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Everything posted by ipeary

  1. I was editing top horizontal menu I restored the backup I made, Everything OK now, But I lost some products :( If you can edit it correctly please help me <3 Thanks Guys
  2. Can anyone tell me what is the problem? https://ipeary.com/imarket/en/ My theme destroyed I don't know what has happened :facewithopenmouthcold_sweat:
  3. Thanks so much, For modules/blocktopmenu/blocktopmenu.tpl there is little code to edit, Can you please give me the code to make my menu like the photo you posted, It's awesome also for colors Thanks so much
  4. Hello Guys, How to Edit Top Horizontal Menu? Colors and size! My market: https://ipeary.com/imarket/ Thanks
  5. Do you mean loyalty points?
  6. I have module for product review, I need one for the market itself to appear in google when I search for it
  7. Hello TB family there is any module to make reviews for our market to appear in google? thanks
  8. Good solution, I did it thanks
  9. No, it's not a module I need to hide whole left column
  10. you can check: https://ipeary.com/imarket/en/hair-care
  11. Hello Every body How to disable left column in mobile version? as it's appears in the top of my market categories thanks in advance
  12. @rabbit80 DO you modify TXT or Html mails in by file manager? I use cpanel Thanks in advance
  13. ipeary

    Adding HTML Code

    I SOLVED it thanks..
  14. @raytowle Don't Mention it bro
  15. @raytowle Yes I got the same problem and solved it.
  16. If you didn't solved it yet. please send me a message to access your TB market to make it for you.
  17. ipeary

    Adding HTML Code

    Thanks very much, But this will add it to the menu of my TB market, I need to make new top one instead of this banner [url=https://up.top4top.net/][img]https://e.top4top.net/p_878lhtfo1.jpg[/img][/url]
  18. ipeary

    Adding HTML Code

    @moy2010 How can I use TB menu module to make new menu? I used content box and didn't worked perfectly with thirtybees
  19. ipeary

    Adding HTML Code

    I need to add the follwing code instead of top banner in my TB shop: https://ipeary.com/imarket/ How to add it please? Thanks in advance, body {margin: 0;} ul.topnav { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; background-color: #222222; } ul.topnav li {float: left;} ul.topnav li a { display: block; color: yellow; text-align: center; padding: 14px 16px; text-decoration: none; } ul.topnav li a:hover:not(.active) {background-color: #00a2cf;} ul.topnav li a.active {background-color: #ea2739;} ul.topnav li.right {float: right;} @media screen and (max-width: 600px){ ul.topnav li.right, ul.topnav li {float: none;} } ipeary iMarket Design Shop
  20. @colorful-ant I have cronjob module and opened it, But don't understand the explanation for sorry :(
  21. OK and then? there is any instructions for this module to read?
  22. I downloaded the latest version, But how it works? I edited my birthday account to test it but nothing happened
  23. Hello every body Can this code make a count down for free shipping in TB ? step 1 in blockcart.php (at line70) add //get shipping cost quota $shippingcostquota= Tools::convertPrice((float)(Configuration::get('PSSHIPPINGFREE_PRICE'))); and at line 120 'shippingcostquota' => > $shippingcostquota, step 2. in the blockcart-json.tpl line96 add "shippingcostquota": "{$shippingcostquota|htmlentitydecode:2:'UTF-8'}", step 3. to blockcart.tpl line 80, add the formula, (can add it anywhere inside $products) ... {if ($shippingcostquota - $total)>0} Remaining to spend for free shipping:{$shippingcostquota-$product.totalwt}€ {else} If you spend{$shippingcost_quota}€ free shipping!!! {/if} cheers !!
  24. yes it's very bad to sell data, I feel a good soul in TB team, I'm you will reach your goal, I still in the first steps of my project and I fund myself with my own work, My currency very bad according to dollar, so I need to start to get some money, sure the first place Deserves donation is TB <3 Thanks very much TB team
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