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Everything posted by Beeta

  1. The SMTP is right I followed option 1 and option 2 here: https://support.google.com/a/answer/176600?hl=en ...but this days are so hot here in Italy that maybe I'm following the wrong guides 🥵
  2. I can access to the backend but I can’t access to the Shops configuration page to add a second shop.
  3. Hello my user is the only superadmin but I can't access the Shops page (index.php?controller=AdminShop). How can this be possible? I was thinking SuperAdmin has all the permissions. TB 1.5 (8cf6503c920bbf395458a03d5e7655c3efb277f1) PHP 7.4.33
  4. How about the authentication error? I configured routing as Google documentation. I has to work simply with username and password but it replies with this error. I don’t think this is related to the visible password.
  5. Beeta

    PayPal paylater

    yes I confirm that prestashop checkout support paypal paylater but i don't know if it's compatible with 30bees
  6. I'm trying it configuring google workspace routing without success. It replies with: Send Email Error: SMTP Error: Could not authenticate. Is it normal that the password in the smtp password field of the module configuration is visible?
  7. Beeta

    PayPal paylater

    Is it already possibile to use PayPal paylater. The total divided in three installments.
  8. @datakick I'm on edge I just updated TB and now prestabay give me critical errors: Context: {"task":"autoList","errorText":"Unknown column 'fl.public_name' in 'field list'","trace":"#0 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/classes\/db\/Db.php(441): DbCore->displayError()\n#1 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/classes\/db\/Db.php(1102): DbCore->query()\n#2 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/classes\/Product.php(2164): DbCore->getArray()\n#3 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/classes\/Product.php(6358): ProductCore::getFrontFeaturesStatic()\n#4 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/helpers\/ReplaceHelper.php(878): ProductCore->getFrontFeatures()\n#5 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/helpers\/ReplaceHelper.php(422): PrestaBay\\Helpers\\ReplaceHelper::buildFeaturesTable()\n#6 [internal function]: PrestaBay\\Helpers\\ReplaceHelper::replaceCallback()\n#7 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/helpers\/ReplaceHelper.php(130): preg_replace_callback()\n#8 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/models\/ProfileProductModel.php(568): PrestaBay\\Helpers\\ReplaceHelper::parseAttributes()\n#9 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/models\/ProfileProductModel.php(432): PrestaBay\\Models\\ProfileProductModel->parseAttributes()\n#10 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/services\/Ebay\/Item\/ItemAbstractRequest.php(949): PrestaBay\\Models\\ProfileProductModel->getDescription()\n#11 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/services\/Ebay\/Item\/ListRequest.php(57): PrestaBay\\Services\\Ebay\\Item\\ItemAbstractRequest->isDescriptionEmpty()\n#12 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/helpers\/EbayListHelper.php(96): PrestaBay\\Services\\Ebay\\Item\\ListRequest->validate()\n#13 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/services\/Synchronization\/Tasks\/AutoList.php(76): PrestaBay\\Helpers\\EbayListHelper::sendList()\n#14 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/services\/Synchronization\/BaseTask.php(53): PrestaBay\\Services\\Synchronization\\Tasks\\AutoList->execute()\n#15 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/services\/Synchronization\/Run.php(211): PrestaBay\\Services\\Synchronization\\BaseTask->run()\n#16 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/services\/Synchronization\/Run.php(157): PrestaBay\\Services\\Synchronization\\Run->executeCronJobs()\n#17 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/modules\/prestabay\/controllers\/front\/cronGeneral.php(51): PrestaBay\\Services\\Synchronization\\Run->execute()\n#18 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/classes\/controller\/Controller.php(196): PrestabayCronGeneralModuleFrontController->postProcess()\n#19 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/classes\/controller\/FrontController.php(251): ControllerCore->run()\n#20 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/classes\/Dispatcher.php(851): FrontControllerCore->run()\n#21 \/home\/nginx\/domains\/domain.it\/public\/index.php(33): DispatcherCore->dispatch()\n#22 {main}"}. Is there a new column fl.public_name in 1.5?
  9. you should do a PR in github here: https://github.com/thirtybees/tbhtmlblock
  10. yes it was activated I deactivated it and re-paste it and now it's working, thank you Isn't this dangerous? now it's contact form fields are not purified?
  11. In my case is not working, it continue to change the html to <p></p> <p>Accordion One Body Content 1 Accordion Two Body Content 2</p> <p></p> after I save the cms article p.s. I think this topic have to be moved to Tips and Tricks forum as in this forum the replies are answers.
  12. how about using https://sendy.co/ ?
  13. I know this is old but in case someone with Prestashop 1.6 need it I found this: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/9866#issuecomment-441652867 Is not an error but is phrased like it is
  14. semplice e senza tanti fronzoli, a me piace attento che ne nel footer ci sono delle frasi non tradotte in italiano
  15. No one have an idea how to archive this?
  16. Beeta


    from which version to which one? already cleared the cache?
  17. With professional you pay 29€ per month or 12 months upfront for 228€ (19€ per month). You can see those price change switch the annually and monthly button on the left. The deprecated "startup" license was lifetime but without the possibility to get updates (only bugfixes).
  18. mine is working TB 1.5 NGINX 1.17.1 (old) PHP 7.4.33 Prestabay version 4.2.1 The price difference from startup and professional are about 30€. https://involic.com/prestabay-prestashop-ebay-integration/pricing
  19. I would like to display blocklayered filter directly in the homepage of the shop. is it possibile? if not, is it possibile to go around this limitation setting a different page as homepage (for example example the "root category" page)?
  20. I would like to do a search and then from the search results page filter with block layered filter. Is it possibile?
  21. Already done without success (I restarted nginx and php too). Now I tried to do a test order and I got:
  22. I configured customs payment method (COD and shop pickup), linked to their specific carrier, but in the payment section of the cart they custom payment method is display twice. Example of "payment shop pickup" (pagamento al ritiro in negozio): any idea why?
  23. meanwhile involic replied suggesting to edit the "if" from: if (!$dbInstance instanceof DbPDO) { throw new DBException( sprintf('DB Instance should be instance of DbPDO, we get %s', get_class($dbInstance)) ); } to: if (!$dbInstance instanceof Db) { throw new DBException( sprintf('DB Instance should be instance of DbPDO, we get %s', get_class($dbInstance)) ); }
  24. yes it's working now, thank you @datakick about the last excemption do you think I have to warn involic (prestabay developer)?
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