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DaoKakao last won the day on March 3 2019

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Community Answers

  1. You can find that issues mentioned on github. There's a couple of notes on elasticsearch: 1. In the 6.x branch of ES there is a weird limitation for some fieldtypes, that why dome products cannot be indexed. I opened issue on github about that, but still no answer. 2. It is obviuos, that native TB's (or Prestashop's) search engine can fulfil 90% of customer needs (if not 99) and ES required for shops with huge SKU amounts, that's why there's no much progress in this module development. You can find that issues mentioned on github. There's a couple of notes on elasticsearch: 1. In the 6.x branch of ES there'a a weird limitation about some fieldtypes, that why some products cannot be indexed. I opened issue on github about that, but still no answer. 2. It is obviuos, that native TB's (or Prestashop's) search engine can fulfil 90% of customer needs (if not 99) while ES required mostly for shops with huge SKU amounts, that's why there's no much progress in this module development.
  2. Issue closed. The root of problem was incorrect database transfer from one server to another.
  3. Yes, of course i've linked the groups. I've set ALL appropriate checkboxes. Now i suspect, the problem caused by incorrect database transfer from my test env. to production. Will investigate further
  4. I can confirm Installed custom payments, set up CoD, on Modules->Payments set all checkboxes related to linking of CoD with carrier, and finally neither 5-step, nor 1-step chckout not showing CoD for me.
  5. Thank you Petr for detailed explanation. Unfortunately, because i'm not skilled in php programming, i can't appy steps you've described for this problem resolution. I've found config key(s) and deleted it. Then i stopped. Further? Not sure i can do it. Anyway thank you for prompt reaction.
  6. Well, i use tb 1.0.x version, right after installing modules statsmodule and statsdata when open some statistic page's tabs i receive mentioned warning. This message generated when following tabs: best categories best customers best manufacturers best suppliers best vouchers best selling products browsers and operating systems customer accounts newsletter orders profit registered customer information sales and orders visitors origin
  7. I stumbled upon similar problem. Stats module error msg: Warning at line 427 in the file /classes/module/ModuleStats.php [2] call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'StatsModule' does not have a method 'hookGraphEngine' Would you be so kind to help me in resolving that issue. Thanks in advance!
  8. Quick and dirty method: d/l the sl.zip file from crowdin and uzip it to some location. Then you have to rename files with name sl-SL.php to sl.php in every (sub)dir of unzipped location. After it you can simply copy all that stuff to your shop. You have to keep the directory structure, so when copying a copy utility may ask to overwrite existing directories - this is normal. 2 @Traumflug or @lesley: The crowdin stringset does not updated for a long time. Does it still synchronized with current TB core/modules?
  9. What is the source of updates via core updater? Usually i update TB thru git pull, with the 1.0.x branch chosen. However, after such updates the core updater module says that my shop still need to update some files. So, the question is - which version is the most recent? As i see in the git pero, the 'markus' branch is updatedmore frequent, while the '1.0.x' branch seems to be more 'stable' 2 @Traumflug : could you clarify the differences, please?
  10. gitupdater/controllers/admin/AdminGitUpdaterController.php, line #287: file_put_contents('/var/www/html/thirtybees/config/debug', __METHOD__.' '.__LINE__.' $value '.var_export($this->redirect_after, true)."\n", FILE_APPEND); The path to a file is hardcoded, so i've got a error during script execution because my site has a different location. Is it safe to comment out that line? Tnanks in advance
  11. It is. Why this controller nor fired during sitemap creation? This issue was opened on the github some time ago and even marked as solved, but this is not true.
  12. The problem with module for sitemap creating and bees blog module. Sitemap module recognizes beesblog installed, i.e. on the settings page appears a checkbox for beesblog posts/categories include/exclude, but it won't generate real sitemap - there's no any entry related to bees blog in the generated xml.
  13. This module shows a lot of useful info but if i chose in the frontend a product with combinations it shows incorrect weight - only for default combination, so price and attributes changes depending on selected combination while weight not.
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  14. It is very easy to force elastic6 working with TB. Can't find a thread on the forum about this. Another issue i've faced with is limitation for indexation of product description (text) - i gave up trying to figure out the root of problem. Overall, even for 50k+ products there's no difference with native search. Here we go: https://github.com/thirtybees/elasticsearch/issues/58
  15. I could never imagine to ask TB team to solve shipping-related stuff basically by 2 reasons: 1. It seems in Russia we're pampered with a lot of various services 🙂 - there is a plenty of transportation companies and virtually all of them offer free modules for prestashop 1.6x and 1.7x. 2. As it seems to me, the postal-related stuff could differ from country to country significanly. FYI, in my country there's at least 3 different catalogs of unified streetnames, addresses, et. c, used by different government services (and hence by our post). And what is worse, no one of this catalog could be considered as offcially approved. I wrote this long preamle for simple conclusion: IMO, it is virtually impossible to make an ultimate solution that will fulfill all different countries specifics, so i would rely mostly on my country's local solutions than native TB's
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