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Everything posted by dynambee

  1. @michael said in What is the best worldwide payment processor/payment methods?: Thank you @dynambee for info. I have found a payoneer which provide a Japanese bank account but only accept payments from companies. There is transferwise which give GBP, USD, EUR account also for transfers from private customers (non-companies). I don't know what these companies do exactly but I can guarantee you that they are not full Japanese bank accounts. Japanese bank accounts don't have restrictions on who can send payments to them. You can send money from any bank account in Japan to any other bank account in Japan directly from your bank's ATMs, from most other bank's ATMs, and from most convenience store ATMs. There are also a lot of restrictions in Japan about non-residents having bank accounts. It is not easy to get an account in Japan if you don't reside here or have a company here. @dynambee are you from Japan and you live there since w while? I'm Canadian but have been mostly in Japan since 1993, about 23 years of total time living here.
  2. I suspect this is a table name issue. The sample code uses the default PS table names which start with ps_ while 30bz default table names begin with tb_. If you modify the code to match your table names it should still work: CREATE TRIGGER change_active_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON tb_stock_available FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE tb_product_shop SET active=0 WHERE id_product IN (SELECT id_product FROM tb_stock_available WHERE quantity=0); UPDATE tb_product_shop SET active=1 WHERE id_product IN (SELECT id_product FROM tb_stock_available WHERE quantity>0); END Of course if you are using non-standard table names then you will need to modify the code above to match your tables.
  3. @michael said in What is the best worldwide payment processor/payment methods?: I am using Stripe, Paypal, bankwire, Skrill. Customers: USA, UK, Canada, Germany, France, other countries. I am wondering if there are better more popular options/alternatives for Stripe, Paypal? The most popular online payment system for small merchants is PayPal, after that it really depends a lot on where you (the merchant) is located. You can only open a Stripe account in certain countries, for example, but if you can open a Stripe account you can accept many different types of payments from most countries in the world. If anyone have experiences about what is the most popular type of payments for France, Japan, Switzerland, Nordic countries? Here in Japan the most popular payment types are credit cards, convenience store payment, and direct bank transfer. Most Japanese have yet to hear of PayPal but PayPal does exist here in Japan and Japanese residents can open PayPal accounts with little trouble. There are still a good number of Japanese who don't have any credit card at all but this number falls each year. If you want to sell to people in Japan then offering both PayPal and Stripe should cover most of your potential customers. Unless you can establish a company in Japan (and trust me you don't want to do this unless you have SUBSTANTIAL business here, and even then it's probably not worth it) there is no way to accept Japanese-style domestic bank transfers or payments through Japanese convenience stores.
  4. You guys actually read his posts? I got about two lines in. No time for drivel. @Yeku, Your attempt at Japanese is pretty poor, or maybe your Japanese is fine but your English is poor. Works out the same in the end I guess. Back to work for me.
  5. @Yeku Use your time more wisely. In the time it took you to type up those bloated & nonsensical replies you could have written the bash script yourself and contributed it to the project.
  6. Ok Ian, so when you talk price in your company, and someone says “'wholesale price”, you first, natural reaction is “which wholesale-price are you talking about” ? For us it's easy because we use the Japanese term for our purchases (which are all from Japanese companies) and the English term for our selling wholesale prices. The benefit of a multilingual business, I guess. Thirtybees started with good intentions, but it becomes obvious how change-resistant this community is. I haven't seen any resistance to change in this thread, only a discussion of the best way to make that change. You're the one that seems to think there is only one solution to the issue at hand. Much better to build something that can be flexibile for different kinds of businesses rather than a one size fits all solution.
  7. No @Skipper, I haven't avoided your question, that issue was the entire point of my post. Different people use price terms in different ways in different situations. I have wholesale prices that I pay, manufacturer prices I pay, and wholesale prices I set when I sell B2B. Many of my items have all three of these as we source different ways depending on availability. That's why there needs to be a more flexible system than just fixing prices in some sort of one-size-fits-all way.
  8. I would guess @Traumflug means any strategy that forces selling price terminology to be used in a single way. Shopping carts are used all over the world and even if your specific thoughts on a price are accurate for one language there's a good chance they could be used in a different way in another language, or that different groups of people use terms in different ways. As a specific example, we buy products from several wholesalers here in Japan and the price lists we get from them all include 卸値段 as the price we, a retailer, pay as our cost price. You can plug that into Google Translate or I can save you the time and tell you it translates to "wholesale price". So have a "cost price" field and then allow store owners to define all other prices as is necessary for their particular store.
  9. @Havouza said in Let's talk about Search!: aiting for mdekker to come back from well earned vacation ;-) I wasn't aware! It's definitely well earned and I hope he has a fantastic time.
  10. I don't have a problem with using "cost price". However if both "wholesale price" and "cost price" are included for different prices it will cause a lot of confusion, IMO.
  11. A business textbook doesn't mean much if people don't actually use the terms that way. If the terms are changed to be technically "correct" but it causes more confusion with the largest number of users then what good is the change?
  12. So.... Now that the module is funded, what happens next?
  13. It depends on the store's position in the business food chain. If you're an importer or manufacturer who provides products to wholesalers then your "wholesale price" would be the price you sell to wholesalers for. This makes sense, of course. However many retailers also use the term "wholesale price" to mean the price they pay to a wholesaler. This also makes sense, from the point of view of a retailer buying from a wholesaler. There is no perfect set of terms that will fit what every single business expects to see so the best thing to do is to name things in a way that will be easy to understand for the largest number of users. The nature of business means there will always be a lot more B2C businesses than importers/manufacturers selling B2B, so the terms should be set up in ways that B2C users will most easily understand.
