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Everything posted by SLiCK_303

  1. No problem @wakabayashi . It's a great module, very flexible! More people need to test it and see... Time to step up people, everyone who uses loyalty points on their site needs to use this module instead. Even those who don't use loyalty points can start with this one, or just use it for the gamification, which is great too.
  2. I just made a new version, v3.0.0. It is a re-write of the module, to include the ability to set how many days to wait to send the email, via a cron job. You will need to do an uninstall, delete, and then d/l and install the new version.
  3. i'm outta ideas, hopefully someone else smarter than I will have something for ya...
  4. might try 664 just for fun. I wouldnt have thought that module would effect your system like your describing. Can you restore your db to yesterdays? Or have you made some sales since then, or got new customers...
  5. @movieseals said in Odd Error Message in Customers section: Error: could not detect whether debug mode is enabled. Make sure that the correct permissions are set on the file /home/librairiezbook/public_html/config/defines.inc.php and...what are the file persmissions on that file? tb needs to be able to make changes to that file.
  6. @movieseals said in Odd Error Message in Customers section: Yes. Looking into those. Everything was working fine before until today... :( What changed from yesterday to today? Did you any modules? Did you make changes to your server? ...
  7. do you have some module that is supposed to log user details of some sort?
  8. I would assume you must have a module or override effecting it
  9. Modifing your database and tables is the only way to do it. You need to use phpMyAdmin, to do the modifications. You can go into tb_meta, go down to 27-product, 28-category, and 29-cms, and set the configurable to 1 for each. That will give you the options in advanced settings to change them.
  10. I use @Eolia 's module, it works great for me.
  11. The module looks really good, way to go, I cant wait to go live with it.....
  12. weird... well, glad its working now.
  13. I just installed another language on my test site, and I still have the Email Subject line to edit...
  14. Seems to work for me... I only use english though, so maybe theres an issue with others. You copied the new /mails/en to your language files right?
  15. hmmm.. let me test it some more, it was working for me. but let me look some more......
  16. You may want to include more default settings, like this area... Ad/Or in Levels, so we have better examples of what your trying to convey...
  17. @chandra said in [Free Module] Birthday Gift: Works nicely. No Subject was found for birthday in the database. I was able to change the email subject in translations in earlier versions, however the email subject text box does not show up now. How can I change it in v2.0.0? I released version 2.0.1 to fix this issue. Simply install over your existing module.
  18. SLiCK_303


    What version of the paypal module are you using?
  19. I just released version 2.0.0 of the module. I re-wrote it, and added email logging to it. Uninstall and delete your current version, then d/l and install this version. You will be getting a new security key doing this, so update your cron job to reflect it.
  20. @chandra said in [Free Module] Birthday Gift: @SLiCK_303 It would be good to have customer group selection so we can avoid sending birthday emails to say b2b and blacklisted customers. I just put out version 1.0.3 of the module, you can now enter customer groups you'd like to restrict the emails to. I did it a dirty way, were you have to enter the group id's manually, instead of picking from a nice pick menu, but it works. Just install over your existing install, and then pick your groups.
  21. Maybe this would help, I dunno.... https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/664951-free-module-faq-frequently-asked-questions/
  22. You can go into tb_meta, go down to 27-product, 28-category, and 29-cms, and set the configurable to 1 for each. That will give you the options in advanced settings to change them. Home Page is already there, it's called 'index'.
  23. If you setup a cron job, make sure to change it to the new url, as the security key has changed since you installed the new version.
  24. @chandra said in [Free Module] Birthday Gift: @SLiCK_303 Second, as above a month would be a better duration for voucher validity (unless it can be configured somewhere). I just released v1.0.2 which has duration setting, and new emails. Uninstall and delete the version you have now, then d/l and install the new version. As for the customer group setting, I'll look into it.
  25. Gotcha, it would be better to test the latest source though. They are way beyond what rc1 was. You can follow my instructions, more or less, to get upto latest source. https://thirtybees.com/developer-blog/upgrade-a-1-0-3-site-to-1-0-4-latest-source/ . Since your at 1.0.4rc1, you can skip some steps already. You might look at my guide and decide what to do and what not to. If you need/want my help I can provide you some...
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