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Posts posted by toplakd

  1. 2 minutes ago, AndyC said:

    Also the answer I mostly got was if it's v1.6 it SHOULD be OK

    And that's correct answer.

    If module is stating that is PS 1.6 compatible, developer does not need to care if it does not work with thirty bees.

    And thirty bees can not leave known bugs in its core unfixed just for the sake that some PS modules (which are exploiting the bugs or are poor written) will work.

    As small developers (even some big ones) will not change/update their modules for similar ecosystem (just more updated).

    And more 1.6 PS modules will be affected sooner or later.

  2. For subscription to survive one should also take in consideration the compatibility and ability to install non-verified modules.

    As this is the root of most bugs due to core being adopted to newest php standards, and most prestashop 1.6 are not updated since last 1.6 version.

    What helps if one can install 100+ prestashop 1.6 themes or modules, if they only bring out problems and their developpers are not interested into fixing them.

  3. You can make country specific voucher that adds free shipping.

    I have such voucher that adds 15% discount for local country only and is applied automaticly

    If you already have such voucher, you should leave "Code" field blank (Caution! If you leave this field blank, the rule will automatically be applied to benefiting customers.)

    • Thanks 1
  4. It's basically same as with current core option maximum weight. If no value is added into current maximum field, then it's overlooked, if value is there, it uses natively implemented core stuff to check and respond.

    That's why it was added to github (i was asked to) so devs can take look at it (if) to see what changes were made as I'm not a coder to be able to write modules. 😥

  5. In my situation all have same speed grade, so not want to confuse customers with additional higher price shipping options.

    Even if all show same speed grade, many do think that if higher shipping price the order will be delivered sooner 🙂

    And as more than 75% of my orders are placed through mobile devices, showing unneeded carriers consumes space on small mobile area.

  6. And this is exactly the point where min/max price limitation kicks in if one has carrier weight based.

    I have 4 different carriers which each have 4 weight ranges (same on each), I have set them for price range 0-100 - that's how much basic insurance covers
    One can have to maximum 2 kilograms of products if total value is less than 100$, than this carrier is shown


    and 4 new weight carriers will be added which will have price range 100-500 (higher incurance cover needs to be paid here, therefore different shipping costs)
    If total value is over 100$ than previous carrier does not show up, instead this one kicks in, and it shows available carrier price that was set by the weight for order above 100$

    The solution i'm using in my test environment respects all the core messages and always shows right carrier, or out of range if no carrier meets the criteria.

    If price is over range of both carriers it disables it and shows price error, even if product selection is within acceptable weight range of all carriers,

    and if weight is over range but it's within the price, it also shows correct stuff thats provided in the core.

  7. Displaying disabled carriers and reason why they are not displayed on carriers selection site would not be good idea, specially when one has a lot of carriers and used display space is very precious on mobile devices.

    Overlapping is not an issue, as if within overlapping all carriers are displayed which meet the criteria (if overlapping is something that user wants). And thats why preselected value is 0, as if 0 then this

    In current system one can not manipulate the carriers optimally because of missing additional options to limit displayyed carrier selection list and some do not want to show more carriers available as needed for completing the order.

    Above mentioned options from @dynambee sound good, but missing the option to enable minimum price - to not show more carriers than needed.

  8. Not to mention that I run 4 instances of thirty bees on my hosting (out of that 509 active)

    1st is live shop

    2nd is same as live, but for testing the updates before applying them to live

    3rd is where i make live preview theme changes

    4rh is completely stock to make compares to my 3rd one

  9. PS took advantage with GDPR coming in place back in 2018, offering free module for 1.7 and 100€ for 1.6.

    That particular module and it's 1.6 price made many of european PS 1.6 users switch to 1.7 even if that module actually does very little with help of being GDPR compliant, as only useful thing it has is that customer can printout all his data within "My Account". Most of other things one can accomplish without any module.

    Yes, it would be nice if thirty bees had dedicated module, to help out with printouts if one gets the request for its data, but at the other end even both stock themes lack many things in connection with AEUC module and it's advanced checkout pages (community and niara both fail here). But not sure about Panda. In my modded version I made some changes where everything should work as intended no matter if standard checkout or advanced is used.

    To continue after gdpr / theme insert ...

    It's the trustworthy name that "sells" prestashop installations, not it's "good" core.

    So to get some of that users I think a big amount of $ needs to be spent, as the one that thinks  geman car and german dog at house is a must, would be hard to convince to replace them with other brands

  10. 13 minutes ago, movieseals said:

    Also, there is nothing forcing TB to handle the bugs from developers of other modules

    Yes I know.

    But when bug reports are opened/reported on forums, most of them do not show up if only native modules and themes are installed.

    And when reporting the problem no one even bothers to test if one can reproduce the problem with normal shop installation.

    Most bug reports just say, that does not work and no information is provided (version, theme, thirt party stuff. possible overrides) and sometimes than this continues to insulting the members who are trying to help for free, and marking them " Are you a bit desperate for cash" or "maybe try a gala or something to raise money".

    This brings down the mood, and goodbye of willing to help for free on the end.

    • Like 2
  11. Such approach calls for end of compatibility with other prestashop 1.6 themes and modules which are not verified by thirty bees, as one can not provide solid bug free platform when system allows installing modules/themes which are not verified to be 100% compatible (this is where most bugs crawl out from under the bed).

    • Like 1
  12. But as it seems I'm in a small group of people that is not so much concerned about the future. Nor for thirty bees, nor for sun going dark.

    I'm using it active without any issues and will use also after sun goes dark 💪

  13. 1 minute ago, zen said:

    OK, but this is not new... Datakick is leaving because of this unclear situation, why not take the opportunity to move forward instead of let it become rotten

    As its open source, one can start its own fork, but for that one needs nerves, because negativity is mostly higher than positivity, especially on free stuff.

    As @Traumflug said, you can not see that much negativity on prestashop forums like we are able to see here 😢

  14. I do think all should stop with this mass hysteria.

    It all started with corona,

    little later @datakick saying goodbye

    3 days later ownership over @thirty bees was taken together Patreon revenues

    and on April 20. the sun went dark.


    Cool down, drink some 0% beer and enjoy the sun for next 5 days

  15. By using prestashop moduel 🙂 But that's mostly because it does not make unneeded external calls on every single page.

    I was using 3.11.4 from the beginning but today I have switched to latest 3.14.2 which also seems that is working same as before.

  16. This thread started just fine, with first 5 posts.

    Now it already reads like mexican soap opera, where at the end Fernando finds out that he is the father of himself.

    • Haha 2
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