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Everything posted by vincentdenkspel

  1. yes, just checked and everything seems to work. How can I mark this post as solved ?
  2. Hi, Since I updated from the dh42 piwik module to the official TB piwik module my site isn't tracked anymore. Did anybody encounter also this problem and if so, do you have a solution ?
  3. @datakick maybe you can start yout own indiegogo project for this. You get paid and we a qaulity module :)
  4. @snowycat Stay far away of this module. I tried to use it once on PS 1.6.x and it was a total disaster
  5. @mdekker thanks
  6. @lesley What I don't understand is the following: I have a MailChimp popup activated on my site. If someone wants to subscribe they have to fill in first and last name and e-mail address. Once that is done this person is added to the 'main' list (the list that is synced with the store.) Why is this address than 'accepted' without a TB customer reference number?
  7. @lesley If I'm not mistaken you can segment within one list. No need to have several lists. Especially if they all receive the same newsletter/information. However, if this is the only way that I have no option. Maybe it is possible to make that field not mandatory in a future version.
  8. @lesley So what should I do? Create a new list and sent the newsletter twice (once to the TB list and once to the 'manual list'?
  9. @lesley so how can I add a new subscriber than that is not a customer yet?
  10. @lesley Than my question still stands: how can I disable this or make it at least not mandatory? I only want one list and I want to be able to add new subscribers manually
  11. @lesley No, but the new list is not linked nor synced with the site
  12. The field is always there
  13. After the field 'birthday' https://d.pr/i/NQsHBz
  14. I'm trying to add a newsletter subscriber by hand in the backend of MailChimp. Since the latest version I have to add a Thirty Bees customer reference otherwise I can't add the new subscriber. Does anybody know how I can disable this?
  15. Maybe TB should try to get the official TB mailchimp module listed on the mailchimp site like https://d.pr/i/qY7Eou
  16. @vincentdenkspel What if i find even more strange is the following: I've rent a server from the German company Hetzner.com. I buy games from German publishers. The mails i sent to German publishers do not arrive or in the spambox. The do receive the mails when i sent the mail from my personanl gmail account. That having set, i'm going to use the mailgun service. Thank you all for the remarks and suggestions.
  17. @tomik e-mail program (thunderbird)
  18. @mdekker Score from what ? Transactional e-mails send by TB or e-mails send from my desktop. I send two discount coupons to totalluy different people and both said that my e-mails where in there spam folder :slight_frown:
  19. @tomik This is also suitable for sending e-mails from my desktop or is it only used for transactional e-mails send through TB ?
  20. Hi, About a year and a half ago my server was hacked. Since then a lot of my e-mails are considered as spam. The ip's i used where listed on blacklist. I got new ip 's in the hope that this that this would solve my problem but unfortunately I did not (or at least not all) Does somebody know what I can do so my e-mail address is no longer considered as spam? Thanks.
  21. I just visited your site. I noticed all the information is in french Maybe it is an idea to make a English version of your site.
  22. @30knees maybe the module of @datakick can do what you are looking for
  23. @zimmer-media said in I will say goodbye: Yes, that is him You mean me, or the comment ? If you knew before writing, than why post it ?
  24. @zimmer-media said in I will say goodbye: ok go to bed, sleep or do whatever. I think your project TB does not seem to matter so much to you. I think this comment is totally out of line !
  25. @mockob Indeed time will tell. However, my experience with 'commercial' PS developer is not better. I bought a review module with 2 year of updates for i think € 200 with the promise that they would add 'multible creteria' feature within a few months. This was in 2014 and to my knowledge this is still not included. I tthink they are doing a great job and happy that is switched to TB, but i do think communication must be much better. You can rest assured that you did not hurt my feelings :)
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