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Everything posted by bzndk

  1. Looks straight forward. When you login to the backend of livezilla, your name will show in the top, if you push your name there is something called link generator. Under link generator you can set up the code for the chat part.
  2. hmm@alwaysspawn got it running on the first try, uploaded, whent to the page filled out the installation information it asked for and boom online and working.
  3. @alwayspaws ill just try and have a go with installing it.
  4. Thats actually one thing that makes a lot of sence that it looks for the [no_sync] in the subject.
  5. @mdekker did not even look in the code but suddenly just figured it out that it had to be something like that.
  6. Hmm a better integration module for LiveZilla would be nice, something so we can bring in a contact form that uses the system insted, since i dont like the costumer support thing TB og Presta got build in, and LiveZilla looks like something i would have to start investegating abit more.
  7. or hmm it might make sence, that you cant reply to the e-mail via the message, that might be why the [no_sync] is there.
  8. the [no_sync] makes no sence, it's just there i think haha.
  9. still there can be something going on with the .htaccess file could you try and locate and post that one? Just to see if we get the right restult, after that try and go to your image folder, and try and look thrue and see if the images are actually there thos you just uploaded, just to make sure it's not an upload issue.
  10. mate im not sure waht you are doing but your messages are empty for me.
  11. To me this sounds more like an issue with your rewright rules somewhere. Are you on a shared host? ore are you in controll of the server? any ways try and locate your .htaccess and post the content of it here.
  12. Just an example, when using bank transfer, it got to show a order resume before you actually push the order thrue, this view needs to show every product selected, a short product description like Color, size, and some other stuff. The rules in EU for e-commerce is a tad more strict, and if you got a certified shop like we got with e-mærket thats a part of Ecommerce Europe Trustmark, then there is even more rules to follow, since these none profit companys is securing the customer but also the shop. We can get legal advice, and if a customer is scammed they can get compesatet up to a certain amount, so it's just extra security for every party.
  13. @Traumflug yep we got it in the footer all the payment options we allow like required. And bank transfers is actually a thing thats abit iffy in Europe to, im currently writing up some documentation on what the E-commerce organisations in Euro will accept when it comes to bank transfers, since there need to be some changed made to the bank transfer module to uphold the law, when it comes to bank transfers. Hopefully ill be done with the documentation in the start of the next week.
  14. There is no place here in Denmark that uses the method prestashop got by default, and a reason for this is it's to complicated for older customers, that is not tech savy like the younger generations. We tested it out for abit and we had bad respons on the default method of prestashop OPC. Besides that we got something called ViaBill, that shows a price tag besides the payment option, it's a small loan company with out any fees or % for there loans. So there is a bunch of reasons for us to avoid the original behaviour.
  15. True, the worst part is most OPC's looks like crap, where the build in layout for checkout fits the design a lot better, but again it got it's own downsides with the way things are build.
  16. Hmmm still not sure if it would give any SEO value, since you dont got any unique text, it's just the same products that is located in categorys on the page etc. If the tags had some sort of text connected to it that would be shown like categorys it would make abit more sence, since you could make it more unique for each tags, and have some unique text included. For bookmarking it could make sence agree.
  17. Nice to see you are updating your modules so they work with TB! Like the idea you got going for Show Payment Methods that’s one of the things that nagged me, since it makes no sence you got to fill out everything to see the payment options. One thing I would have added to that module where that it as default maybe uses guest check out, so the user dos not have to make that selection either. (might fit better in a nother plugin tho) That’s actually one of the main reasons that we use a one page checkout module.
  18. The title tag makes sense without doubt, but i am not sure it will have any SEO value for tags. And pushing a tag is a search more or less, so that is says Search makes sense to me. If you add tags to the title, then you could argue oh why not add the full search query to the title to.
  19. Hmm I am torn about this we don’t use tag’s our self, and since the tag page uses the search page to show up other products with that tag, I’m not sure it will have any real SEO value in the end. Any one other got any thoughts about this, would it even make sense ?
  20. bzndk

    ERP Systems

    Like i said not a cheap solution but all inventory solutions that offer what we want, aint cheap.
  21. bzndk

    ERP Systems

    @Tomik for us it works very well - we use it in production. The only down side is you need to get something like e-conomic or reviso to since that part is the ERP it self, IEX is just the bridge connecting it all together in the end.
  22. bzndk

    ERP Systems

    Our solution might be overkill for you and for a lot of others, it depends on the since of your webshop, and needs. We bought 3 webshops in April, and the stock keeping was terrible, they used fictional stock amount, since they did dent realize they still could sell products even though it was out of stock. So when we signed the deal about buying the webshops, we started looking at options, what we could do to correct the stock amounts, how we could make sure products that where in common on the different sites, actually got the right stock count. The solution we ended up going with is e-conomic, hooked up to prestashop/tb via IEX’s 2-way integration, what this gave us was bookkeeping, and stock management in one solution, all our sales are transferred automatically to the economy system, when we set the status to preparation. What then happens is that it transfers the order to the e-con system, that then reserve the stock that’s needed for that order, then it sends the new stock number to the webshop. What then happens is that it transfers the order to the e-con system, that then reserve the stock that’s needed for that order, then it sends the new stock number to the webshop, besides that we can generate a picking list with the ITN software, and then scan the items picked to make sure the order is fulfilled, and every item is correct, we got some items that looks a lot like each other. One of the backsides of this is if you got 5 backorders, then you have to go in to every order to check if there is stock now to send it out, what we did to solve this was hire DH42, he created a small module for us to use that shows if the items for an order is in stock in the order overview page, this speeds up our daily work. Another thing to keep in mind, and properly goes for most ERP’s the reference is the key for a product, even for the combinations, for systems that cant native handle combinations, this will in the end cause a lot of issues if you don’t got unique reference id’s for your products and combinations, what we did here was again go to DH42, and he got one of his friends started on a solution for this, so we can see if there is a duplicate ref id, first of all the product won’t save if there is another product with that ref id, and we got a small page we can go to, and verify there is no duplicates in the system. So all in all we figured out a solution that worked for us, it might not be the cheapest thing in the world to do, but it’s a solution that allow us to grow, and expand our company with additional websites, and always have 100% overview and actually saves money in the long run since we don’t need to use the certified accountant, besides when its VAT reporting time and the yearly report we have to hand in here in Denmark.
  23. bzndk

    ERP Systems

    What we use as an ERP is our economy system, it's not the perfect solution since the integration modules thats out there use a "hackish" way to save the data for combinations, since there stock management system cant handle combinations so every combination is created as a product. This required unique references on products, else it wont work in the end. e-conomic or reviso. There is 2 ways to integrate a payed option called IEX.dk, or https://prestashop.butikki.dk/en/home/10-e-conomic-integrationsmodule.html - last one dos not work with reviso, IEX should work with both. IEX gives you live sync, so with in 1-2 mins after making a sale it will push out new stock numbers, but is based on a monthly subscription base and required a minimum fee of €25 - if you want the stock sync. The other module requires you to use cron, but is based on a one time payment model
  24. If we did fit in the Recipe for WebP Nginx in to the base config file for TB documentation. And added the htaccess counter part to the .htaccess file. Then it should be possible to add webp image generation for TB, hopefully with a ajax driven image regeneration so we avoid the time outs that can give.
  25. True but in the end there is always better solutions aint there :P But ye it's a nice little article about webp and nginx,. Thos hu use Apache could look in to this one insted https://github.com/vincentorback/WebP-images-with-htaccess
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