  14. When the blog post was written I think it was difficult to predict exactly how much interest there would be in the crowdfunding project. Personally I was (privately) concerned that our small but vibrant community wouldn't yet be quite big enough to raise such an amount of money. I'm very happy that my concerns were misplaced and we have hit the $2300 goal! IMO the best way forward at this point is to develop the first module (the ES module) and once that has been released have a new vote to choose the next module to crowdfund. Having the first module available & working well will be a great proof of concept and example of the excellent quality of these crowdfunded modules. My hope is that having such an example in place will encourage even more people to donate which will result in more modules for everyone. Spreading out the crowdfunding drives a bit also makes it easier for those who donated to the ES module to donate again to the next project, which will also help. Just my 2 yen's worth.
  15. @wakabayashi said in Let's talk about Search!: I have pushed it now over the funding goal :) Fantastic! Thank you very much!! Looking forward to the start of development and to helping out with testing!
  16. @mdekker said in Suggestion: Ability for customers to delete their account: I think the only thing that can be changed is, set the customer status to deleted = 1 and remove the password. The other fields should indeed be kept for 7 years I believe. Which really makes me wonder why this option exists at all? What does the customer gain by being able to "delete" their account when in actual fact the only thing that changes is that they can no longer log in?
  17. I understand that this may become a requirement under EU law, but I still find it quite strange. Businesses have to keep records. For tax reasons I must keep records of all sales for 7 years. It doesn't matter if it's a guest checkout, an account checkout or a deleted account checkout, I must keep that information on file and have it available if requested. (And the Japanese tax office audits all companies every few years.) So I understand that it's a feature that 30bz may need to provide, and I can kind of understand why some customers may wish to delete their account, but I don't really see what this actually changes as far as keeping records is concerned.
  18. @MockoB said in Let's talk about Search!: I just donated small amount for the project. I will never use that module and don't get the enthusiasm about it but the cause is important ;) Thank you!
  19. @DavidP said in Indiegogo ElasticSearch project: I've gone for the Presto-Chango 40% off voucher and paid with my credit card. This is the first crowdfunding I've ever done! Thank you!
  20. I think there still needs to be an "add to cart" button on the page somewhere. Just a set of -/+ buttons doesn't follow the layout expected by most customers and it seems like it would be nearly as confusing as nothing happening at all after "add" is clicked. Have the -/+ buttons and then an add to cart button under them. When items are added to the cart there should be some sort of indication that the "add" has been completed, of course. There are two standardized ways to do this: Option 1: An "item added" confirmation pop-up where users can choose "continue shopping" or "proceed to checkout". Option 2: Customers are redirected to a separate page that confirms that items have been added to their cart, and then other items commonly bought together with the added item are shown. Amazon does it the second way. Sites that don't have Amazon's level of automation & product combo knowledge can do it the first way. Showing no confirmation would be very confusing to customers, for sure.
  21. I think what @annafjmorris is looking for is to have the amount of a given product already in the cart displayed on the product's page. So if a customer adds a product to their cart, keeps shopping, and then somehow returns to the same product page they can see that the product is already in their cart (and how many) without having to check the cart itself. This makes it less likely that a customer will double-order (and then return) items and also just makes it a more pleasant shopping experience for the customer, IMO. Is this what Transformer is doing? If not does anyone know of themes that do this, or if it is even possible to do within a PS1.6 / 30bz theme?
  22. We also use a high degree of automation in our business. We use the webservice for some things and for others we write directly to the database itself over a secure connection. The web service is ideal for creating the listings when a site is first launched as you can upload photos and you can be sure that the site and each item will be properly set up. On the other hand if you need to update prices for 100,000 different products (for example) it will take a long time over the webservice and require many separate calls. However if you upload a CSV file with new prices, read it into a temporary table using MySQL commands, and then use SQL joins to update the data, you can update many thousands of items in just a few seconds. Of course writing directly to the database tables is not a recommended or supported idea. Newer versions of 30bz will probably change the database structure somewhat and any code that writes directly to the database tables many need to be rewritten to be compatible with new versions of the platform. This is the risk, but until there is a bulk update functionality in the webservice (which I hope happens!) direct table updates are the only viable way to update vast amounts of data in a reasonable amount of time.
  23. @vincentdenkspel said in Let's talk about Search!: @dynambee Thank you. However it is a crowdfunding project and the i think the amount someone contributes to this project does not matter. All contributions are equally welcome. I think there are two sides. On one, you and the anon donor have both been very generous and I think many current & future 30bz users should be thankful for that. On the other side, yes, smaller donations are also extremely important and the project would never get funded without those donations. The larger the crowd (heh, 30bz swarm?) the better! I only really hope that voted for this module on the blogpost will indeed contribute. Yes, if everyone who voted for ES on the poll put a little money into the fund development would be starting already. We're getting close though, $233 to go! Thank you to @alwayspaws for the latest donation!
  24. A very big thanks to @vincentdenkspel who increased his total contribution to $500 bringing the current total to $2052! An equally big thank you to the Anonymous donor who also put in $500, and of course huge credit & thanks to @lesley who generously donated the 20 hours of his time & skills that attracted these large donations.
  25. Great progress has been made toward's crowdfunding the ElasticSearch module! It's currently at $1747 out of a needed $2300. If anyone has been meaning to donate but hasn't done so yet, now would be a great time! There are still two Presto Changeo discount coupons available. Donate at least $75 and get 40% off the entire total of one checkout at Presto Changeo. Buy one module or ten, get 40% off your entire cart's total! There are also two of @lesley's generously donated support packages remaining. One for 2 hours ($125 donation) and one for 10 hours ($500 donation). Support the ES module and save a bundle on your support needs! @mdekker will be developing the ES module. By donating to this project you are helping support one of the key 30bz developers, too. Let's make it happen!
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