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Everything posted by ariom

  1. @grestart ... not sure if it can help ... Prestatoolbox is signed here as a Thirty Bees compatible module developer, they have on their site a module called Block Multi languages / Multi domain for PS 1.5 / 1.6, that i think is aimed to do what you need, the counterpart is that the module is not updated from many years (2016), and (i bought this module for a friend in 2015) if you are not skilled a bit on Multishop and creating subdomain (you must own both domain.com and domain.de) it is also not easy to implement ... I don't know if the developer likes to upgrade that module and make it compatible for TB (you can cotact to him and ask), but i think this is why he is signed on the partners page, and it is not a free module ... 🙂
  2. Tks @wakabayashi , beeing on a shared hosting (a small one, fine tuned for prestashop ...), and using only tb cache and CCC, no cdn, no other cache type, your comment make me relax a bit, cause the speed was one of my concern i wanted ear about.... anyway i must thanks al the TB staff for that ... they did really a great job ....
  3. wow! thanks @jnsgioia, beeing it "handmade" with little knowledge, i really like your comment ... any criticism or suggestion?
  4. Shop is online again!!!
  5. Solved!!! regenerating the images does the trick and now the module shows the product photo correctly ... tks @datakick
  6. @jnsgioia yes, i'm in manteinance mode cause i'm regenerating all images ... with more than 1000 products i think it will take half an hour more ... sorry for trouble .... but i'm glad if you like to come back in a short while ... any opinion from this forum is important for me! Tks for visiting!!!
  7. Thanks @datakick for pointing me in the right direction .... ... this afternoon i will try to move all image to new file sistem, hoping this is goig to solve the issue the strange is that looking at source code:on my local environment everythings seems correct <img class="img-responsive center-block" srcset=" http://localhost/vendita/2563-6039-home_default_smallest/copricuscino-smile-poltrona-1-posto.jpg 211w, http://localhost/vendita/2563-6039-home_default_smaller/copricuscino-smile-poltrona-1-posto.jpg 218w, http://localhost/vendita/2563-6039-home_default/copricuscino-smile-poltrona-1-posto.jpg 250w" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 250px, (min-width: 992px) 218px, (min-width: 768px) 211px, 250px" alt="COPRICUSCINO SMILE 1 POSTO" title="COPRICUSCINO SMILE 1 POSTO" itemprop="image" width="250" height="250" > this make me little crazy about ... anyway i'll let you know after the appllying the suggested steps ... Tks again!
  8. Hi all, first of all i want to thanks everyone is contributing to make TB the best ecommerce out there!!!! i just fully migrated our shop to TB and we're finally online with this old Ps shop: https://www.mudrashop.com ... modified a bit the look of the community theme ... ii'll love to hear your toughts about, if you see any criticism or if you have any suggestion ... Tks you all!
  9. @datakick beeing very busy on last weeks and haven't the time to update regarding my problem with the missing product photo when making a review ... I tried both ways: 1 - created image type home for products (there wasn't any home image type on my shop, maybe i deleted at the time i delete the old image type leaving only the _default type) and regenerating all products image, cleared cache, the problem persists, no product image showing on making revws popup ... 2 - Tried to modifiy the file front-app.php changhing at line 324 from: $image = $link->getImageLink($rewrite, $imageId, ImageType::getFormatedName('home')); to $image = $link->getImageLink($rewrite, $imageId, ImageType::getFormatedName('home_default')); deleted the file class_index.php on the cache folder, reset the module, even uninstalled and reinstalled, but same result ... product photo still not showing ... maybe it depends on the path to the image, but i'm not a developer ... trying to my best with my little code understanding .... this is how it looks the link to the image from the revws popup: https://www.mudrashop.com/7327-home_default/telo-mare-90x165-cm-spugna-jacquard-stelle-marine-home-sweet-home.jpg this is how it looks the llink of the same product from the category page https://www.mudrashop.com/4134-7327-home_default/telo-mare-90x165-cm-spugna-jacquard-stelle-marine-home-sweet-home.jpg from the product page the link it looks like this: https://www.mudrashop.com/4134-7327-thickbox_default/telo-mare-90x165-cm-spugna-jacquard-stelle-marine-home-sweet-home.jpg It looks to me is a problem with the product id, only the attribute id is called .... but here i'm stuck! Any more idea how to solve the problem? Tks in advance for any suggestion and help ....
  10. I also had some problem after updating blocktopmenu and downgaraded to 3.0.2 .... Tks to @datakick ... new version 3.04 works perfect!
  11. Hi @datakik, thank you for this wonderfull module! One question, i cannot see the image of the product being reviewed (... anywere:) ...) as you can see from screenshoot I still use images in legacy mode, the old sistem, can this be the cause? If so, can you suggest what and where i have to adjust to solve it? .... i have last version of the module and TB 1.0.8, with community theme reinvented a bit .... Tks again for your job!
  12. @Traumflug i wrote this post after a local update of the module, today i tried to update on live site following your suggestion... uploaded the module img folder inside my theme module's folder and done automatic update .... same result, images are lost @gonssal you are right, this actually looks like the only way to update some module and bypass the problem ...
  13. @wakabayashi Ok, thanks, i will follow it ...
  14. Thanks for replying ... @wakabayashi no, i'm not using multistore feature mmh, you think is better i also make a bug report on github? @Traumflug thanks for explaination, i will do as for your suggestion, waiting for next module update, which i think is not coming so soon, to see if it works ..
  15. Hello everyone, first of all, thank you for your great job! i use TB 1.0.4 with Perfectum theme from smartdatasoft, after many tests and eliminating some buggy (or unneeded) module, eveything is running smoothly and i am absolutely satisfied with TB ... just one question ... everytime i upgrade the themeconfigurator module, it deletes the corresponding images on home ... and i have to reupload them again, not a big problem, but it is a bit annoying ... today the second time it happen Can anyybody pointing me where and what i can check? i've looked a bit at the module's code but i'm not really expert, just learning things by the way, and i can't understand why it deletes the image istead of just keep them as before upgrade. Thank you in advance if somebody have any suggestion ...
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