Would you like to have aan ElasticSearch module with features such as advanced text-based search and advanced filter options AND not have to pay € 450 (excl. VAT) for it?
If your answer is YES the please do read on.
If you answer is NO than you can skip this post.
After nagging for months to Michael i finally got him convinced to do a crowdfunding project for an ElasticSearch module. The project will be hosted on Indiegogo. I really think crowdfunded development will be a great way to push TB forward.
Crowdfunded development:
In my opinion crowdfunding is a win-win-win situation. A quality module with advanced features that is fully compatible with TB will be developed. Also the developer can make a living and the module will make better and as such more attractive to other people so the user base will grow.
The module will consist of a two parts, namely a text-based search part and a filter part.
Features text based search:
- Possibility to:
- Search within word
- Select minimum word length
- Blacklisted words
- Field weight
- Possibility to do:
- Ajaxsearch
- Normal search
- Instant search
- The ability to not index certain fields
- The possibility to completely disable the module and fall back to standard search during index updates
- The possibility for site-owner selectable search operator (and vs or)
- The efficient & faster way to query of used by Brad (as discussed in “Let’s Talk about Search” thread).
Support typos and misspellings correction
Support field weight to define importance of fields
ElasticSearch log in all available log levels
- Support auto indexation on product add/update/duplicate
- Support indexation defined on cron
- Manual indexation fired in background with slow server timeout protection
- Indexation cron links ready to use with 'Cron task manager'
- Support full index regeneration and new add only missing products to index
- Support advanced custom index configuration as json string
- Support advanced custom search configuration as json string
- Create multiple indexes separately for each shop and language
Maybe it will also have the ability to support an ElasticSearch cluster and the possibility to have brad-style dropdown search results with the little thumbnails
Features Filter:
- Ajax filter
- Price slider
- Filter by:
- Categories
- Features
- Manufacturer
- Multiple selection per category
- Filter options:
Product A {1,2,4,5(a,b,d,e,g),8,9}
Product B {3,5(a,d,e),7,8,9
Product C {1,3,5(d,g)4,6,7,8,9)
Product D { 2,5(a,b,f,g,h),6,7,8,9)
Filter selection : { 2 ∪ 5(b,g) and 8 and 9} > {Product A,D}
Union (∪)
Product A {1,2,4,5(a,b,d,e,g),8,9}
Product B {3,5(a,d,e),7,8,9
Product C {1,3,5(d,g)4,6,7,8,9)
Product D { 2,5(a,b,f,g,h),6,7,8,9)
Filter selection : { 2 and 5 and 8 and 9} > {Product A,B,C,D}
- Filter on pages:
- Home
- Categories
- Manufacturer
- Supplier
- Special pages
- Best sales
- New Products
- Search pages
- Display selected filter with a 'cancel' button
- Possibility to hook the module to left, right en center
- Possibility to display the filter result in grid or list view
- Possibility to select infinite scroll
The module will also be compatible with the warehouse and transformer theme.
This module will be developed by developed by Michael (@mdekker) and can be developed for €2000.
If you would like to have comparable features by buying commercial modules from the Prestashop addon store than you would have to pay about about €450,- (excl. VAT). Even than you would only get updates for 3 months and will it not be certain if the modules are compatible with TB.
If this project can be funded in the near future than it should be possible to have a beta version of the module in mid-august or early September.
So I really hope a lot of people will support this initiative so have can have a great search module in the near future.