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Everything posted by marci123
Basic / Unit price with combinations problem
marci123 replied to zimmer-media's question in Bug Reports
The EU compliance module had a caching problem in prestashop. I had a similar problem that the text dissappeared if switching languages. The only thing that helped was disabling theme caching. Could this be the reason for your problem? -
How about using facebook or twitter? I think there have been modules for prestashop granting a discount if people share a product on twitter or facebook. Maybe these can be used with 30bz too? If this would be an option for you this could give you some backlinks in the social web. As far as I know presence in the social web is important for google too.
@Havouza said in VAT show or not....: How is the EU rules concerning VAT? Am I right to believe that private persons must see the price including VAT on the product? No VAT must be shown at checkout? Yes, all prices have to be including VAT. You don't need to split the price in VAT and net price but you should add that the price is including taxes (such as "incl. VAT" or "incl. taxes"). The EU compliance module does this for you. It also adds a text "excl. shipping" if shipping costs are being added since it is necessary to inform buyers of all additionally costs which may incur if ordering the product.
@Traumflug said in PrestaShop Will Enforce Encrypted Modules Soon: @marci123 Yes, I'm aware of such success stories. And I can give you dozens of counter examples. Especially in the open source hardware market, where I was before joining thirty bees. ok, but hardware is another subject. They count installations, not sales. 9 of 10 such counts could be pirated copies :-) I have no doubt that there are a number of pirated copies among them and theme owners may use the themes on as many domains as they want to. But nevertheless is studiopress one of the most successful sellers. The founder says about himself that he is living a dream .. https://briangardner.com/about/ Maybe pirated copies aren't only bad. They can be cheap advertising as well. Somebody mentioned photoshop earlier in this thread. There have been a lot of pirated photoshop software copies prior to the abo model and I am pretty sure that these copies may have helped to make photoshop so popular. There are always two sides of the coin. I would always take care that protection measurements won't hurt the positive potential.
@Traumflug said in PrestaShop Will Enforce Encrypted Modules Soon: But consider spending a year into writing some revolutionary module. Not cheap, still you offer it unencrypted, you sell a couple of copies. And then, two week later, another module developer offers a very similar module, just a bit shinier. 95% of your code plus some polish. Merchants will of course run for this shinier module, often just because it's newer, or because it's cheaper, and sales for the person who did all the hard work pretty much stops. Such scenarios happen regularly, which is why developers writing open source don't even start with large amounts of hard work. Yes I understand this problem. Still I am not sure if encryption (or similar) would be the best solution. When I think of WordPress .. there were a number of premium themes using ioncube and similar until Matt Mullenweg the founder decided all WordPress products - be it a theme or a plugin - have to be GPL https://wordpress.org/news/2009/07/themes-are-gpl-too/ . Some people joked this was ridiculous and now you could share all premium themes and so on. Studiopress is one very successfull premium theme seller offering a theme framework and they were one of the first shifting to GPL. Now they are one of the biggest in the market. http://www.wpthemedetector.com/top-theme-providers/ The studiopress theme framework is very sophisticated. However, nobody has copied it yet (as product). The market is growing and if you look at the envato wall of fame with more than 1 mio dollar sales there are many wordpress theme sellers among them. http://elite.envato.com/wall-of-fame/ I think this proves that the open source model must not be feared.
@datakick said in PrestaShop Will Enforce Encrypted Modules Soon: I was just pointing out that it's quite easy to inadvertently infringe on someone's rights. Sure but I think this is something that has to be taken into account if you are a successful developer. Personally I would never even think of using a module from a warez site but as soon as a commercial product becomes too complicated to use due to protection measures I would probably look for another module that is easier to use. Unless it is a very exceptional module there is in most times an alternative solution at another market place with easier conditions (think of themeforest or codecanyon). This should be taken into account if thinking about protection measures.
