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Niara website footer


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I am unable to find the footer editing for the niara template. Been looking for over a week now.l

I thought it was in the cpanel and I had to go themes or something but no good.  Help Please!

Thank you,


Edited by RonGin
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6 hours ago, RonGin said:

I am unable to find the footer editing for the niara template. Been looking for over a week now.l

What part exactly you want to change? Footer is a place where several modules can 'hook' things. For example, if you go to Modules -> Block CMS you can disable some links

or modules -> Block my account footer

From modules -> Modules position you can see what is hooked to the footer, and then chase the right place to change.

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2 hours ago, Wartin said:

What part exactly you want to change? Footer is a place where several modules can 'hook' things. For example, if you go to Modules -> Block CMS you can disable some links

or modules -> Block my account footer

From modules -> Modules position you can see what is hooked to the footer, and then chase the right place to change.

I thank you for fast response I turned off the footer but the store address is still there. I want it there but need to change the phone #?


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10 hours ago, RonGin said:
13 hours ago, Wartin said:


I thank you for fast response I turned off the footer but the store address is still there. I want it there but need to change the phone #?

Try in Preferences -> Contacts (or shop contacts)

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Thank you everyone, with your help I found this path in cpanel /themes/niara/modules/blockcontactinfos/blockcontactinfos.tpl  which I then found the contact block info and fixed the phone # hope i can remember for later changes. again thanks.

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