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Everything posted by Beeta

  1. My ciphering configuration is already set to php encryption
  2. I'm getting a lot of this warnings on collect logs (example collect_20230923.log) [22:37:50.5050] [OLD] [55e51c73843cffa9ca9dbacb4e3b2ad5] [WARNING] PHP Encryption can't be used because _PHP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ constant is not defined. Using Blowfish encryption instead. in file classes/Encryptor.php at line 167. [22:37:50.5050] [OLD] [1512861597d39c707e1026a3cd042176] [WARNING] Blowfish encryption is deprected and will be removed in next version of thirty bees. Please use PHP Encryption instead in file classes/CryptBlowfish.php at line 487. how can I solve this? is this a bug?
  3. Instead it is: I checked the DB and in the table tb_product_shop I can see the rows for shopid 1 and shopid 3 and I suspect is DKM adding them. Can you suggest me what can I do to delete them from shopid3 asap after they are wrongly imported from Datakick Manager? I "just" need to delete the rows in tb_product_shop or are there other tables connected? 2bis. Can I do it within a massupdate of DataKick Manager so I can schedule it asap after the import? In the future do you think to update DataKick Manager to avoid this? Thank you
  4. How can I change the color of the navbar-header so it changes switching from a store to another?
  5. @datakick I think that the issue is not about datakick manager. I can see that the secondary shop is diplaying products from categories not defined in it. how can be possibile? Datakick manager set imported product to categories defined in the primary shop only. I'm not understanding why they are displayed in the BO of the secondary shop. The secondary is in a different shop group too.
  6. I think that layered filter in search results could be very usefull for many shops.
  7. Ok thanks. So now I can stop to search for a missconfiguration and start to find a way to disable the products for the secondary shop every time the cron runs. ^_^ Do you have some hints on how to do it? - Maybe scheduling a mass update asap after the products are imported that delete/disable products without a certain keyword in the reference name in a specific store? or - Harassing the "@datakick Manager" developer (do you know who is? 🙂) to implement per store imports? I'm not going this way as I think that it is a difficult feature to implement. 😉 I can see that in the secondary shop all the imported products are with stock not set in the backend "- -" (and displayed as out of stock in the frontend). I think that is because the supplier set from the import task not exists in the primary.
  8. There are some solutions but the opensource one's are outdated. https://sendy.co/api Maybe someone can step in and fork one of them.
  9. @datakick I still have this problem. Is this the expected behaviour?
  10. Hello, I created a secondary shop with multistore. I "duplicate" the main one and when asked I didn't imported categories, supplier and products, and other "product's related" options; but I imported modules. Now I noticed that the two shops are importing products, if I go in the secondary shop and change a configuration in the module Data Manager the changes are reflected to the main shop. I would like that the products get imported in the original shop (id 1) and not in the secondary (id 3) as is a totally different shop. The shops are in different shop groups and I never enabled sharing stocks and orders beetween the two shop groups. Is it possibile?
  11. I activated Gmail app password and now it works. smtp forward has less limitations but for now I think app password if more than enough, and in case of large newsletter sending better use a dedicated service.
  12. As said in the previous post, I tried both. number 1 and number 2 options. Some time ago gmail lt create app password, but as far I see now it's not. maybe they deprecated? How maybe I see, I think I need to activate 2 step auth for that account, I'm going to try asap and update this thread.
  13. The SMTP is right I followed option 1 and option 2 here: https://support.google.com/a/answer/176600?hl=en ...but this days are so hot here in Italy that maybe I'm following the wrong guides 🥵
  14. I can access to the backend but I can’t access to the Shops configuration page to add a second shop.
  15. Hello my user is the only superadmin but I can't access the Shops page (index.php?controller=AdminShop). How can this be possible? I was thinking SuperAdmin has all the permissions. TB 1.5 (8cf6503c920bbf395458a03d5e7655c3efb277f1) PHP 7.4.33
  16. How about the authentication error? I configured routing as Google documentation. I has to work simply with username and password but it replies with this error. I don’t think this is related to the visible password.
  17. Beeta

    PayPal paylater

    yes I confirm that prestashop checkout support paypal paylater but i don't know if it's compatible with 30bees
  18. I'm trying it configuring google workspace routing without success. It replies with: Send Email Error: SMTP Error: Could not authenticate. Is it normal that the password in the smtp password field of the module configuration is visible?
  19. Beeta

    PayPal paylater

    Is it already possibile to use PayPal paylater. The total divided in three installments.
  20. @datakick I'm on edge I just updated TB and now prestabay give me critical errors: Context: {"task":"autoList","errorText":"Unknown column 'fl.public_name' in 'field list'","trace":"#0 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/classes\/db\/Db.php(441): DbCore->displayError()\n#1 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/classes\/db\/Db.php(1102): DbCore->query()\n#2 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/classes\/Product.php(2164): DbCore->getArray()\n#3 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/classes\/Product.php(6358): ProductCore::getFrontFeaturesStatic()\n#4 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/helpers\/ReplaceHelper.php(878): ProductCore->getFrontFeatures()\n#5 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/helpers\/ReplaceHelper.php(422): PrestaBay\\Helpers\\ReplaceHelper::buildFeaturesTable()\n#6 [internal function]: PrestaBay\\Helpers\\ReplaceHelper::replaceCallback()\n#7 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/helpers\/ReplaceHelper.php(130): preg_replace_callback()\n#8 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/models\/ProfileProductModel.php(568): PrestaBay\\Helpers\\ReplaceHelper::parseAttributes()\n#9 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/models\/ProfileProductModel.php(432): PrestaBay\\Models\\ProfileProductModel->parseAttributes()\n#10 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/services\/Ebay\/Item\/ItemAbstractRequest.php(949): PrestaBay\\Models\\ProfileProductModel->getDescription()\n#11 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/services\/Ebay\/Item\/ListRequest.php(57): PrestaBay\\Services\\Ebay\\Item\\ItemAbstractRequest->isDescriptionEmpty()\n#12 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/helpers\/EbayListHelper.php(96): PrestaBay\\Services\\Ebay\\Item\\ListRequest->validate()\n#13 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/services\/Synchronization\/Tasks\/AutoList.php(76): PrestaBay\\Helpers\\EbayListHelper::sendList()\n#14 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/services\/Synchronization\/BaseTask.php(53): PrestaBay\\Services\\Synchronization\\Tasks\\AutoList->execute()\n#15 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/services\/Synchronization\/Run.php(211): PrestaBay\\Services\\Synchronization\\BaseTask->run()\n#16 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/services\/Synchronization\/Run.php(157): PrestaBay\\Services\\Synchronization\\Run->executeCronJobs()\n#17 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/controllers\/front\/cronGeneral.php(51): PrestaBay\\Services\\Synchronization\\Run->execute()\n#18 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/classes\/controller\/Controller.php(196): PrestabayCronGeneralModuleFrontController->postProcess()\n#19 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/classes\/controller\/FrontController.php(251): ControllerCore->run()\n#20 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/classes\/Dispatcher.php(851): FrontControllerCore->run()\n#21 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/index.php(33): DispatcherCore->dispatch()\n#22 {main}"}. Is there a new column fl.public_name in 1.5?
  21. yes it was activated I deactivated it and re-paste it and now it's working, thank you Isn't this dangerous? now it's contact form fields are not purified?
  22. In my case is not working, it continue to change the html to <p></p> <p>Accordion One Body Content 1 Accordion Two Body Content 2</p> <p></p> after I save the cms article p.s. I think this topic have to be moved to Tips and Tricks forum as in this forum the replies are answers.
  23. how about using https://sendy.co/ ?
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