@datakick said in PrestaShop Will Enforce Encrypted Modules Soon: I totally agree serious merchants will not use modules from these warez sites. But they might be tempted to use the module multiple times (for example on their development site). Or they could simply forgot they have purchased it, and send it via email to their friend. Or they could hire some third-party developer to prepare the shop for them, and this developer could install some paid module to their system without their knowledge... These could stack up. If somebody buys a module it should be allowed to test it on a development site first, shouldn't it? If I had to buy two licenses in order to being able to use it on a development site I would avoid it. If using (and testing) a module becomes too complicated it could harm the sales too. The module maybe proteced from unlawful distriubution but it may also become unpopular since it is too restrictive to use. But we will see ...
@datakick said in PrestaShop Will Enforce Encrypted Modules Soon: I believe for this to succeed it's important to keep this system open. This shared ledger has to work with multiple marketplaces, not only prestashop marketplace, so the developer can sell his module over different channels. And, of course, it must be possible for developer itself to generate and sell licenses. But this all it's very easily possible. @datakick Thanks for this plausible explanation. I think as soon as you allow developers to generate and sell licenses themselves you open the door for piracy since there will be a loophole in the system (with regard to piracy). What do you think is the main purpose? Fighting piracy or binding custumers to the addon marketplace? Personally I think the latter is perhaps the main goal. Regarding piracy ... using modules and other stuff from warez sites is not without risk. Especially in the ecommerce sector more serious merchants won't even consider using modules from such sites and on the other site, if a module cannot be copied this doesn't mean that warez users will buy it but they would most likely use something else instead. I think the damage caused by warez sites is a bit overrated. There will always be users who are honest and would never use modules from shady sources, and there will always be users who don't want to spend money and use everything as long as it is free. Those people however won't turn into paying customers if there is a licensing system, in most cases they would use something else instead. Considering those human factors it is questionable if it is worth the efforts. But we will see. I am curious how things will develop.
@Occam said in PrestaShop Will Enforce Encrypted Modules Soon: @marci123 There is no "blockchain for PrestaShop" afaik, all this is about is a complete new business model, a strategic reorientation of the Paris company. Isn't this what I posted above? I think they have registered the trademark Prestatrust and are thinking of a business model that includes block chain but I think such a business model is far from ready yet (based on the article posted above). Anyway we all are no experts on this and time will show and we all will see ...
hinzufügen zu Block Right Column ?
marci123 replied to DRMasterChief's topic in Deutsches Forum - Generelle Fragen
Einfach oben auf "Modul hinzufügen" klicken, das Modul und den Hook (displeyRightColumn) auswählen und speichern -
@Occam I know ... I meant block chain for prestashop. There seems to be a bit of a hype around block chain and the stock exchange. Will it be the next big thing or not ? I think this is the reason why it is in the focus nowadays. I don't think that this is already a final decision for prestashop at least not in the near future.
I have found an article on block chain and reading this article I think block chain won't come in the near future. It seems to be difficult to be implemented, still not fully developed, expensive and it requires a lot of ressources and is slow with regard to performance. https://marmelab.com/blog/2016/06/14/blockchain-for-web-developers-the-truth.html
Now, if this PrestaTrust thing could offer a code encryption technology in the sense that module customers can no longer read the code, it'd be a useful technology. Similar to what IonCube does. To my knowledge, "borrowing" code from competitors happens among module creators, which isn't always helpful for the success of these modules. Can't say whether PrestaTrust offers this, because, well, I can't read French either. Personally I would like to see the code. Encryption may be useful to be protected from software piracy but where there is light there is shadow too ... I prefer the 'open' modell (be it free or commercial). I would like to see what I am installing. And I want to be able to make changes to the code if necessary. There was a lot of discussion when open source became popular but it was (and still is) a success, isn't it? I think it is a step back if encryption becomes the next business modell.
