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Template recode - Q


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Hi all!

We are about to build new eshop, currently we are runnin on but its super slow, full of useless modules a so on. Oh and it was just copied from our second store with MANY wrong settings then let alive for 2 years. 

So we were looking for next choise, we find it here - but i woud like to ask few Q 🙂

I red that modules shoud works, atleast some of them. But we woud like to buy new theme for 1.6.1. [ something like this for example - http://prestashop.flytheme.net/sp_topdeals16/en/ ], so how hard woud it be to implement it to 30bees? 

What shoud i look while editing?

I do have som exp. but I´m not pro :]


Ty for reply in advance! 





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2 hours ago, MichaelEZ said:

I red that modules shoud works, atleast some of them. But we woud like to buy new theme for 1.6.1. [ something like this for example - http://prestashop.flytheme.net/sp_topdeals16/en/ ], so how hard woud it be to implement it to 30bees? 

Pretty much all of them work, incompatibilities with PS modules and themes are considered to be a bug. Exceptions are modules with functionality implemented natively in thirty bees, like pretty URL or updater modules. They'd be pointless even if they'd work. While thirty bees enhances a lot of details, it also maintains backwards compatibility.

And yes, welcome to thirty bees. For a definite answer to your question, just install and try. There's also module psonesixmigrator, which migrates PS shops to thirty bees with all its settings, categories and products:



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@piet ty for reply, well as u suggested support seems to be outdated, in the end we decide to use this ONE instead

@Traumflug well i sure hope so! I tried about 5 different templates but only 2 works and they needed many fixis, but they were free and god know on which vs of 1.6 


So I might let u know in the future 🙂

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11 minutes ago, MichaelEZ said:

I tried about 5 different templates but only 2 works and they needed many fixis, but they were free and god know on which vs of 1.6 

Generally speaking, all templates that work on should work on thirtybees.

If you find any template that doesn't work correctly on thirtybees, it would be a great help if you could check whether they work on If they don't work there either, it's definitely template problem, and only template author can fix that.

But if the template works on ps16, but not on thirtybees, then there is some compatibility issue. And that needs to be addressed and fixed. So please report such problems here on forum, or on github.

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