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You can already show front page as wished:

-Image slider
-HTML block
-block cmsinfo
-Block Featured

There is no styling needed, just little creativity. And not to mention not to overload the custumers with 2meters long front page.


That's what I have at the moment header then all my categories which makes it quite long before you get to actual products


If talking about mobile, than you should set most of the modules to not display on mobile devices.

And categories should go onto separate popup button menu which should be accessible from fixed header

Posted (edited)

I've decided to duplicate BlockCategories module so for mobile menu BlockCategoriesMobile is used.

BlockCategoriesMobile hooks itself into right column which is used for left sidebar on screen width up to 767px

That way one can set the copmputer Category root view independently of mobile view where Category root - home is the only option so categories are visible on any page by accessing navbar icon which opens sidebar.

Screenshot_2020-04-20 Xmass hats - My Store.png



Edited by toplakd
  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

Updated first post, with theme file for download

Install by clicking onto add new theme and upload zip file from computer.

Still needs some polishment here and there. But will get to that.

Edited by toplakd
  • Thanks 1
  On 5/10/2020 at 6:02 PM, toplakd said:

Updated first post, with theme file for download



@toplakd - Thanks for this!  I downloaded and on the next rainy day will start testing on one of my shops.  Would it be possible to list the 1.1.0 theme files you changed?  That will make it easier to integrate with the mods I have already done.


For finding out which files were modified you can copy whole modded folder into community-theme-default and check differences with core updater.


@toplakd - this is awesome!  In addition to some mods unique to my shop, I'll provide another update others may want.  This formats customized products displayed in the checkout, pdf and history with each customization on a single line prefixed with a hyphen (-) to make it easier to read.  The annotated desktop display screen shot below shows this, along with other mods I've done including the "hide quantity" mod that prevents changing the quantity for products such as members registration.

Files modified in the template directory to format customizations on seperate lines are: order-detail.tpl, shopping-cart-product-line.tpl, and /pdf/invoice.product-tab.tpl with changes described below.

order-detail.tpl - about line 277 search for:


and replace with

		{$product.product_name|replace:' - ':':<br> - '|replace:', ':'<br> - '}


shopping-cart-product-line.tpl - about line 40 search for:

      {if isset($product.attributes) && $product.attributes}
      <small><a href="{$link->getProductLink($product.id_product, $product.link_rewrite, $product.category, null, null, $product.id_shop, $product.id_product_attribute, false, false, true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">{$product.attributes|@replace: $smarty.capture.sep:$smarty.capture.default|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</a></small>{/if}

and replace with:

      {if isset($product.attributes) && $product.attributes}
      <small><a href="{$link->getProductLink($product.id_product, $product.link_rewrite, $product.category, null, null, $product.id_shop, $product.id_product_attribute, false, false, true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> - {$product.attributes|@replace: $smarty.capture.sep:$smarty.capture.default|replace:' - ':':<br> - '|replace:', ':'<br> - '|replace:'<br> - or am':' or am'}</a></small>{/if}


/pdf/invoice.product-tab.tpl - about line 68 search for:


and replace with:

					{$order_detail.product_name|replace:' - ':':<br> - '|replace:', ':'<br> - '}



  • Like 1
  On 5/11/2020 at 6:32 PM, Rhapsody said:

For those interested, the attached text file shows the result listing the changed files toplakd modded.


There are not only changed files, there are also some extra files in theme which might show up in obsolete files (files for mobile menu)

Posted (edited)

This file can be used for if someone would want to have tabbed style of "product description content" tabbed on product page (product.tpl)

Styling and script is inline, one should add own tab names which will suit the use.

testing.tplFetching info...

Edited by toplakd
  On 5/16/2020 at 11:50 AM, toplakd said:

I suggest to test first and be confused later 🙂


Ok - I get it now.  I compared with product.tpl and it is a replacement for that file with tabs,  No longer confused ðŸ™ƒ

  • Like 1
  On 5/16/2020 at 11:40 AM, toplakd said:

This file can be used for if someone would want to have tabbed style of "product description content" tabbed on product page (product.tpl)

Styling and script is inline, one should add own tab names which will suit the use.

testing.tpl 51.62 kB · 2 downloads


I'm sorry, this is not the right solution.

It silently expects that only one module will provide tab content. This is often not true, there can be many modules each of them wanting to display their own tab. Your code would group content from all these modules under one tab, instead of creating separate tabs for all of them. Also, you the tab names are ignored.

Just saying 🙂

  • Like 1

I know, that's why tabs are not the main goal and will never be included in main template file, as it's just a simple solution so one can check how tabs are made.
I personaly would not ever use them on product pages in my shop, as I do prefer that everything is visible on single product page due to later complications with customers, where they didn't see some information as it was on 2nd or 3rd tab.



@toplakd - I have a request for the home button on the mobile menu.  The sites I run have a main site using WordPress that appear at the site root and the shop in its own directory that appears as https://root.com/shop 

Would it be possible to make the mobile menu home icon slide open a window similar to the other icons that allow the user to select Site Home or Shop Home? 

Below is some code that is close to what I want, but I'm not well versed in javascript code used in the header-mobile-menu.tpl template file.


      <a href="{$link->getPageLink('index', true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Shop Home'}" rel="nofollow">
        {l s='Shop Home'}
      <a {if $smarty.server.HTTPS eq 'on'}href="https://{else}href="http://{/if}{$smarty.server.HTTP_HOST}" title="{l s='Site Home'}" rel="nofollow">
        {l s='Site Home'}


Posted (edited)

As home in shop has only one function, going to shop home, there is no need for extra slideout menu, therefore only button is enough.

Therefore if such modification is needed, you should check how the script is made and how other buttons open the menus, and adopt that change for your own needs.

Slideouts are made on following basis:



Edited by toplakd

Have realized I have the script ready for 4 different sidebars.

Will modify the 4th unused sidebar so one can choose between home link or opening sidebar which one can customize for own needs.

Posted (edited)

Now there will 2 choices for Home button.

One will act as button for going home, other will open sidebar with following modules: blockLink, blockstore and blockcontactinfos.

Will upload the changes soon


Edited by toplakd
  • Thanks 1

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