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Everything posted by datakick

  1. @wakabayashi yeah, there are so many tasks :) I'm actually running out of time I've reserver for this, so I'm focusing on remaining 2 big features - review request by email, and some integration with rewards/loyalty points module, so you guys could give your vouchers away :) I plan to develop this module further, though, just on much slower pace.
  2. @mockob: Is it possible the counter to link to the review page? sure, why not Why me as a guest am able to report abuse? And why the reported reviews are removed from the reviews section? I think it is better to be removed after administrator approval of the reported review. You can actually set up what to do when someone reports review. Default settings is that the review gets switched to unapproved state, and admin has to approve it again to show it. You can disable this behavior. But we still need some overview of reported reviews in back office, though. @wakabayashi @vincentdenkspel It dosen’t occur here. But I wonder, if there is any functionality behind. Thumbs go away, but I dont see any stats or something… You are right, this functionality is not finished yet. At the moment it just collects the stats, and you can use it to sort reviews. In the future I plan to show something like 2 people found this review helpful in review details, and also some stats in admin. Not a top priority now, though :) Thank you guys for spending your time testing this. I really appreciate all inputs!
  3. @mockob said in I'm going to create a free module: Hi, I just visited the demo site. On home page the new arrivals, there are two items with reviews. One of them has 1 review and when you enter the product page there are more than 1 review. The other product doesn't show any reviews but when you enter it there are 4 of them. Is it normal behavior? well, it's actually a caching bug. I'll have it fixed in next version, thanks for reporting it. @mockob said in I'm going to create a free module: And is it possible to exclude the email from the fields to fill when leaving a review? Nope, that's not supported. Logged-in customers doesn't have to enter their email, though. So it's probably not a big issue, especially for sites that won't allow guest reviews. @briljander said in I'm going to create a free module: I tried to add review in front office of demoshop from my Android mobile. Works good except that the stars are to wide for my 5,5" screen and that the stars doesn't change to yellow when clicking, only afterwards where the review is sent they are yellow. The stars size is already fixed in upcoming version. I'll have a look at the touch support
  4. I'm halfway through the ask for review by email functionality and it just doesn't seem right. This feature doest't really have much in common with the rest of the module. So I decided to drop this from the module :) Well, don't worry, it's going to be implemented. But as a separate module instead. From my perspective this is very similar to rewards / loyalty points we have discussed before. I think there should be a dedicated email automation module to handle tasks like remind customer about abandoned carts thank for placed orders remind customers about pending / unpaid order send happy birthday send review requests and any other flow or automation possible So I'll prepare this module as well, and add integration with review module. At the start this new module will be able to send only review requests, but I'm sure I'll find a way to implement other functionality as well.
  5. @wakabayashi it's probably somewhere in your spam folder. My logs shows that the emails were sent away, so the issue must be somewhere in the email infrastructure. My server uses sendmail without signature, so emails will very likely be marked as spam. Edit: I've just created review, used my gmail account address, and indeed the 'thank you' email was delivered to spam folder
  6. @wakabayashi yes, it works just fine. You can test it on my demo site: front back office emails are routed to public revws email address on mailinator Most common reason why email is not send is missing language template. Please check your Advanced parameters > logs to see if there's any error entry related to missing email templates (logging does not work if you have debug mode enabled, though) Also, since there are only english email templates, choose english as you preferred language for admin notification in revws settings:
  7. I've added another functionality. There's new section in customer account displaying all customers reviews, and also ask for review on recently purchased products. This will be the landing page for email review request (next task in my backlog). There's also an option for admin to quickly approve / reject directly from email. revws.zip
  8. @mockob it's actually quite easy to delete order - simply open order, and in page url replace vieworder to deleteorder
  9. TB uses google location services to help you determine if customer's address is valid or not. This might prevent you from sending your goods to non-existing address. I would say that's a good thing. In order for this to work, you need to get google api key and save it to Preferences > General > Google Maps API Key. Without api key this whole process is useless. If you are really that paranoid and think that google is out there to get you, you can always edit file /controllers/admin/AdminOrdersController.php . line ~ 400. :)
  10. the result of password_hash actually contains two parts - hash and salt. Salt is randomly generated each time you call this function, that's the reason why the result is different each time. In order to verify password, simply call function password_verify, with plain text password and a result of pasword_hash function: password_verify($plaintextPassword, $hashWithSalt) in other words, following expression will always return true: password_verify($plaintextPassword, password_hash($plaintextPassword, PASSWORD_BCRYPT))
  11. I don't believe that ttfb plays important part in google algorithm. They know that modern web is full of complicated javascript and they try their best to account for this. Google is able to index javascript generated content for a few year now. In order to do that, they have to simulate the browser rendering processes. They have to wait for all the blocking resources before they can render the page, all the external js and css and fonts, anything blocking. Trust me, they know exactly how long it takes for page to show some real content. And since this metric is what matters to people, it definitely matter to ranking algorithm.
