the "gift button" translated as "ask for invoice" and asking the buyer to state the extra information (vat office and activity) in the comment section. On my shops I have added the extra fields to the database from a tutorial from nemo and also used the gift button to seperate the two papers. I have also hired a developer to modify my OPC to make it more to my likings (prestashop OPC suck bigtime) My question is is there any hope that this could be added to thirtybees somehow? Basicly what should be done is to add a reciept/invoice button and add the two strings to the database. Kind Regads nick