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Hi ever since upgrading both TB & Panda. I have just noticed they (Accessories) are not showing the image any more.

I've checked images against my default set up and they all seem to be there ,only difference my default has a set of tm_ defaults 7 different types

I've looked for accessories module or something accessory by search and ftp 


If you just click on the accessories tab

Edited by AndyC
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2 hours ago, AndyC said:

Yeah was 1 of the first things I did and cleared cache a few times now.

Are they showing for you


No, no images are showing for the product under the accessory tag.
'Wooden Tankard Presentation Box'
I'm not personally much of a programmer though, so all I can do is answer your question.

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When you look into the html markup, you'll find that there are images, they just aren'd visible. There is some slider, and by default it has class 'remove_after_init'. This suggest there is some javascript that should, after the page loads, post-process the html code (probably choose the right image for the current resolution, etc...) and remove this class. Then the image would be displayed correctly.

This doesn't seem to work in your case. It's possible that your page triggers some javascript error (not necessarily related to this area) that prevents execution of the subsequent scripts -- there is a lot of red stuff in the javascript console on your page. You can try to disable CCC, maybe that will help.


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Things may have changed a wee bit .. I have been swapping between the old version of panda and the new .. I've been on the old ftp files .. Have changed over now so am on the latest everything now.. I can live with the other error now on engraving which I will find 


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