Since Employees has already been translated correctly I have made a suggestion to change "Standardsprache im Backoffice verwenden" to "Mitgliedern die Auswahl einer Sprache erlauben" because I think "Standardsprache verwenden" can be misleading since it sounds as if it is "one language for all" if it is changed. The original is "allow employees to select a specific language for the admin panel" says that each user may change their language. I think "use default language?" doesn't sound as if each user may change their language. Just my 2 cents ...
I am wondering if it will be allowed / possible to make changes to the code then?
98% of the current TB English source is genuine PrestaShop, unfortunately a in some parts outdated translation ( we're working on improvements). But currently (minimum since 3 month) the menu item employees is translated as Mitarbeiter, which is correct. Yes I saw this on crowdin :-), in my thritybees install there was still the old language file. I did some tests with the former thirty bees version to see if the beesblog module would work with the former version. This could be the reason why my language file is not up to date.
I too don't speak french. I found this pdf about Prestatrust and their goals. Maybe somebody can translate it better than google does? link text According to google translate it says something like "ambition to automate and industrialize the Management of software licenses at the very heart of computer code" This is the google translation: Thanks to this traceability, to this decentralized and low-cost security, the Of PrestaShop and of all the contributors will be largely increases. As for eCommerceers, they will also be reassured about the modules acquired on Market, since they will also have the means to check in real time via the Site PrestaTrust, the origin and integrity of their modules. PrestaTrust is a reusable product with the ambition to automate and industrialize the Management of software licenses at the very heart of computer code, for the entire World Open
It's happening here too. If I am enabling another theme the sidebar configuration of the new theme will be saved but I cannot change this configuration.
I would love to make some amendments to the German language pack (for example: Employees is translated as "Benutzerrechte" which means "user rights"). The same wrong translations shows up in prestashop. I know I can change it in my own backend but it might be confusing for newbies who are looking for the employees and don't find the menu item. Where can I make some suggestions for a better translation?
@Traumflug said in beesblog module cannot be installed: In the first post here you wrote about a missing class. Can you reproduce this? Sure, this is what I did: I tried to install beesblog module and get this error message Then in clicked on install again in the hope I would succeed if I try again. Now I am getting the error message "This module is already installed: beesblog" (but actually it is not installed) When I then visit the modules page again the error message about the missing recentpostclass appears The beesblogmodule shows in the modules list as not installed.
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately installing the beesblog module doesn't give me a detailed error message but only Even in debug mode I couldn't get more information I got the same message when installing smartblog. But here debug mode gave me more detailed infos: I googled it and found out that the error "All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL" seems to be related to the MySQL version. I looked for the smartblog install script and changed the instances of DEFAULT NULL to NOT NULL and could install smartblog successfully. Now I thought this could be the problem with beesblog too but I couldn't find the install script.
I like the shop layout with the background trees and the cute basket in the header. However, the theme doesn't seem to be responsive. I would think about a solution for mobile users. More and more users are ordering via mobile phone or tablets. Since you are from the UK I would recommend to check this site. https://www.gov.uk/online-and-distance-selling-for-businesses I think there are some required information missing on your site.
I tried to installed smartblog and got the same error that the blog module could not be installed properly. When I enabled debug mode the smartblog module gave me an error message "All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead" (this depends on the MySQL version I think) Then I changed the sql script to NOT NULL and could sucessfully install the smartblog module. I couldn't find a sql script in the beesblog module. Could this be the same problem here? My MySQL Version is 5.7.19
tried several times but installation failes with an message that the module cannot be installed correctly. I am getting an error message in the modules page that the class blogrecentposts is missing in beesblog.php. Could this be the reason that installation fails? Tried with thirtybees 1.0.1 too, same error. beesblogrecentposts (Klasse fehlt in /modules/beesblog/beesblog.php) Since the blog module doesn't seem to be active in the demo install I am wondering if somebody could sucessfully install the blog module?
Thanks for your reply. I did a fresh install and the beesblog module is there. But still I cannot install the module.