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So, since v2.1.0 cron jobs have been working for me. The problem now is the, Last execution, never gets updated. It seems to stay at Never, even though the job has run.

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I rewrited Cron module to be able to execute task with time execution tolerance, i find it usefull for shared hostings.

Maybe you find it usefull too. In my case webhost is executing cron like every 10 minutes +- few minutes, so a lot of task didnt get executed.

Here is cron task manager with this new feature:


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@slick_303 said in cron jobs Last execution:

So, since v2.1.0 cron jobs have been working for me. The problem now is the, Last execution, never gets updated. It seems to stay at Never, even though the job has run.

Working fine for me on 2.1.3 Is it still an issue for you, @SLiCK_303 ?

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@doclucas its working, but time execution never updated so we not sure if crons working or not. New user will confuse about it as I can confirm this problem still exist.

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for example I've tidy module https://codecanyon.net/item/prestashop-tidy/18965736 to delete old abandoned carts using cron daily. I can see the result my old abandoned carts deleted by cron

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~~It seems like the module currently completely ignores (doesn't compare) the cron last execution time and the set frequency that it should be executed and just follows the run frequency set in the server cron manager. That said,~~ to fix the time not getting updated, do this: Edit /modules/cronjobs/controllers/front/cron.php

Find: 'updated_at' => ['type' => 'sql', 'value' => 'IF (`one_shot` = TRUE, FALSE, `active`)'], Replace with: 'updated_at' => ['type' => 'sql', 'value' => 'NOW()'], 'active' => ['type' => 'sql', 'value' => 'IF(`one_shot` = TRUE, FALSE, `active`)'],

Hope this helps :)

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Same problem here and my sandbox with 1.0.8.

controllers/front/cron.php lacks of your commit at line 182

I now manually modified but it doesn't get updated anyway

(edit: but it seams that the cron is not running at all 😰)

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  On 7/27/2019 at 6:37 PM, SLiCK_303 said:

you have to use something.....  Or is this a localhost setup?


Not local, I have host. But there is possibility ti set up cron task, limit is 5. I tried with these too, but result was not working condition.

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