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Setup product. I can not edit, shipping, quantyties, images, features, perzonalitatioon. WHY?


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After to create a new product I can not setup all the features of it, (shipping, quantyties, images, features, perzonalitatioon). Whe I make click on each one of this labels always it gets send me back to the information label.

Im new user in TB and this is my first online store.

I hope find the right information.


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To be honest I don not how to know if is a javascript error, I have to do a upgrade of Java? or edit some script inside of thirty bees? I dont know about this topic. 

Thanks for your response.

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18 hours ago, rubben1985 said:

@Gus  eso suena extraño. ¿Es una instalación nueva? ¿Qué versión de TB estás usando?

Hi Rubben.


Yes is a new installation, I made the installation in Automatic by mean A2 Hosting. The version I am using is the TB 1.0.8. I have thought unistall my aplication and install TB again . 

May be this gets the solution to the problem. ¿don not I  know?


could you recomend me something?



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well I am not a developer so maybe I am not the best person to answer that, but if you did not set up too much, I would try to update to bleeding edge version (core updater module). Maybe there is some bug that was fixed in that version. If not, try a new fresh manual install. If you set up a lot, maybe someone in this forum with more technical skills can help you before losing the setting job.


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13 hours ago, Gus said:

To be honest I don not how to know if is a javascript error, I have to do a upgrade of Java? or edit some script inside of thirty bees? I dont know about this topic. 

You to to inspect the code in your browser. It's very easy: just right click and then something like "inspect". then a tab will open where you need to search for something like "console". 

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On 5/7/2019 at 3:48, rubben1985 said:

Bueno, no soy un desarrollador, así que tal vez no sea la mejor persona para responder eso, pero si no configuraste demasiado, intentaría actualizar a la versión más reciente (módulo de actualización del núcleo). Tal vez hay algún error que se corrigió en esa versión. Si no, intente una nueva instalación manual nueva. Si configura mucho, tal vez alguien en este foro con más habilidades técnicas pueda ayudarlo antes de perder el trabajo de configuración.


Hi Rubben good afternoon.

Thank you for the information that you did provide me. I made the actualization through Thirty bees updater to the version v1.5.0 and this did gets resolbe my problems. Im feels very good with this, for Now.

So thank you.

An have a good weekend.

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