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Integrate TB into existing HTML,php website.


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Hey guys, I've spent the last 30 hours looking for a decent open source e-commerce can be easily attached to an existing website. Basically the back-end is needed without the front-end (by now only AbanteCart does the job but it is terrible in terms of customization options). Never-mind that, currently we are using Prestashop for our online shop on a separate domain but we need to integrate a cart solution to our main website. I totally fell in love with Thirty bees when I have noticed how brilliant is the back-end! PLEASE tell me there is a way to integrate to an existing website :) because it is definitely the best of all the more than 25 e-commerce solutions that I have tested. May be a module that does that?

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This is not something that thirty bees can do. It is made to replace an existing website. There are a couple of platforms on the market that can do this, I think the newest version of Drupal might be able too, or Joomla, I cannot remember which one. Its a mess I have heard though.

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Thank you a lot for the answers! By "integrate" in the simplest form I mean: to output a field with product options/sizes etc. and an add to cart button that a user can copy-paste under the products on the existing website. The order button adds everything up to a small pop-up field cart and then the check out can be on a separate page or a pop-up field. I think I thirty bees has a module that makes a block of the shopping cart, the others "order online" and the product attributes can be solved similarly.

The website is www.sevoa.com .

How Abantecart achieves that is by having an html code generator. Basically they output a product only page like that: https://sevoa.com/abante/index.php?rt=r/product/product&product_id=123 and this gets outputted in a pop-up

on the page when "order online" is clicked.

This is the button code:

Lesley, I have literally tried 90% of all supposedly ok ecommerce solutions out there - trust me it is really a mess. If there is a way that we can do module to output that "product only page" the "order button" and the "cart" it would be possible I think, or I am wrong? I am truly eager to start using thirty bees only and I am ok paying for all that and then sharing the module publicly for free.

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@fkoko this is very similar to what facebook store modules should be doing, as facebook tab also includes iframe from your server. You might want to look what modules are available and what they offer. Maybe you will find one that emits product page in format you need.

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Strictly, that can be done just using the product link. Something like, http://front.thirtybees.com/cart?add=1&id_product=5&ipa=15 will add a product to the cart and take you to the checkout. It could be played around with to ajax it so the user is not directed to the checkout page as well.

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@datakick - this is a good idea, but unfortunately there is no similar module.

@lesley - thank you Lesley, seems like there might be a way. Yet I am not nearly any of that good in coding. Do you think there is a thirty bees pro who I can turn to for making a module that does the job at relative cost. If so where should I look for him/her? Sorry I am like a baby here...:)

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@zimmer-media right, I have moved the topic.

@fkoko maybe you should take a look at cms pages or blog in thirty bees. Maybe you can integrate your content more or less by copy paste. Afterwards you have a clean situation and no patchwork thing.

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