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Everything posted by Baarssen

  1. minikneet.com kan ik gewoon openen, of bedoel je de backoffice? Heb je wel inloggegevens van ftp en evt. van die hosting? Het zal overigens nog heel lastig worden als je host onbereikbaar is, want als je je inlog voor ftp etc niet hebt kun je nergens meer bij.
  2. @Pedalman maybe you can revert to Mollie 3.3.1 The new versions 3.3.5 and 3.4.0 are not working flawless on every installation. For now i work with 3.3.1 without any problems on thirtybees and prestashop.
  3. i changed it back from php 7.2 to php 7.1 This solved the issue Thanks @datakick !
  4. My Sendcloud module suddenly stops working on all my thirtybees shops. When executing the webservice i get this: <prestashop xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <errors> <error> <code> <![CDATA[ 3 ]]> </code> <message> <![CDATA[ count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable (/home/xxxx/domains/xxxxx.xx/public_html/classes/webservice/WebserviceRequest.php, line 927) ]]> </message> </error> </errors> </prestashop> Is there something changed in thirtybees webservice? It happens on all my TB shops, even the fresh installs of 1.08 Line 927 and 928 says this: if (count(static::$shopIDs)) { return true;
  5. maybe its better for you to buy a module who can do this. There are several options on the market and if they work for presta 1.6 they will also work for thirtybees
  6. yes i used thisone now. It works flawless
  7. On the PS forum is a solution for this spam. I tried this on TB but didnt get it work. You can read it at https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/981159-security-customer-validation-13-17/ This is about the spam with names like hot bay is waiting for you etc etc
  8. https://www.adeko.nl/ is een goed adres
  9. make sure paypal is active in your mollie dashboard.
  10. @logisticmart and i think its just advertisement what you do :)
  11. thats already what i thougt because it works flawless on my webshop. I dindt want to say it lou because i am not a developer. At the other hand i have very good experience with this developer(presta module/ business tech) It should be a win win situation if they officially supported thirtybees. Their modules are very good.
  12. @haylau Ofcourse is the continue of your webshop the most important. You can also do your migration by the thirtybees team. Costs are very reasonable and it removes your headache :)
  13. @haylau said in Think we will have to leave Thirty Bees - No Avanced Seach 4 compatability: @wakabayashi said in Think we will have to leave Thirty Bees - No Avanced Seach 4 compatability: related As certain as I can be, yes. We have the exact same module configuration on PS1.6 and it works fine. Tb is practically a clean installation so not really anything else to get in the way. The module devs confirmed and did not offer to help Did you ask for help? When i have an issue i dont even mention i use tb when its on a tb shop, i just declare the problem and give the credentials to check the problem. I never have had a refusal for my questions. I can imagine the developer can say: ok we will fix it but it will cost you some money. For what its worth: i also use this module and it works fine on thirtybees(is in dev status) but as i see you also use the features as a filter. Thats what i am not doing at the moment.
  14. when you have several attributes its the best way to make the attributes with the generator otherwise its possible you miss some combinations. I always do this this way, and when some combinations are not possible i delete those manually
  15. its confusing a bit, but at the other hand more developers like @Traumflug etc. continue the project. I dont think a project like this is in the hands of 1 person. Its what we all do together. All hve a nice evening.
  16. i have 2 shops on thirtybees at the moment, and i use the updated prestashop module from mollie. It works for me as it should. No problems at all! I even use their order api for Klarna payments. This works also as it should.
  17. ok dindt see that, url welcome when ready
  18. nice. how it goes with my migration @lesley? now we speak :) No hurry needed btw
  19. I think he uploaded it recently after my many recommendations :) Its indeed the same module. I had send it to @Traumflug for examination
  20. https://addons.prestashop.com/en/data-migration-backup/8934-migrationpro-prestashop-upgrade-and-migrate-tool.html Thisone works. TB to PS, PS to TB, TB to TB, PS to PS
  21. Ik heb hem niet uitgetest real time, maar hij kan gewoon geinstalleerd worden en alles is invulbaar. Kan me haast niet voorstellen dat het niet werkt. Afterpay en Schattorie zullen er voor zover ik weet alles aan doen om het werkend te krijgen. Je kan uiteraard Schattorie een mailtje sturen. Dan weet je het zeker.
  22. I think @Traumflug mentioned this because he normally does it this way. This module is working a bit different: You setup a clean install, migrate the data into the fresh install, set up everything to see everything works correct and then move back. Its a quick, safe and easy way. Normally its not nescesary to first migrate the old shop. Just migrate the data into the fresh install.
  23. i should recommend to try it on 1.07. but first on a testsite. Dont forget to follow the steps(for example set rights on img folder to 777) Just play around with it so you can make it work
  24. i am talking indeed about the third party module. i migrated 2 shops from ps 1.6 to thirtybees with this module.
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