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New Hooks in 1.1.x

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I am trying to get this right in our intitial release, so I would love some feedback from everyone. 

One of the biggest pain points I see is adding something new to a page, be it a banner, text, or some other function. So I wanted to add some new hooks that can be used with the initial release and in the future. I imagine that merchants get tired of having to edit templates to get extra information across. 

Here is the list of hooks I have added:

{hook h='displayNotFoundTop'}
{hook h='displayNotFoundBottom'}
{hook h='displayMaintenance'}
{hook h='displayAuthenticationTop'}
{hook h='displayAuthenticationBottom'}
{hook h='displayCartTop'}
{hook h='displayCarrierTop'}
{hook h='displayCarrierBelow'}
{hook h='displayPricesDropTop'}
{hook h='displayPricesDropBelow'}
{hook h='displayNewProductsTop'}
{hook h='displayNewProductsBelow'}
{hook h='displayManufacturerTop'}
{hook h='displayManufacturerBelow'}
{hook h='displaySupplierTop'}
{hook h='displaySupplierBelow'}
{hook h='displayOrderConfirmationTop'}
{hook h='displayOrderConfirmationBelow'}
{hook h='displayMyAccountTop'}
{hook h='displayMyAccountBelow'}
{hook h='displaySearchTop'}
{hook h='displaySearchBelow'}
{hook h='displayCMSTop'}
{hook h='displayCMSBelow'}


Most are self explanatory. I am trying to add a top hook and a bottom hook for each page that has no hooks. Right now this is going to work in conjunction with our custom html module. With the module you will be able to create widgetized text areas that can be arranged. 



In the end the hooks will allow us to make other modules work with the pages as well. One example would be hooking the featured products to below the 404 page, so you are still showing products to people that land on a bad page. That is just an example.


Are there any hooks I am missing? Or does anyone think this is a bad idea? 

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry, but I mostly I am just a merchant and I do not know the tools to get things done nicely.

Frist question is if there is a way to highlight visually all the hooks of a certain page? I am thinking about a "dev mode" I switch on and on each pages {hookxyz} is being highlighted. I can so quickly see what is supported and what not.

Second I totally failed the most easiest part obviously. I always wanted a custom action bar in my bo/orders & bo/ordersdetails in order to batch create orderstatus and print invoice etc. I know the button at the buttom but I am lazy and do repetitive stuff a handy action bar at the top would be nice (like the ancient kpi bar I modified in the past but I like cutom block hooks more! It is great Lesly).

My code I tried to hook into admin office tab adminorder is

<div class="well hidden-print">  <a class="btn btn-default"> <i class="icon-print"></i> Print order </a><a data-selenium-id="view_invoice" class="btn btn-default _blank" href="index.php?controller=AdminPdf&&submitAction=generateInvoicePDF&id_order=SELECTED" target="_blank"> <i class="icon-file"></i> View invoice </a>   <span class="span label label-inactive"> <i class="icon-remove"></i> No delivery slip </span>   <a id="desc-order-partial_refund" class="btn btn-default" href="#refundForm"> <i class="icon-exchange"></i> Partial refund </a></div>

<div class="well hidden-print"> 
  <a class="btn btn-default"> <i class="icon-print"></i> Print order </a>
  <a data-selenium-id="view_invoice" class="btn btn-default _blank" href="index.php?controller=AdminPdf&&submitAction=generateInvoicePDF&id_order=SELECTED" target="_blank"> <i class="icon-file"></i> View invoice </a> 
  <span class="span label label-inactive"> <i class="icon-remove"></i> No delivery slip </span> 
  <a id="desc-order-partial_refund" class="btn btn-default" href="#refundForm"> <i class="icon-exchange"></i> Partial refund </a></div>

You see it is just a copy but should show. In my case it does not 😞

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