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Everything posted by datakick

  1. @pedalman I agree import functionality is really nice to have, and if there's a time I'll try to incorporate it
  2. it's not possible to disable mysql sql triggers. The only thing you can do is drop the trigger, perform update, and then recreate the trigger. Or maybe your trigger contains some conditional statement that checks global / session variable before it performs its logic. If the variable is set, the trigger does nothing. Something like this: IF @disable_triggers IS NULL THEN // Do something use as the trigger isn't disabled. END IF; if that's the case, you can: SET @disable_triggers = 1; UPDATE tb_product_shop SET price=wholesale_price*2.86 WHERE id_product > 9900001; SET @disable_triggers = NULL; If you trigger does not contain this, you really have go with drop trigger / update / create trigger route. In this case, I recommend to wrap the trigger body into conditional statement above
  3. @alwayspaws if you want to change default separator, you don't really have to modify form.tpl. Try change line #570 in /controllers/admin/AdminImportController.php you want to change the character at the end of the line, ie: $this->multiple_value_separator = ($separator = Tools::substr(strval(trim(Tools::getValue('multiple_value_separator'))), 0, 1)) ? $separator : '^';
  4. @foolab said in I'm going to create a free module: In my suggestion, I meant that questions are separated from reviews. than it should be a separate module - there isn't really any relation to reviews.
  5. @foolab said in I'm going to create a free module: I don't know if this can be too much, but... how about to enable guest/customers to ask public questions to reviewers? In this way, reviewers (and the shop owner) could reply creating more engagement and a knowledge base with useful content (SEO). Well, there is already a feature in my backlog for responses - merchants will be able to reply to reviews, and these will be visible to all visitors. But I don't plan follow-up questions/comments - max one reply per review, with no option to react on this reply. Would that be enough?
  6. @briljander said in I'm going to create a free module: ... an option to make the reviewcomments optional and only the review stars mandatory. Possible to leave answers on comments Both store and product reviews? Change style, color and size of stars Slider for frontpage Option to show reviews in tab or new block on product page Feature to report reviews with bad language for customers Disable comments Thank you confirmation email for leaving a review Status page where you can se all orders, sent 1st email, 2nd email, who has commented and also manually send new question about leaving a comment to filtered orders thanks for the suggestions. Most of these are already in my todo list, except for status page - maybe if there's enough time I could add it as well. @30knees said in I'm going to create a free module: Something I thought about: We get customers who write us their review by email. It would be nice to able to write a review as an admin and -- associate it with a customer OR -- associate with the admin BUT be able to specify the initials/name that gets shown (my preference, as not all customers will be in the shop, eg if they order through a different platworm...best would be a combination of both) @datakick Happy to hear it'll be integrated with your module. :-) sure thing. Manually add/edit reviews from back-office will definitely be there. @gonssal said in I'm going to create a free module: I don't know about functionality, but I think if technically possible you should consider using the actual core module as a base and work on it, making current users able to update to the new version without losing data. I would like to keep this new module compatible with prestashop 1.6, and I'm afraid that would not be possible if I forked tb native module. Maybe I'm wrong. Anyway, I could create a migration script to copy data from native module to this new one. That should be fairly simple. Thank you all for your ideas, my todo list is getting bigger and bigger :wink:
  7. @vincentdenkspel don't worry, I wouldn't miss the chance to integrate this with my module :) All main functionality will be supported, including import, export, and scheduling (to automatically send review request)
  8. @30knees thanks for your input. I like all the ideas, except for loyalty points - this one should really be handled separately, as @wakabayashi suggested in his post. We could maybe extend loyalty module, or create a brand new one that would handle business logic of loyalty points more generally.
  9. @lesley said in I'm going to create a free module: One thing I think might be helpful is to hook a view to the product page where reviews for specific products can be handled in the back office on the product page. I'm not sure I understand this, could you please elaborate? For the review snippets can you make your module hook into our json module and provide the snippets that way Sure, that makes sense. I looked at the json module and I couldn't find any hook point, though. It seems there are only two supported review modules - yotpo and tb native one - and there's no way to dynamically register a new review module. But we can solve this later, I'll contact you personally once I'll get to this task.
