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Everything posted by alwayspaws

  1. @vzex said in Square payment processor?: I'm sure there are much more important things on the to do list but if there is a TB wish list section, PLEASE add square.com payments. It seems 99% of US crafters use this form of credit card payment and one simple post to Etsy would bring a lot of users to TB to create their own web sites! The api is available but a bit beyond my skills! https://squareup.com/developers API is beyond my skills, too. That's what the other people are here for. :) I like that idea, too, because to be able to show my products in person and get paid by credit card with the little device that connects to phones and tablets would be wonderful! See it at https://squareup.com/. Here's a comparison of square vs PayPal. I haven't used either mobile card reader ... yet! https://www.merchantmaverick.com/square-vs-paypal/ and a plethora of info you didn't know you wanted to know about. lol. https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/square-vs-intuit-gopayment-vs-paypal-here-mobile-credit-card-processors/2/
  2. @vzex said in error 500 clean install: So glad I found thirtybees! Thanks! With PS seemed I was searching for ways to neuter all the distractions rather than improve the site! Huge thank you to those who formed this project! I'd love to see it stay simple, I had to start with a fresh install since the TB default template had issues for me. It never installed properly during migration but it showed up in translations to choose between the two. @vzex We're very pleased you are here and am glad you voiced what many (most? all?) of us think!
  3. You're very welcome! We have a wonderful team here. I hope you find it interesting!
  4. @vzex Terrific! Everybody is here for you.
  5. Thank you very much @jnsgioia - I updated my settings. I"m still "sparring" with Amazon about my business credit card. Back & forth for 3 days now.
  6. @mdekker said in Front office favicon: How about this change: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commit/abc254d7b3497721040b85d0174709860dad43e0 ? Looks good! Thanks.
  7. My favicons work perfectly (shouldn't have said THAT out loud. lol) on my desktop, but look at them on my iPhone 6. They are also this way on my iPad Mini 3.
  8. I already posted a favicon generator way above. :)
  9. @dynambee said in Front office favicon: Maybe it's a file format issue? @mdekker, what filetype is used for the standard favicon? @Havouza, what filetype did you use for the favicon that isn't working on your site? Filetype standard is: favicon.ico size is 16px x 16px for standard. You can generate favicons here for free: http://www.favicon.cc/
  10. @mdekker said in Front office favicon: Apple users? I am but @jnsgioia is not, afaik, and is still having this problem.
  11. Also, the favicons are question marks when on mobile devices and looking at the saved favorites.
  12. Anders, thank you. I'll keep this in mind for when I am in the "black".
  13. @jnsgioia I set those as you've shown. Thank you. What settings do you suggest for these options, please? No rush. I have other problems with Amazon Pay. (I read their docs and it doesn't explain these options. It just says you can select... Order status for executed orders: do we select this after we get an order? Otherwise, what would I choose? Are customers automatically emailed? When/How will payments be captured? I have "directly after authorization". Order status to capture payment? I have "Amazon Pay authorized". Login in Popup-Window - yes or no? Do you use the "URL AND CONFIGURATION INFO"? From their docs, do you use the below settings? IPN SETTINGS IPN (Instant Payment Notifications) will be sent by Amazon to inform your system about state changes in transactions. With these notifications, your system will know if an authorization or capture has been done. RECEIVE STATUS UPDATES VIA IPN "This option activates or deactivates the Instant Payment Notifications. To use IPN, you need to have a valid SSL certificate on your server. If you don't active IPN, please use polling and create a cronjob. URL FOR AMAZON IPN If you want to use IPN, you need to enter this generated URL at "Merchants-URL" at the Integrationsettings in your SellerCentral." Thank you again!
  14. @Havouza said in Combinations csv only imports first product in each category: Because we need the same in the Swedish shop with a lot of different fabrics on office furniture I bought a PS module called mass combinations update. There you can just tick which image should be shown on each combination I just bought it and installed the module. Thanks so much for letting me know about it!
  15. Unless I misunderstood him, Michael mentioned I need my own server to use Piwik, so that leaves me out.
  16. @innercode I'm so happy you decided to join us! I won't say anything else unless you begin a discussion. :)
  17. I have problems! (As usual. lol) I signed up on Amazon for an Amazon Pay account and have all my credentials and secrets :) I installed the Amazon Pay module by patworx. Here are the docs: http://www.patworx.de/LoginAndPay/WithAmazon/PrestaShopUS/Documentation Please help me with these settings: MODE LOGIN/PAY You can decide if you want to just use the "Pay"-functionality, only "Login"-functionality or both ("Login & Pay"). I selected Login & Pay. Is that best? WHEN/HOW WILL THE PAYMENT BE AUTHORIZED? Which do I use? a) During checkout / before completing the order. or b) immediately after the order Template Bootstrap - yes or no? I have no idea what they are talking about. I bought a template in case anyone needs to know in order to answer this question. Thanks! PS: this is just the beginning. Amazon Pay doesn't like the business credit card I've been using for almost three years and just used it this morning.
  18. @Nemo Thanks so much for making it easy to follow! It works perfectly.
  19. Like I said, you have to refresh your browser on your iPad. :)
  20. The defaults are m for the fields, m? Can you please edit your post so it all stays together unless you meant "m"? Thank you very much. I can do this!
  21. Yes, please, but also need to know what to enter on the csv so they match.
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