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Everything posted by Beeta

  1. come prima cosa proverò a vedere se 30bees è compatibile con bindcommerce
  2. @zimmer-media said in Update quantity via CSV: With this script all quantities are emptied during the update and then re-imported. If, for example, items are not listed in the CSV file, they will automatically receive the amount zero (may be irritating if the sub item number variant is not correct). in this way, if the script fails all the quantities are set to zero?! right?
  3. @lesley said in New theme modules for 1.1.x: In 1.1.x we are looking at changing the modules up a bit. We are going to be reducing the number of modules that are used in themes by combining several modules down into single modules. An example is the block my account and the block my account footer. There is no reason to have to maintain 2 modules for this. At the same time we are looking to introduce new front end modules as well. Things that theme developers can use to make shops prettier or more functional. What kind of new front end modules would you like to see? For the frontend, I would like a Categories page, where all the products from all the categories (with the possibility to exclude/include specific cats/subcats) are listed so people can filter them.
  4. I don't know if can be any help but I got the "too many redirects" error too (on all pages, not only category pages) and I solved enabling: Configure -> Shop Parameters -> General: enable "SSL" enable "SSL on all pages" options p.s. I'm using nginx and not apache
  5. Ho installato oggi pomeriggio una prima installazione di test, se mi piace (per ora sì!), procederò a migrare un vecchio VirtueMart 1.5 su 30bees. Ma più che migrazione penso sarà una nuova installazione e configurazione.
  6. @mdekker I'm not 100% sure about that, but yes I think that with the youtube's HTML5 player you can have many videos on the same page without slowing down the user's browser. If all that I said is not true, this can help: https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-lazy-load-embedded-youtube-videos--cms-26743
  7. @mdekker uhmmm maybe as "flash player" is gone for good now, controls=2 is not needed anymore.
  8. @vincentdenkspel if you upload less then 5 videos per month you can use this: https://clipchamp.com ...but I don't see vimeo as a "video reviews" platform
  9. @norwegian_rat said in Youtube or Vimeo ?: as we added the iframes the page got slower and slower you need to use the embed code without loading the video player, you have to use controls=2 to do it. (source)
  10. Same problem here. I'm getting Gateway Time-out I have max_execution_time set to 600 I'm on nginx+php-fpm. In nginx vhost configuration I added: fastcgi_read_timeout 300; this solved the problem
  11. @roband7 said in New theme modules for 1.1.x: I’m also hoping that we can begin thinking about a better way than the current module/hook system. Something more widget-like, where the individual widget has no knowledge at all about where it’s used. Coupled with some sort of grid-based layout-system where instances of the widgets are combined. Coupled with some sort of system where these grids are connected to specific pages. take a look here: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1238/better-templates-mods-management
  12. Some links on the footer during the installation point to prestashop domains. personalized support forum official documentation support
  13. I voted for the Affiliate/Referral module.
  14. I vote for adding it to the core
  15. Hello, I'm using this service: www.bindcommerce.com and they integrate with PS16 API. I would like to know is TB API are identical to PS16 or if they differ in a significant way.
  16. @lesley for you near future is like a year? not before three years? :confused:
  17. @spidawebs said in Feedback requested on big decision, and POS possibilities: POS TPV I see POS TPV less user-friendly if you want to use it with tablet. isn't it?
  18. @mdekker said in Feedback requested on big decision, and POS possibilities: especially after the thirty bees fork diverges further from the PrestaShop code base; is that a valid assumption? No, we are going to keep things compatible with at least 1.0.x Is there any info about this argument?
  19. I use xenforo for communities website an I LOVE the way they handle theme/templates, it takes minutes fixing in case of theme upgrades. Maybe it's too much different from 30bees but take a look at it: https://xenforo.com/help/templates/ https://xenforo.com/community/threads/template-modifications-and-comparison.48412/ https://xenforo.com/community/threads/template-merging-and-history.48846/
  20. @jeff I can't see thirtybees logo on their "Choose your platform" section. :( if you are in contact with them as customer try to ask to add it.
  21. isn't the order reference used as a "password" to access guest order without logging in? or is a combination of customer email AND order reference that give access?
  22. wow I think that my next prestashop will be a thirtybees instead!
  23. @jnsgioia said in Layered Navigation and Advanced Search: Would it be possible to tweak the layered navigation module so that it could be used as an avanced search? Or is there an advanced search module out there that I could use? We sell used, rare and out-of-print books and our customers are accustomed to searching by author, publisher, and other bibliographic terms. I have added these as features but the drop down list gets a bit unwieldly when you have over 1000 different books. The quick search works, but returns too many items for people who are used to putting the author in a field and the title in a field etc. it would be awesome if thirtybess implement layered filter in pages like: search result pages category pages brand pages
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