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Everything posted by lesley

  1. Thanks, I just added that as well, https://github.com/thirtybees/themeconfigurator/commits/master
  2. Good catch, I just commited the fix, https://github.com/thirtybees/themeconfigurator/commit/93e5acb4a0e6fdad99ee969baa777d5991138b18
  3. This is solved. The issue was the admin/filemanager/dialog.php was set to 664 permission hostgator's mode sec was catching it, it wanted it to be set at 644 for the permissions. Below is the error in the log in case anyone comes across it again. filemanager/dialog.php" is writeable by group, referer: http://gotsoap.com/shop/xxx/index.php?controller=AdminProducts&id_product=1&updateproduct&token=d1dc88ade0398d9e1b2afb17fd1149b1
  4. We might have to figure something out. You actually cannot check the version during the check for compatibility. The reason is mysql will not tell the version until you have the database login info.
  5. I am thinking your mysql version is part of the problem. The errors during the upgrade are because tables cannot be created because the version of mysql does not support the charset.
  6. Hmm, that is the mysql driver, not the mysql version. But it is still very old, 2012.. What version of php are you running?
  7. Ask your host, or you can PM me access and I can check it out.
  8. Hmm, what version of mysql is your server running? It looks like your server might be running a really old version. We have dropped a lot of the old versions of PHP and Mysql that work with PrestaShop for security reasons.
  9. Is it enabled, you should have a line like this, https://www.screencast.com/t/qGxssu1D
  10. What errors did you get during the upgrade?
  11. Ahh yeah, curl on lamp can be quirky sometimes. Some versions are pretty broken.
  12. The modules could be a cause. In the performance page you can disable both external modules and overrides and test to see if it is any faster.
  13. There might be a timeout or a file size limit in place. That is only 20 something mb but the zip needs to be 40 something.
  14. It should, but I would not keep updating PrestaShop. There were regressions in the .15 branch and there could be in the .16 branch too.
  15. @Tomik It could either split it or grow it, I am hoping for the latter.
  16. Would it bother you all if I wrote a dev blog post about this?
  17. What kind of help are you needing? The theme should work just fine on thirty bees.
  18. I honestly would use code guard for backups. A lot of our clients use it and they love it. I think hostgator offers a discount on it too.
  19. We are trying to get around the backup actually, by doing the same thing that wordpress does, having reliable upgrades. When you have unreliable upgrades you need backups. Eventually we will migrate to a system that autoupdates like wordpress as well.
  20. Are you still getting the 500 error when you try to upload images?
  21. I would always advise against EIG owned hosts personally. They are hated in general.
  22. I would talk to your host first about fixing the errors in the log. How large was the image you were trying to upload? You could have hit a php limit.
  23. Do you have the imagemagik module installed? It seems your server does not support it.
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