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Cassim last won the day on April 2 2023

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  1. Are you looking into a way of doing some kind of update prices based on a external price? A pricematch system?
  2. That seems to be due to Cloudflare then. Don't you support that? Can you share some more information on how or what i can look for to "whitelist" you ?
  3. Hi, In lack of a better place to submit this. I did try to test the "premium module" but it won't allow me to login. Im always getting stock on this screen (attached) after i press the "login" Im redirected to this page : https://accounts.thirtybees.com/connect If i update the page im just seeing a page with my e-mail listed and a logout option. https://accounts.thirtybees.com/account
  4. A great function will be for Cart Rules Right now we can filter based on Countries Shipping Customersgroups Other cart rules Items/products conditions (total amount or value - all based on "items", "suppliers", "features", "brand" and "category") But what im really missing here is a option to filter based on this : Currency Regional/Zones (like EU, Nordics, LATAM, Oceania, and so on) We are running multiple currency, but for a currency like $ our earings a really low, so we like to offer a cart rule to other currenys but $, same goes for some specific zones like Turkey/Oceania/Asia, we don't like to offer a cart rule here. Can this functions be added?
  5. @papagino from what i have seen yet, most of the 1.6 modules work. I have seen a few developers recode the modules from 1.7 to 1.6 but with keeping the php 8 allowence. Im in a chat with a developer right now that are working on a chatGPT module mainly for 1,7+8, he tells me that i can get it working on TB if i fixes the limits that are set within the module to limit the version from a version below 1.7
  6. Hi, Im running on 1.5.0 on our beta. And i found that the permission tabs are empty. Any ideas why?
  7. Can this be added default.? So that you can set a default value using the module and then hide this fields.? We have hardcoded that into our current module, as we only are allowed to capture the information needed to deliver the order, and in terms of digital items, we don't need a adresse, to deliver the order. Is that something you can add as a option in the backend.? To allow or disallow free orders.?
  8. @datakick In terms of this mainly minded on digital content: Do the checkout support just "needed info" or will it request all full customer information (can we limit it to just get name + mail and/or phone) Will we be able to hide the "shipping" part, as that is not needed In terms of free orders - is their a option to ensure that no orders are allowed if they are 0 or below? (So block free orders) In terms of Payments, can we controle if we like to show images or just text on the payments or will that be 100% rolled by the payment methods ?
  9. Hi, Any of you know if their is a module working for Auth0?
  10. you can always limit the access to specific folders by .htaccess if you really don't want anyone to visit that page other then you
  11. Something your working on.? Or do you have a date on when it will?
  12. @musicmaster Do your newest version support adding/removing/updating the Multiple Features of TB ?
  13. Cassim


    Where are you in terms of getting a "beta" out into the public?
  14. Sorry about not returning here. We did stop the work and did order this : https://addons.prestashop.com/en/payment-card-wallet/17856-stripe-payment-pro-sca-ready.html it did work great. Hope your module will be working.!
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