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Everything posted by lesley

  1. There is a bug in the category rewrites using the 302 /301 redirects. So if you are using Haproxy for the time being disable them and everything will work.
  2. This is not possible as far as I know and I am not familiar with any module that can do it.
  3. Are the routes correct in the SEO and urls page showing that the ids should be in the urls?
  4. Is this a fresh install or migration? Does it work with friendly urls turned off?
  5. Interesting, the redirects should be the same. Are you using numbers in the urls?
  6. I personally have not, I am not sure if anyone in the community has.
  7. Google might be the same way, that is why I mentioned it. We have had several clients complain over it taking a long time. Google is such a massive service that sometimes the mail servers are under load and it takes a long time, others its quick as it should be.
  8. I think it is the external server. I have seen this happen before. Also to note, this slowdown is also happening with registrations as well, because of the emails triggered there.
  9. Are you using Google for mail? If so, that will cause it.
  10. But at the same time, we can put it on the roadmap to add. Germany really makes things a PITA because there are no clear rules or regulations, just a mish mash of what people think they have to do to comply under the law.
  11. They are years old purchases, but still, not the proper way to handle it.
  12. Well that sucks. I wonder how they handle users that have bought the products that can no longer download them, like me.
  13. Taxes can only be handled on a state level in thirty bees, not a state and city level.
  14. Its not free, but another way is to use a smtp email server as well, instead of php mail. We use Mandrill a lot with our clients, that way we can see everything that goes out, and if people are opening and clicking too.
  15. Is this a fresh install or upgrade? Also what version?
  16. hmm I don't think the overlap between those companies and e-commerce is that big. They also would not be sharing data with Google in the first place if they valued privacy.
  17. It is not, I am not understanding the point of that feature, what is the use case?
  18. There is, but there is one catch. Unlike in Europe when you win a lawsuit in America you do not get attorney's fees. So if they take 10k, and it costs you 15k in attorney's fees to get it back, you are 5k in the hole. This is part of why they do it.
  19. If you have time, its a short watch, but this is from where I live, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMVIdA3UEcU
  20. The american legal system is like none in the world. I think it would surprise other people the things that happen here and how it works. Did you know the police here can take your money without filing any kind of charges on you?
  21. Its likely several million dollars to get a license, it would require coming to the US and testifying in front of a senate committee. The likely the US would implant code in the software... just ask Siemens.
  22. Like was mentioned before, imagine the e-commerce world without visa, mastercard, amex, discover, paypal, ect. The US can be quick to sanction a company like Envato and tell American companies not to do business with them. This takes away their payment gateways and a large customer base.
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