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Everything posted by SLiCK_303

  1. well then...glad I could help. Feel free to mark this one solved.
  2. You did it, not me, but you're welcome. ;)
  3. yeah. If you dont have it installed anymore, you need to get rid of it's overrides. I hope you have a good backup....just in case something goes wrong
  4. Do you know if when you installed it, it had any overrides?
  5. it's disabled, or uninstalled? If uninstalled, it did a crappy job of that.
  6. I wonder what module or override put 'owners' there, its not normal in the table. Any thoughts?
  7. try turning debugging on, see if that comes up with a better error message
  8. Yeah, fresh install is always the best place to start from. You get better results that way for the future, for sure. If you have an issue with this on a fresh install let us know.....
  9. ok, sorry I couldn't point you in the right direction... :(
  10. ;( Thats not cool.... But whatever works I guess. Try it on a clean tb 1.0.3 install
  11. any overrides that might be affecting it? Or is this on a clean install?
  12. do you mean one of these two links? Also, I would just do the procedure you did before, create the error, then it will be right there in your error log... hopefully
  13. Excuse my ignorance, but where is this 'send payment link' in the BO? Also the error from your server error log would be more helpful than the error message you provided.
  14. I think you can edit them, isnt that what the caption setting is for, in which you can change it for each pic if you want?
  15. np. glad to help. sorry it took me so long to recognize the issue. I forgot that I had replaced my file, on my 103 production site...
  16. I have confirmed with a fresh install of 1.0.3 on my localhost, this problem is there! wow! At any rate, it is fixed in 1.0.4. Here is a replacement file that should make it work for you, on your 1.0.3 site. replace your /classes/CartRule.php with this one.. 01519165747057CartRule.zip
  17. BO>Advaced Parameters...go down to Debug Mode and turn on Debug Mode then hit save....
  18. And it doesnt matter if you put the customer in the Retail group by deafult?
  19. Don't know what to tell ya, works fine for me. I'm not sure what is causing the two of you to have issue with it. You might setup a test site, and check how it works on a fresh install, instead of on your migrated sites. Ive set up the voucher with and without a code, works fine both ways. This is on my production 1.0.3 site, and my test 1.0.4 latest source site.
  20. I don't understand I guess, seems to work fine for me.. Then I login as a 'Wholesale' user, and use the code, and it works fine.... This is in 1.0.3 and 1.0.4
  21. @datakick said in Send Review Request module: @SLiCK_303 is it really responsibility of review module to auto log-in customer? I'm not sure, but I'd say this should be handled by module that generates the review link. You don't have to send visitors directly to product page. You can create some controller that will perform auto-login, and then redirect visitor to product page. Obviously, this is very sensitive topic, as it involves authentication @foolab said in Send Review Request module: My question is not related to guests, but to a special link that makes customers able create a review associated to them through a specific link (with a token) without the need of logging in with user and password. Sorry I did not get the question. Yeah it probably would be this modules job to auto-login someone, but to be honest, I don't think I could figure out how to do that. If someone feels like forking this module, and writing that function in, go for it...
  22. @FooLab It's not up this this module to determine that or not. It's up to either productcomment or revws, and how you have the 'Allow guest reviews' set.
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