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Everything posted by zen

  1. OK, I might add this as well and connect it to the module so user can decide to show it or not on the shopping cart summary, please wait before I can add this feature 🙂
  2. OK, the step you are in is grey, the step done are black, the step to be done are light grey.. isn't that logic then ?
  3. Yes, I just finished it, please try it and tell me if it suits your needs ! 🙂
  4. => Yes, I took it out, as it's on step 2 as well. What colors scheme would you think work best ?
  5. go with PHP 7.4 then 🙂
  6. OK, I think that showing addresses is needed, I don't really want to hide them, but then I find out that on the STEP 1, it's not necessary to show addresses there.. what do you think about it ?
  7. Here is a screenshot of the Order Step 1 Cart summary for a Mobile(iphone 12/13) with 390px of width. And the Order Step 2 Addresses and Shipping selection enjoy 🙂
  8. You are right, that is why i added the mod into the theme this morning, and I also modify few things in order to make it works better, also the carrier page has been made more mobile friendly. Hope you like it 🙂
  9. => i believe it's working on the demo version already.. it's more comfortable to have addresses and shipping on the same page. Please confirm that 3 stepas checkout is on and working accordingly to the shop needs.
  10. OK, I see what you are talking about now.. I will add something with the same idea, but not exactly like that as this bar consume too much space on the bottom screen of the mobile. I think that the burger menu icon that is on top will open the side control menu/panel with all infos and actions in it.
  11. I'll be happy to integrate it, what function are you talking about exactly, do you have an exemple ?
  12. This is nice but it needs to be integrate into Thirtybees templating system, that's what I am doing right now on this topic : help me to finish it.. and you'll get the free source also.
  13. I just added the block currencies and block language on the footer, I had to make new modules for that.
  14. some modules just don't follow basic rules, but i believe they will still work with just a little pinch of css (as I had to keep Jquery with this theme version, getting rif of it is next step, but it's a big one). It will take the time needed => the earlier we start and the faster it will be done 🙂 I have a lot of hope and good faith in TB !
  15. The task will also be to make all modules working with Boostrap 5 by modifying the TPL files or at least with some added/modified css. If not possible I can also provide a new version / copy of the official module but that works with this theme. If you have some module in mind.. don't hesitate to tell me which one so I can prepare the tpl and css for this module in the theme
  16. Bonjour à tous, je travaille actuellement sur un thème basé sur le framework CSS Bootstrap 5 pour le CMS ThirtyBees et j'aimerais le partager avec la communauté au moins pour la version de base. J'ai besoin de votre aide pour pouvoir le terminer. Merci de signaler ici les bonnes et les mauvaises choses à propos du thème, afin que je puisse le réparer ou les améliorer et demander de nouveaux tests avant de le mettre sur Github proprement. Et voici le back office admin qui peut vous permettre d'utiliser le module ThemeMaster, qui vous aidera à personnaliser votre propre design, c'est la toute première version et n'hésitez pas à demander les choses à gérer depuis ce module : https://cisero.zengraph.com/admin007 utilisateur : demo@demo.com pass : demodemo Alors commençons, j'espère le finir avant janvier 2022, cela dépend aussi de vos retours. Voici le post original en anglais, pour le bug report ça se passera là :
  17. Hello all, I am curently working on a Bootstrap 5 theme for Thirtybees and would like to share it with the community at least for the basic version. I need your help in order to finish it, while completing this task I'd like that you can report here the good and the bad things about the theme, so i can fix it or improve it and ask for new testing before I put it on github and manage it on that platform, as it's way more easy for me to do it here for start. And here is the admin back office that can let you use the ThemeMaster module, that will help you to customize your own design, it's very first version and don't hesitate to ask for things to manage from this module : https://cisero.zengraph.com/admin007/ user: demo@demo.com pass: demodemo So let's start it, I hope to finish it before january 2022, it also depends on your returns. Here is the ARCHIVE to download on a zip format, please report bugs and improvement ! Also here is the GITHUB link : https://github.com/Zengraph/cisero Cisero_theme_TB.zip
  18. effectivement si le client n'est pas identifié, impossible de définir le prix de livraison de façon intelligente.. par contre on peut quand même faire en sorte que ça affiche quelque chose de plus intéressant.
  19. Merci Tanguy pour ton post et c'est une excellente question, et finalement c'est quoi le souci ? histoire de le fixer une bonne fois pour toutes.
  20. Thank you for keeping us updated 🙂 Best regards.
  21. May I try to help you bhtoys ? Contact me in private, let's see how to fix that 🙂
  22. For Prestashop 1.7 the best template available for free for custom needs may be this one : https://github.com/prestarocket-agence/classic-rocket it's only using : Twitter Bootstrap 4.4.x It's time to overpass this and go Frameworkless or boostrap 5 compatible, what do you think ?
  23. Boostrap Currently v5.1.1 without Jquery and different shorcode for classes, so It is not possible to use it as well. What about Boostrap 4 ? also not really easy to make modules compatibles with it without rewriting their tpl section. So we can stick only to Jquery and Boostrap 3 ? I hope not.. what are the solutions, a transition version or a breaking one ? If we keep on like this, TB is not going anywhere, I believe we need to get rid of Jquery first, that will need some work on many modules but it's for the best and a brighter future.
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