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Everything posted by datakick

  1. @hubbobubbo you can map everything during import. You can also clean up data during import, if need be. I've just use this way to import yotpo reviews without any problems. Just ping me if you need any help setting up import. I can prepare import definition on my demo account, so you can have a look how it's done.
  2. @nickon there isn't one. You need to install my module, and create a new list from scratch. Or you can try it on my demo account
  3. @hubbobubbo thanks for letting me know. revws module is integrated with my data import/export module. So, if you can get your current review data into XML format (or CSV - you can transform it to XML using this tool, then you can easily use my module for import.
  4. Thanks @SLiCK_303 for investigation. I'll try to reproduce the problem on my side. I'm not sure if this is bug in the module, though. What tb version do you use?
  5. @hubbobubbo what review module do you use currently?
  6. @nickon you can install my module and create list that matches your criteria. Once you are satisfied, you can add &debug-mode=1 the the url and my module will tell you the query it used to retrieve the data. That could help you a bit.
  7. I've released version 1.0.5 added support for krona module ability to choose where you want to render review average (product extra / product buttons / nowhere) render review placeholder in product block if no review exits - you can use this to align block height for product with and without reviews some refactoring to make module migration easier
  8. @wakabayashi - singlestore... but I can't reproduce it anymore as well, so maybe that was just some glitch in the matrix :) Anyway, do you think it would be possible to pass action label and message during registration? At the moment only action key is passed, and user have to manually enter labels for all actions.
  9. @wakabayashi said in Planned Free Module: Loyalty Points: Have you already checked, if the hooks are working for you? I've just submitted integration with your module -- this version is still officially not released, I'd like to test it (and possibly extend) a little bit more. You can donwload this version from github if you wish to test it. I've encountered one problem - revws module registers 3 actions. They were all saved correctly to tb_genzo_krona_action table, but only the last action was saved to tb_genzo_krona_action_shop table. You should definitely check this issue.
  10. for example, this module looks promising and 30bz compliant
  11. @DRMasterChief I never said to handle this manually, that's even bigger waste of time. There are modules that can delete them automatically, you just need to setup cron task. With proper retention policy there will never be more than few hundred abandoned carts...
  12. @wakabayashi very nice module. I especially like how it's versatile. For example, use of coupon's template is really simple but powerfull idea... Some notes and improvements requests: - bug - link to settings on front / customer's account does not work - improvement - order state - it would be nice if we could choose multiple order statuses. Or maybe associate it with 'Consider the associated order as validated.' - bug - points for orders are displayed incorrectly / blank:
  13. @wakabayashi I can't use your release zip file to install the module. Problem is that the zip file contains folder with different name than the module itself (name contains version). It's ok when I renamed the folder and re-zipped it.
  14. I think it's really waste of your resources to battle this. You just can't stop these bots in generic way - not without significant risk of impacting your regular customers. And to try to fix each and every one of them is another extreme. Your time is much more valuable than few thousands rows in database these bots generates, or the bandwidh they consume. I would say that the best defense is to simply delete abandoned carts regularly. For annonymous visitors delete any cart that's older than few days. You will probably want to keep customer's carts a little big longer, say for few weeks, or even the months.
  15. @wakabayashi awesome job! I'll test it during the weekend, and add hooks to revws module asap.
  16. What you see on github is (usually) not current version of module. It is source code for upcoming version - release candidate. Look into Releases tab to see released version. You can, if you wish, download github repository, and build new version of module using newest code. (sometimes build is not necesseary, but only if repository itself is a valid tb module)
  17. Aren't these visits related to cronjob module? If you had this module installed in the past, it may have requested cron action to be performed by ps cron server. They usually triggers cron / visits your site once an hour. If you have uninstalled and deleted this module, these visits may be reported as pagenofound.
  18. @fkoko this is very similar to what facebook store modules should be doing, as facebook tab also includes iframe from your server. You might want to look what modules are available and what they offer. Maybe you will find one that emits product page in format you need.
  19. @generaal I've looked into slide captcha source code, and I didn't find any actual server-side check in there. It seems to me that this is client-side verification only, so bots that don't execute javascript won't be stopped by this at all... which is kind a weird, considering this module should be aimed to exactly these bots. I've actually tested this on your site - I didn't slide captcha, but I've manually removed 'display:none' and 'disabled' attributes from submit button (these were added by captcha javascript), and submitted form without problems. You can check in your back office if there's contact message from my email address. For bots, it's even easier. No javascript code was triggered, so submit button is very visible to them.
  20. Is it worth the trouble? I would just install some module to delete abandoned carts from database after some time period. Maybe set it up to delete carts of anonymous visitors only, so you can keep valuable data of your customers interests/buy intents.
  21. @Troy-Roberts sure, should be easy enough
  22. @troy-roberts it uses standard prestashop Mail::Send(...), so it will use whatever transport you have set up. In case it fails to send email there should be an entry in log with some informations, look into Advanced Parameters > Logs. It's usually due to missing email translation.
  23. @SLiCK_303 is it really responsibility of review module to auto log-in customer? I'm not sure, but I'd say this should be handled by module that generates the review link. You don't have to send visitors directly to product page. You can create some controller that will perform auto-login, and then redirect visitor to product page. Obviously, this is very sensitive topic, as it involves authentication
  24. @wakabayashi it's still under development. Unfortunately I haven't had much time to work on this lately as I'm very busy with freelance project right now. As I can't devote as much time as I would like, the progress is very slowly. The first version could be released in (maybe) 1 week. But no promises.
  25. new version 1.0.4 has been released that fixes this z-index bug
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