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Everything posted by Havouza

  1. No but the module can be buggy. I tried to upload categories with preset id. It just dont work so I gave up. That module is known to be buggy and a addon developer said it is so.
  2. Upset for what. If it works manually perhaps it is the csv upload module that is wrong. I never use it
  3. Just curious. Have you tried to create them manually? Did it work?
  4. Again it has nothing to do with the tutorial as I have said in the other post. End of discussion
  5. It has nothing to do with the tutorial. I am sure it is good even if I have not read it. I am like I think most people. A manual is something I read when there is a problem. What I suggest has to do with the module itself.
  6. at the configuration page
  7. You misunderstand. What I mean is to save both sets and the configuration page. Then you only have to switch the live mode on or off when needed
  8. If you install it and then try to configure it you can get the impression that if you have live credentials and then change to sandbox mode it will go to sandbox mode. But that is not true. It just stops working. That is what I meant with change the text on the config page. Or perhaps make it possible to add both sets of credentials at once
  9. Must be hard but interesting to start on a mission like TB. Soo much bad code but must be rewarding to find the better way to do things
  10. I hope it will work better though than PS. I have never managed to update with that module, even to next version. Mostly stops with some error about the Adapter
  11. I would say just the text need to be changed. Just so people understand that both set of credentials is needed. I dont know if it would be possible to have a form where both sets are added and when you switch to Go Live the "sharp ones are used", otherwise the sandbox ones are used
  12. Yea I will do. I just had no time. My xml tool is simple and takes time with big files. XML notepad
  13. PS 1.7 themes will not work
  14. I have tested a few without any problems.
  15. This is a critical bug that is reported the 20 Feb. It misses a category between the slashes/ I would report it again because it is slightly different
  16. Someone else had the same problem. Post it in General for now
  17. @alwayspaws That was an answer to me I think about keeping the original images
  18. Probably Goggle error. The link is some mix of categories. But the path is totally wrong
  19. @Lausli Are you using the Ebay module you are talking about?
  20. OK thanks I found something strange. I submitted the site to google yesterday and also the new sitemap. Today I looked and it seems that the site is crawled and there is a mistake that I cant find. See the attached screenshot. That category path is nowhere to be found.
  21. Should be a couple of question marks ;-)
  22. @MockoB When the sitemap is submitted to Webtools, Google keep track of the updates itself. I have set the cronjob to update the sitemap just after my products are updated or new added.
  23. The one I submitted also handles images which I understand is important
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