  12. @baarssen said in Different flavors and combinations - best as one product or several?: @datakick do you know where to look for someone who can make a coloratribute like this: https://www.verfwinkel.nl/trimetal-ae-brillant-acryl.html any developer worth the name should be able to do something like this. Customization like this would require: custom attribute type - tb has dropdown list, radio buttons and color by default, you would probably need custom type. additional metadata on attribute value - attribute value would need to capture color and manufacturer (or category) information and obviously custom rendering, probably with some nice javascript to make the whole selection flow smooth and easy Now, to implement this would take time. If I were to do this, I'd estimate this to 8-10 hours of work, so it would cost you €400. Custom development is not cheap, people should remember that when they purchase overpriced modules ;) Contact me if you'd like to proceed with this - I'm available for freelance work.
  13. @30knees said in I'm going to create a free module: I’d be happy to help out here by writing the text and adding the variables. I don’t know enough about the formatting code to do that, though. Shall I take save each email template I write as a txt? sure, that would be great. There's html and txt templates in mail directory, so you can fill in txt versions. You can test it by switching your tb to send email in text format only.
  14. @troy-roberts well, that's really up to you. It's your custom implementation. The function will receive two parameters - customer first and last name, and it must return some string. The function above is not deterministic, it returns different string each time it's called. But you can easily modify it to use customer name to generate return in deterministic way. For example, instead of Math.random() you can calculate hashCode of customer's name and use it to find index in list. Note that for guest (not logged users), the fistname / lastname parameters will be empty.
  15. @troy-roberts said in I'm going to create a free module: The custom javascript option sounds like the ticket. Thanks much it's included in the lastest version. You can choose 'custom' display format, and then create function revwsFormatName(firstname, lastname). You can easily do it Preferences > Custom code
  16. @wakabayashi yes, my build script didn't included mail folder. Thanks for letting me know. here's a new version new version
  17. @wakabayashi said in I'm going to create a free module: Yeah E-Mail templates sucks a lot... :( They sure do. I'm thinking about using mjml framework to generate html markup from mjml markup. That would help with cross-email (is this a word?) compatibility, at least.
  18. Here's a new version that adds email notifications to both admin and customer. Again, there's a db schema change, so you will need to reset module completely if you already installed it. Note that email templates are mostly empty, but that should be enough for testing. Definitely not for production deployment, though :) I'll fill in template content later. If anyone feels like preparing them, I'd be grateful, as this isn't really my cup of tea... At the moment there are these email templates: - revws-admin-needs-approval - send to admin when review needs to be approved - revws-admin-review-created - send to admin when new review is created - revws-admin-review-deleted - send to admin when review is deleted (by review author) - revws-admin-review-updated - send to admin when review is updated (by review author) - revws-author-review-approved - send to review author when review is approved - revws-author-review-deleted - send to review author when review is rejected / deleted - revws-author-review-replied - send to review author when employee adds reply to review - revws-author-thank-you - send to author as a thank you for creating review Following variables are passed to all email templates (besides standard variables like shop_name or logo) {product_id} {product_name} {product_image} {product_url} {review_id} {author_type} {author_email} {author_name} {display_name} {title} {content} {ratings} {average} {reply} {validated} {deleted}
  19. well, we should pursuit this further, then. Once I have some spare time I'll investigate how hard it would be to make this happen (either as a module, or in core), and if it's feasible we can brainstorm this a little bit more and make it a reality.
  20. @30knees this actually got me thinking about combination selection. I come up with the idea of having some sort of intermediate page for products with combinations (well, some of them). If customer clicks on product, this page would be displayed instead of standard product page. It would work somehow like category, showing all combinations within product. One attribute could be primary to let visitor quickly decide on some main characteristics, in your use case it could be gel or capsules. If he click on any of this, standard product page with pre-selected attribute would open. Or he could scroll down and see all possible variants of the product. Something like this: This flow could be interesting for some products I believe. And it shouldn't be that hard to implement as a module. Just a morning brainstorming session to get me started my week :)
  21. @chandra let me know if you need any help with that
  22. @30knees that's probably the reason why the conversion dropped. If your affiliate partner send you a traffic that expects capsules but see gel instead, they are going to bounce. You could try to contact module author and ask them to support combinations, but it's a long shot. Maybe for you it would be better to have these as separate products.
  23. @chandra you could create a dedicated category for Products on stock and update the trigger above to associate / dissociate products to this category. Then you could configure Featured products on the homepage module to show this category. Alternative is to modify the source code of that module.
  24. does your affiliate partner link to specific combination, or to product page itself? I mean, is there a # fragment selecting combination (ie #/20-color-black/18-size-small) in the url?
  25. @troy-roberts on second thought, it would be very easy to add a new custom format option - this one would simply call some user defined javascript function. So you could create your own function that would return any name you wish, even Mauve Hungry Hippo, and revws module would just call this function. This is quite easy, effort is next to nothing. If you wish, I'll add it to the module.
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