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Everything posted by vincentdenkspel
@lesley Maybe it worthwhile to do crowdfunding yourself in the future and use a globally operating payment provider such as ayden (https://www.adyen.com/payment-methods)
As backer of the elasticsearch campaign you will receive a request to complete a survey. I think it would be wise to address this issue of very limited payment option in the survey. I did . I find it unbelievable that they don't offer a lot more payment options. They should offer the most used payment offer for a specific country. There are service payment providers that operate globally.
Now that the 1st crowdfunding project is online i really hope that all the voters for the elasticsearch module will contribute to the project. Within 15 hours almost half of the required money is funded. Please, please, please, lets make this first project a success !
I would like to emphasise the importance of highlighting all the capabilities and not only the search features by using a metaphor. Currently it's a good weather for cruising in a cabrio. Unfortunately i don't have one. So lets say I would like to buy one. There are various manufactures that build cabrio's that i like. However what i do not know is that there is a small manufacturer that happen to build trucks. What is special about this truck is that is a transformer-truck. It can be transformed into a cabrio if you want to. So in the weekend I can cruise in my carbio and during the week I can bring my sold games to my customers. Unfortunately the manufactured did not communicate this possibility and I end up buying a normal cabrio. Would I have know the other features than I would have bought the truck. So the manufactures lost a sale by not communicating the other features.
"Well we have to see what happens." yes we have "just that this part has not been used in the existing modules for PS" That's the problem. The more important to the emphasise all the functionality they get in one module instead of two. You can't assume that people know that. I did not know that until Michael told me.
@Havouza "First as I said before, there is a huge difference between a vote and a contribution" you're absolutely right. That's why it is important to emphasise the benifits of contributing to the crowd funding project compared to buying this functionality from third party developers. "Looking at PS there is one free and one paid module. In my book that means that the demand is low, because if it was high, many more developers would have one for sale" Here i disagree with you. You only focus on the elastic search modules. As discussed before you will also be able to do advanced filtering on a site. Your analysis is thus not complete. You also have take into account the advaced filter modules. There are various filters modules but let only look at the once that are developed by Presto Changeo and PrestaModule. The one of PrestaModule has been sold more the 5000 times on the PS addon store. That means at least €1.000.000 in sales !! This module is also sold on there own store. The advance filter module is only sold on there on store. I don't now the number of sales. But i think it is fair to conclude that you can't say that there isn't a demand for such a module. The problem is the focus on the search capabilities of the module. I think also the filter options much be brought into the lime line. "but I am realist-" This suggest that i'm not. You're entitled to your option but i don't see why my view is less realistic than yours. Especially since your substantiation was incomplete. All depends how the crowd funding project comunicated: "help us build a elastic search module" or '"help us build the best elastic search module. And the best part is: you will not only get the best Elastic Search module, you will also get the best filter module. So two for the price of one"
I don't know what your business model is, but i assume that a large user bases is better for you business model. Hight quality open source modules will make TB more attractive for a larger user base. Lets say the current voter on the blogpost will pay € 75 each than all the modules could easily be developed. This would make TB more attractive and the user base will grow. Next year or so the user base would be much bigger. For the sake of argument that 300 people would be willing to pay € 75 next year. For this €22.500 other great modules could be developed. Next year maybe 600 people are willing to contriute €75 for crowd funding projects. And so on and so on. Someone mentioned that crowdfunding would not be direct beneficial to him because other people who are not contributing also will get the game. First of all he will not get these great modules for €75. Secondly lets say 2% of the current forum members contribute in one way or another to the project (coding, bug fixing, documentation etc. etc). It is likely that the number of forum members will grow and as such also the number of contributors. More contributors will make TB as a project better in less time. So this is also beneficial to you as crowd funder. I think crowd funding can beneficial to TB. The problem is getting people convinced
@lesley Great. I can't wait till the Indiegogo project is online
@lesley You will have to create 4 indiegogo projects than. I'm more than happy to pay €50 each.
