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Everything posted by zen

  1. @spidawebs The theme is done.. but not integrated in 1.1 branch, many changes have been done since that, and optimization from 1.0.x need to be integrated too. If you want I can give you theme archive so you can use it already on 1.0.2 rlz, this will not include Sass source, if that doesn't bother you.
  2. Hello again, I understand that mdekker has MANY things to do, so i'll try to take time to make the new theme on github properly and with a proper Sass source. Now I do have one question on the community theme : there is the sass directory and 2 css directories /stylesheets/ and /css/, what is /stylesheets/ supposed to do ? what is his purpose ?
  3. Hello, I noticed that the community-theme packed on the 1.0.1 TB rlz needed a bit of lifting, so I did few modifications and I wish you will like it : http://demo.zengraph.com/ Please test it as much as possible, and report design problems, bugs for Css or JS I'll try to fix them and maybe pack this theme with the next TB rlz for the Community.
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