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Everything posted by Baarssen

  1. Baarssen

    1.0.4 soon?

    when 1.04 officially is launched i will do the big migration from PS :) i cant wait ?‍?
  2. tis meer kerosine in een peterolie versie tanken :) maar even serieus de performance is stukken beter dan 1.6, het is spijtig voor prestashop maar ook de 1.6 versie wordt eigenlijk nog maar weinig mee gedaan, alle aandacht gaat naar 1.7 waarover je terecht opmerkt dat veel zaken waar je gewend aan was niet meer, of tegen aanschaf van een extra module pas weer werken. Mn vorige opmerking moet je even in het licht zien van je melding een tijdje terug op het ps forum van 29 dec. jl. toen je je oude shop over 1.7 had heengezet :)
  3. Werkt super, als je maar geen thirtybees over je prestashop heen installeert :)
  4. indeed nice contribution, annoying issue what finally will be resolved for the users of volume discount
  5. Baarssen

    Webservice error

    @bzndk did some tests and modifications and its working now. It had something to do with It seems it only accepts prestashop. He will make a pull request about it
  6. Baarssen

    Webservice error

    I'll ask them
  7. Baarssen

    Webservice error

    For me this doesnt solve it, on the sendclouds side it gives a 500 error which doesnt tell us anything. I tried to manual execute some api calls which sendcloud is using and that gives some result what seems ok to me, however no parcels are imported into my sendcloud backoffice. For now i just keep it on PS because that works fine since i started with sendcloud last year may or june.
  8. Baarssen

    Webservice error

    The webservice also fails on my shops with my carrier(sendcloud) This is the reason i cant move with my mainwebshop, i use more webservices: Sendcloud, Channable, and i am afraid also the beslist, bol.com api will not work. I hope this will be solved. NB The webservices work fine on Prestashop
  9. Baarssen

    I hope...

    Also happy new year, gooluck in sales and developing :)
  10. this theme is compatible with thirtybees, i work with it since the release of thirtybees
  11. solved it by uploading a new geoip.inc file, probably it was corrupted by transfering to another server,
  12. Hi, Since yesterday there is a problem in one of the shops with geoip. I cant reach backoffice or backoffice. In debug i get this message: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare geoipcountrycodebynamev6() in /home/nordicwo/publichtml/shop/vendor/thirtybees/geoip/src/geoip.inc on line 1593 Anyone has had this before? And how can i fix it by ftp?
  13. check thisone as well: https://mypresta.eu/modules/front-office-features/product-extra-tabs-pro.html I think it does everything, you can test it, in demo backoffice
  14. Baarssen

    1.0.4 soon?

    maybe we can unpack it under the christmas tree ?:)
  15. @basix101 contact the developer if you have checked everything what is recommended to connect to your source shop. When everything is good including the permissions on the img folder in the target shop it should work(the migration module)
  16. When a module gives that much trouble why dont simply turn it off :)
  17. @basix101 said in Which customer product review module?: @30knees Hi, did you get this module working? I am just about to buy it... I use this module for more then a year. Its good, also the rich snippets work, and if there is a litlle problem the developers are happy and skilled to help.
  18. Mostly thats for your cart or another feature what uses a small image. Theyre used in many themes so that shouldnt be the problem.
  19. I see what you mean, when you click on the image and when you enter the productpage its getting smaller indeed. Maybe you can ask Sunnytoo themes to have a look at it. I dont think its because of your images but some behaviour in your theme. I guess they will have a solution. Nice earrings by the way :)
  20. which images on mobile are looking to small @alwayspaws When i visit your store on mobile the product images look ok for me!
  21. I can help with setting up, however you will also have to learn the basics of Thirtybees/Prestashop. I can also help you with choosing a good hosting partner. I am not a developer, but a merchandiser with 15 yrs of experience. Its a hobby of me to help startups. I dont ask money, only when i have to buy software for your project, but its also possible you buy it yourselve.
  22. Must haves in my opinion: https://www.presta-module.com/fr/3-modules-prestashop/6-merchandising/8-multiple-features.html https://www.knowband.com/prestashop-one-page-supercheckout https://addons.prestashop.com/nl/prijsbeheer/22633-advanced-price-rounding-swiss-round-and-more.html https://codecanyon.net/item/combination-master-build-manage-thousands-of-combinations-in-prestashop/17953213?s_rank=3 https://addons.prestashop.com/nl/snelle-bewerking/19965-bulk-mass-editing-products.html https://addons.prestashop.com/nl/migratie-backup/8934-migrationpro-prestashop-to-prestashop-migration-tool.html https://mypresta.eu/modules/administration-tools/mass-product-combinations-editor.html https://www.dominos.nl/ ?
  23. Why dont use Uptime Robot: https://uptimerobot.com/ Its free and very reliable
  24. haha you did... but i was testing it on safari windows and that looks horrible, but luck on the normal safari it renders nice as it should
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