I'm talking about the Tb developers. They want tb to be successfull. If all the voters on the crowdfunding blog would pay € 100 than all the modules could be developed. These modules will make TB better. If we had to buy all these modules from third party developers each of us had to pay hundreds of euro's (only for one site)
@Havouza i think they can. By crowdfunding a lot of the develpment.
@moy2010 If you are referring to my comment; that is indeed what i understood. Still you won't need an external service as i understand it from the discussions on one of the other posts about this topic
@Traumflug said in Indiegogo ElasticSearch project: I'm not a developer. I made this initiative from a site owner perspective. These have to be done in thirty bees anyways or are part of native search already: I've TB installed but apparently i'm missing a lot. Which of the these features are part of native search already ? not the filter options. Seeing the long list of what a search provider does not provide, and the short list what it does provide, still can be done without a provider, I wonder whether it’s a good idea to become dependent on such a provider. I was told that with a decent vps/dedicated server you could run Elasticsearch yourself, so you won't need a provider for that.
If you all know other people who are using TB i hope you will point them to this thread. The more people support this project the sooner it can start. I will discuss with @mdekker when the indiegogo project can be online
@Havouza Sorry, i overlooked your latest answer
@Havouza You will also have an indirect benefit. I saw on you site you are going to offer an elastic search service. I could imagine that you can sell your elasticsearch- and hosting services easier with when a full featured TB compatible module is available. Just my two cents
@Havouza Maybe a small amount to support the project ? :) All lot of small amounts will also the the project funded
@Havouza I think it depends on the items you sell. For me a filter module and a search module are very handy. I sell (educational) boardgames. I've several categories (type of game, playing time, number of players, publisher and skills. For each games multiple skills are selected. For example. For a game called Mastermind (a well know mindgame/braingame) you need logical reasoning, spatial orientation and various other skills. People are able to filter products on multiple categories: an game for one player, age 8 and up, 10 minutes playing time for which you need skill A, C and F. This is for someone who does not what specific game he/she is looking for. The search option is for someone who exactly knows what game he is looking for but does not know if I have it in my collection. E.g. do i have Scrabble in my collection I hope i've clarified why for me the filter and search option are complementary. I do understand however, that other shops my not need this.
@wakabayashi I just visited the demopage for the advanced search 4 module on the prestashop page. As far as i can tell it does not support text search (but i could be wrong) I myself use the ajax filter module developed by Presto Changeo ($250). It does work to but often i encounter problems with my site that is running on TB and every once in a while i have to pay for an update of the module. I'm not a developer so i can't code or do bug fixes. I've a few reasons why i'm going to invest in this project and they are the ones mention in my initial post: 1) The developer will earn money. If the developer can't make a living out of TB than the project will eventually die 2) the module will make TB better. A full featured ecommerce system will attract more users and last but not least 3) i'll get a full featured module that will work with TB which make my site better In the end this is my way of contributing to the TB project
I've also bought for a lot of modules. Not lately however, so maybe they have changed the terms. Still if you would like to have this functionality you would have at least to pay €330 excl VAT
@Havouza can we agree that the information i provided is accurate ?
@Havouza i'm not a developer. I only initiated the crowdfunded development. However, the features list has been discusses with @mdekker and he said this is possible. Since it has been discussed with him and he will be developing the module i assume it can be done
@wakabayashi yes indeed
@Havouza Hi, I think the information i provided is accurate. Let me explain. For the functionality as mentioned in this post you not need 1 module but 2 modules. As far as i no the ElasticSearchconnector module that is sold in the prestastore is not capable of doing all the advanced filter options. If you also want the filter options you have to buy a second module. The elasticsearch connector costs € 130 excl VAT or € 172 excl VAT for 12 months of updates. The other module you need is the advance search 4 module. This module costs € 200 excl VAT or € 280 excl VAT with 12 months of upgrades. So for 12 months of free upgrade you will have to pay € 450 excl VAT in order to have all the functionality. If in your opinion my calculations are not accurate or if all the functionality can be found in one module please let me know. I'll than edit the original post.