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Amazon Pay by Patworx - Error on Install




I've been reading this post about Amazon Pay and thought to give it a go, but after the install when I try to open the module I get an error. I was wondering that if the module worked (post is from 2017), the problem may be with my specific installation or it may be a problem related with the new version of the module / TB?

Module Version 2.3.0 for P.S 1.6 (https://addons.prestashop.com/en/payment-card-wallet/21293-amzpayments.html)

TB Version 1.1.0

Any help or advice would be apreciated!



Unknown column 'active' in 'field list'

in file classes/order/OrderState.php at line 220


SELECT `active`
FROM `tb_order_state`

Source file: classes/order/OrderState.php

201:     *
202:     * Starting with v1.1.0, thirty bees no longer equips the updater module
203:     * with database upgrade scripts, but equipped Core Updater with the
204:     * capability to read each class' table description and to update the
205:     * database accordingly.
206:     *
207:     * Retrocompatibility: as the above is just a plan and not yet true for
208:     * the time being, this was added as a kludge to bridge the time until it
209:     * actually gets true.
210:     *
211:     * @since 1.1.0
212:     */
213:    public static function installationCheck()
214:    {
215:        $db = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_);
216:        $result = $db->executeS(
217:            (new DbQuery())
218:                ->select('`active`')
219:                ->from(static::$definition['table'])
220:                ->limit(1)
221:        );
223:        if ( ! $result) {
224:            $db->execute('ALTER TABLE '
225:                ._DB_PREFIX_.static::$definition['table']
226:                .' ADD COLUMN `active` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;'
227:            );
228:        }
229:    }

Stack trace

1. classes/db/Db.php:844 source ()

825:        return $result;
826:    }
828:    /**
829:     * Displays last SQL error
830:     *
831:     * @param string|bool $sql
832:     * @throws PrestaShopDatabaseException
833:     */
834:    public function displayError($sql = false)
835:    {
836:        global $webserviceCall;
838:        $errno = $this->getNumberError();
839:        if ($webserviceCall && $errno) {
840:            $dbg = debug_backtrace();
841:            WebserviceRequest::getInstance()->setError(500, '[SQL Error] '.$this->getMsgError().'. From '.(isset($dbg[3]['class']) ? $dbg[3]['class'] : '').'->'.$dbg[3]['function'].'() Query was : '.$sql, 97);
842:        } elseif (_PS_DEBUG_SQL_ && $errno && !defined('TB_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS')) {
843:            if ($sql) {
844:                throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError(), $sql);
845:            }
847:            throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError());
848:        }
849:    }
851:    /**
852:     * Sanitize data which will be injected into SQL query
853:     *
854:     * @param string $string SQL data which will be injected into SQL query
2. classes/db/Db.php:488 source DbCore->displayError(arguments)
3. classes/db/Db.php:709 source DbCore->query(arguments)

"SELECT `active`\nFROM `tb_order_state`\nLIMIT 1"
4. classes/order/OrderState.php:220 source DbCore->executeS(arguments)

"SELECT `active`\nFROM `tb_order_state`\nLIMIT 1"
5. classes/order/OrderState.php:141 source OrderStateCore::installationCheck()
6. modules/amzpayments/amzpayments.php:1080 source OrderStateCore::getOrderStates(arguments)

7. modules/amzpayments/amzpayments.php:627 source AmzPayments->getConfigForm()
8. modules/amzpayments/amzpayments.php:1875 source AmzPayments->_displayForm()
9. controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php:1648 source AmzPayments->getContent()
10. controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php:1511 source AdminModulesControllerCore->postProcessCallback()
11. classes/controller/Controller.php:197 source AdminModulesControllerCore->postProcess()
12. classes/Dispatcher.php:837 source ControllerCore->run()
13. admin2245n4s1c/index.php:63 source DispatcherCore->dispatch()


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This is what it is supposed to  look like.  Not showing the connection tab as that shows the keys.  When it is messed up all the items are on a single page with no tabs and no save button.  We are getting this technical error on HostWinds but not Hostgator when you try to checkout with Amazon Pay which Amazon says is not due to their module.



Amazon Configure correct.PNG

Technical error unable to save address parseerror.PNG

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