beeing very busy on last weeks and haven't the time to update regarding my problem with the missing product photo when making a review ...
I tried both ways:
1 - created image type home for products (there wasn't any home image type on my shop, maybe i deleted at the time i delete the old image type leaving only the _default type) and regenerating all products image, cleared cache, the problem persists, no product image showing on making revws popup ...
2 - Tried to modifiy the file front-app.php changhing at line 324 from:
$image = $link->getImageLink($rewrite, $imageId, ImageType::getFormatedName('home'));
$image = $link->getImageLink($rewrite, $imageId, ImageType::getFormatedName('home_default'));
deleted the file class_index.php on the cache folder, reset the module, even uninstalled and reinstalled, but same result ... product photo still not showing ...
maybe it depends on the path to the image, but i'm not a developer ... trying to my best with my little code understanding ....
this is how it looks the link to the image from the revws popup: https://www.mudrashop.com/7327-home_default/telo-mare-90x165-cm-spugna-jacquard-stelle-marine-home-sweet-home.jpg
this is how it looks the llink of the same product from the category page https://www.mudrashop.com/4134-7327-home_default/telo-mare-90x165-cm-spugna-jacquard-stelle-marine-home-sweet-home.jpg
from the product page the link it looks like this: https://www.mudrashop.com/4134-7327-thickbox_default/telo-mare-90x165-cm-spugna-jacquard-stelle-marine-home-sweet-home.jpg
It looks to me is a problem with the product id, only the attribute id is called .... but here i'm stuck!
Any more idea how to solve the problem?
Tks in advance for any suggestion and help ....