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Everything posted by lesley

  1. Have you looked at the thirty bees cleaner module? It is included in thirty bees and can delete all customers and orders.
  2. Sure, that is a possibility. It would take a custom edit to the core of the module. It is not something we would edit into the module to release just because it will likely get reviews excluded from everywhere that might aggregate them.
  3. The size only becomes a problem when you can not longer back the database up or restore it, so it depends on the host as well.
  4. This would be a good one to post in our job offers section. I am sure one of the developers on the forum could square you away for a few bucks.
  5. This would be theme module specific, but I do not know any theme that supports it either.
  6. No, that is not an issue, that is still extremely small. I was working with one this weekend that was 16gb.
  7. It looks like your theme is using a logo with a wrong format. Try to back up manually, then do the upgrade.
  8. I think we are going to have to work with someone that has apple devices to fix this. I don't think any of the core contributors use apple devices.
  9. Forums are generally not a problem if the forum itself is not spammy.
  10. I think it came out in 1.0.0, it could be in store contacts in that version.
  11. Have you input a map key? Look at Preferences -> General in the back office.
  12. Have you changed anything about your site recently? we do not do anything automatically with thirty bees.
  13. Yeah, that should do it, or restore from a server backup.
  14. If they won't it might be the best short term option. We will have to run some tests to see if we can make it compatible. The files are included because it makes for easier updates, but it is known to conflict with the php extension (which is rarely installed) so we will have to make a dev environment and test against it.
  15. hmm it looks like it might be the geoip php extension on your server causing a conflict, ask your host if they can disable it.
  16. Look in the psconfiguration table and find the row called PSGEOLOCATION_ENABLED and set the value to 0. See if that helps anything.
  17. Are you familiar with using phpmyadmin?
  18. What happens when you disable GEOlocation in the back office of the site?
  19. Have you considered running Ubuntu from a stick? Most of us tend to work with it here, so we can help any issues with it normally.
  20. Can you turn error reporting on in the back end and see what errors you are getting. Also you can check the server error log too.
  21. lesley

    Delete modules

    Currently it is, it loads by the feed. This is going to change in the future once we get our store operational. I feel your pain on the whole situation.
  22. Actually we are half in America. What are we missing with Apple device targeting?
  23. lesley

    Cache problem

    Interesting, what version of thirty bees are you using?
  24. It would not work for all cases, but you could use a string function to find a space and go from there. I think that is the closest you can get with smarty.
  25. There are bugs still left in the ASM system. We are going to test it an clean them out very soon. If you want to report the bug on github issues that would be great.
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