  10. Hello everyone, and happy new year! Thank you all for voting. The poll has ended and we have the winner - Product Reviews module. I will start working on this on Monday - so now's the time for you to let me know what functionality should definitely be there.
  11. @b_otho yeah, sure, quite easily. My module let you create list of (almost) any data in your system. Columns can contain expressions, similar to excel formulas. For examle you can replace string, perform mathematical operation, etc... So basically you can get the data out in any format you need. Once you have a list, you can export it to csv manually, schedule it to generate csv file periodically, or even create endpoint (url) that, when accessed, will return up-to-date csv file. I have prepared a short youtube video that shows how to create list and split product name to two columns. youtube video The module is paid, but there's a 14 day trial period, so feel free to test it out. And shoot me an email if you need any help
  12. @b_otho said in Add extra field to product selection in admin orders: I see your point. The only reason I’m not writing it as “artist - album name” is because I need to be able to export csv files with the two fields in their own columns. Otherwise it would make my life so much easier also with friendly urls, how it appears on invoices etc… If this is the only reason then I believe the best you could do is to either modify csv export to output name as two columns use a module that can do this split during export automatically (wink wink, shameless plug)
  13. @alwayspaws if you want to change your vote just let me know, I'll update the poll manually. BTW, the poll is configured to allow one vote per day, so you may simple vote again tommorow.
  14. @30knees thanks for the suggestions. A cryptocurrency module sounds interesting, definitely something I'd be interested in. I'm afraid Amazon integration would be too much to finish in 2 weeks. I'm actually planning to add this integration to my DataKick module, once the import functionality is stabilized and bug-free. Probably 2018/Q2
  15. So far it's neck-to-neck between Product Reviews and Product Customization module. I'm a little bit surprised that review modules is so requested, given that there are already few free review modules available, including 30bz's own productcomments. I guess that the you guys want something more advanced?
  16. @wakabayashi it would be even simpler. The third-party module would simply tell what events it can emit, and then trigger these events when they atually happen. How many loyalty points this event will generate to the end user, if any, will depend on configuration of reward module itself. Merchant could say that review events are worth 100 points whereas referral events would be ignored.
  17. @wakabayashi said in I'm going to create a free module: I hope that is technically possible!? yes, this can be easily done. The bigger problem would be to make the owners of these third-party modules to support our module.
  18. @vincentdenkspel said in I'm going to create a free module: Maybe it is a good idea to add 'review module' and 'reward module' instead of 'points of review module' all right, I'll split this to two ideas
  19. @wakabayashi that does makes sense. Well, at the moment I'm just collecting ideas and votes. Once the winner is decided, I'll brainstorm the idea with the community, and I'm sure collectively we will agree on the module scope, functionality etc.
  20. @wakabayashi that's actually someone else's suggestion. I guess it means product review module + some mechanism to ask customers for review in exchange for store credit / voucher - either as part of checkout process, or via email or in customer's section.
  21. @slick_303 said in I'm going to create a free module: Great idea, thanks for your time in advance. Thanks, but the idea wasn't mine - I've shamelessly repurposed thirtybee's crowdsourcing idea :)
  22. Hi guys, it's the end of year and I've decided to contribute a little bit more to the opensource community. So I will start next year by creating a free thirtybee module. Of course, I would like to create something that people actually use. In order to do so, I need your help to decide what module to develop - just go this poll and either vote for existing idea, or suggest your own. I will start working on the winning idea at the start of the year. I plan to spend ~14 days developing the module. That's plenty of time to create something cool. And hopefully useful. The question is - what? Petr
  23. @30knees said in DataKick and Google Merchant with Combinations: I'd just like to re-state how fantastic @datakick's customer support is. The tool is also incredibly powerful. You can use it as a bulk editing, too, too. It's highly recommended. One of the few exceptionally well-done modules out there. Thank you @30knees , I really appreciate the shout-out
  24. just FYI, i've just released a new version that fixes the collate problem.
  25. Thanks @30knees I'd like to add one more think - during investigation I found out that there is a problem with database collations. This issue cause some sql to throw exception (for example sql to retrieve data for gmc combinations template). I already have a fix for this problem, and I'll release it today / tomorrow as part of 2.1.0 release together with XML import.
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