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Everything posted by Baarssen

  1. het is me inmiddels gelukt, maar dit is geen out of the box oplossing, ik heb uiteindelijk uit de uitgepakte bestanden alleen de map sendlcoud gehaald en die geupload. Daarna kon ik installeren, connecten en importeren(wat ook lukte). Voor de minder technische mensen is dit wel erg omslachtig.
  2. ik krijg hem er niet in. Als ik hem uitpak en met ftp onder modules upload wordt hij niet herkend in de backoffice. Welke naam heeft de module bij jou onder modules gekregen want als ik hem gewoon uitpak heeft hij de naam prestashop-thirtybees-module-1.1.3 Zolang hij in de backoffice niet herkent wordt kan ik hem ook niet installeren. Handleiding bij Sendcloud geeft een server error Of ik het linksom of rechtsom probeer het gaat gewoonweg niet. Ik heb dit nog nooit gehad met een module
  3. edit, krijg hem alsnog niet de shop in
  4. sorry zie het al, ik moet onder releases kijken
  5. je kan hem alleen van github downloaden, als master module. wat zijn de stappen om hem uploadbaar te maken in de shop? Ik heb de namen al veranderd naar sendcloud, de map uitgepakt en geupload maar ik krijg het niet geinstalleerd.
  6. i dont know this modules, but i am quit certain someone here has a solution what will work. Maybe some developers want to test your modules
  7. I think they make use of the webservice That can be resolved but as far as i know this will be resolved in 1.04 stable. If needed i can point you out to the 3 or 4 files which need a small modification. However they should install, but dont work if that is the isue. Maybe you can specify which modules they are(link to addon store)
  8. The only module in the list i also have is Prestablog, and that works fine on Thirtybees
  9. I think it can be usefull if you mention the modules which do not work. With some help it should work. I have already tested thirtybees for more then 1 year and also tested dozens of modules and themes. Almost all of them work, sometimes a little modification, and sometimes i forgot i also had to manually put overrides in prestashop, so also in thirtybees. I also learned through this year i can use a few modules instead of multiple modules. For example the datakick module can be used in my case instead of multiple modules because it does so much i can get rid of a list of modules.
  10. Inmiddels is het me met behulp van @bzndk gelukt om de module werkend te krijgen op thirtybees. Hiervoor moeten er een aantal dingen aangepast worden https://github.com/benzon/thirtybees/blob/b258b7ba7c37a698f0ec7ecf45fd283fb4078795/classes/webservice/WebserviceOutputXML.php#L317-L325 Ook de volgende wijzigingen doorvoeren: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/pull/436/files https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/pull/437/files Als het goed is, is dit in 1.04 straks sowieso allemaal verholpen Ik ben over de ondersteuning bij Sendcloud niet zo tevreden, ik wordt namelijk al maanden van het kastje naar de muur gestuurd, je komt er gewoon niet door. Komt er op neer dat jezelf aan de slag moet. PS. Versturen doen ze wel heel goed, en dat is natuurlijk ook wat hun business is... daar geen klachten over!
  11. you did a great job @SLiCK_303 However i dont use this way, i appreciate your devotion to the community ?
  12. Baarssen

    1.0.4 soon?

    for as far as i know 1.04 can be released any moment. You have a point, but its also important the release is fully stable otherwise it will also end like prestashop with unstable stable releases :)
  13. Because i dont change that much in my products i dont face this problem very much, but after setting up new features for some products i also faced this neverending spinning buttons(save and stay/save). I modified admin/themes/default/template/controllers/products/helpers/uploader/ajax.tpl as described above, and the spinning buttons indeed dissapeared, however 1 error still stays: plugin.min.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: filenotfound is not defined at plugin.min.js:1 Do i have to modifie some more? Serverdata: Servergegevens Linux #1 SMP Tue Dec 5 17:19:40 EST 2017 x86_64 Server softwareversie Apache/2 PHP versie 7.0.27 Geheugenlimiet 2048M Maximale uitvoeringstijd 600
  14. @wakabayashi The basic things wherefor i use this module is: - Bulk downloading deliveryslips. I just tick the orders i want in 1 delevery-pdf, dowload it and send it to the different warehouses. I dont do this automatic because i first want to check the orders. - Sometimes a little change, because people want something extra after ordering. - Sometimes change a name, or for example a customer ordered the wrong color. I can just change the color without modifieng costs etc. - Sometimes delete some orderstatusses when i did a mistaken orderstatus to avoid customers to see this.
  15. When someone ads something to an order, i change the order, and also the invoice and send a payment request for the amount which has to be payed, or i return the money which has been paid to much. I never had problems with it and i have had already 5 times tax control in the past 20 years. If the payments and invoices are correct they only say to me: officially its not allowed but its correct. If it should be a problem i should cancel the order, make a new one and see if the customer has to pay extra or refund. It only happens a few times a month so no big problem. @vincentdenkspel this is the module
  16. 01516741650068combinations_import.csv 01516741676104products_import.csv I do see them in the example import (got it from a prestashop installation, because on tb it didnt work)
  17. At the moment i use an order handlings module which fits all my needs, i can change everything i want. Only 30 dollars, but i already had for a 1000 dollars fun from it :) I only dont know if its fully compatible with thirtybees but we will soon know when my mainshop is being migrated
  18. Yes i am very interested, so i send you a pm
  19. This is a great idea! I have products with lots of combinations: lets say: 4 Variants on quantity (ltrs or kgs) and 300 colors So 1 product can have 1200 variants I have been thinking already so long to get that in a simple and clean way. @datakick do you know where to look for someone who can make a coloratribute like this: https://www.verfwinkel.nl/trimetal-ae-brillant-acryl.html
  20. good suggestion, however i dont use this method.
  21. thank you @lesley this fixed it.
  22. I have installed the json module, filled in everything what needed. After completing everything i get the message on my homepage(in the left top corner) No template found for Json module. Did i do something wrong?
  23. @SLiCK_303 Can you tell me what to fill in, in this rows to add this. I am also missing this to customize my theme as i want https://www.screencast.com/t/DxfvWnpu4
  24. Hi just a question, Will it be possible to upload the existing reviews? For example i now use a module from another developer which has already multiple reviews which i can download in a csv or excel file. Will there also be a possibility for shopreviews with a seperate page for this kind of reviews( maybe as a premium feature) What i dont see, or i look over it, is the possibility to approve a review after you have chosen to first approve reviews.
  25. Baarssen

    1.0.4 soon?

    3 of my shops are already migrated. Ofcourse there will be an easy upgrade, but since 1.04 will be quite a big update i want to do this on a fresh install. Dont know why, but that feels a littlebit better. Probably its something between my ears :)
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