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Everything posted by Baarssen

  1. but the redirect is a good idea
  2. just kidding
  3. https://www.screencast.com/t/ADP14PifYiK now i see this :O
  4. aha thats ofcourse also possible
  5. its your login page, i dont think you can delete it. See it as the login page of your backoffice, are customers looking at that one too ? Dont be afraid, i dont think people will have a look at it
  6. its no big deal, and i dont think its very interesting information :)
  7. why should you? Are customers led to that page?
  8. https://www.screencast.com/t/dvEZaTMiEfMn thats what is see when i check your link, and the chatbox was on that page, but no credentials :)
  9. no he only see the chatbox on the inlog, i also have seen that but i cant enter your personal page
  10. https://www.screencast.com/t/GYAsakDKeFRI its only in the footer.tpl, and noone can enter my livezilla server unless they know my inlog credentials
  11. i can have a look at my footer.tpl
  12. i also deleted it, i think it doesnt work with every theme
  13. in fact that is what the module of presteo changeo should do, but that didnt work for me
  14. Access your Prestashop files via FTP or Cpanel File manager. Open there Prestashop / Themes / Your theme name folder, in our example the "default" theme is used. You can check the name of your theme in the Prestashop admin panel in Preferences / Theme. Open footer.tpl file located in this folder. Generate the LiveZilla Code as described on the left side of this page (How to get the Code). Copy the code and insert it to the footer.tpl before closing tag. Save your changes and upload your updated footer.tpl file to your FTP or Cpanel. The chat button will now appear when you reload the shop page.
  15. i will check, but what i know you have several configurations, and best is to read and read
  16. i dont know anymore, i simply followed the instructions to install and configure it, and i put it in some tpl file just as asked in the help info. Its about a week ago i cant remember
  17. haha i will keep my mouth shut
  18. i just tested it on www.rubberverf.nl, one of my sites an that works, but i prefer Intercom :) I even have setup a knowledge base, a little one
  19. i did that and deleted the presto changeo add on
  20. did you also put the code in your tpl files?
  21. Very strange, i don know how it comes overthere, i deleted it and it works. Thanks for the hint :)
  22. I checked and in my overrides classes is category.php https://www.screencast.com/t/R1EadWZi
  23. Not that i know, but i will check
  24. alt text is in Seo only effective it it just tels what we see, so if we see a car with 3 wheels the alt text should be "car with 3 wheels" or something like that. So its very important the alt text in our product images is correct, when people search the images in google they get the right content. Sometimes when you try a search phrase in google images you get the most strange results, so its important only to put short, and correct information. I can imagine you want to put all the information about your shop :) But keep clean and stay clean in that way
  25. When adding a categorie i get the following error: https://www.screencast.com/t/VjCfLPfcHHf Anyone knows what can have happened? No categories are added at the moment, only home.
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