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Introducing History module


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History module is a very simple module that provide audit functionality for your products and categories.

Did you ever wonder why, when, or who changed your product description or price?

This module will provide answer for these questions. 


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  • datakick featured and pinned this topic

It would be a nice addition to have options which items to track - currently it only tracks desc and price but each other product property is vital too - ref, association, combinations, even shop association, etc.

For multi employee shops this is a must module! Thank you for creating it!

Also If we can set period for the history it would be nice, a cron that runs xx a week/month to delete any history records older than xx days would be a nice way to automate this.

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1 hour ago, the.rampage.rado said:

It would be a nice addition to have options which items to track - currently it only tracks desc and price but each other product property is vital too - ref, association, combinations, even shop association, etc.

Quantities (incl. of combinations), too!

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There are technical limitations for what can be tracked.

This module can track only direct object model properties, and only if that object is saved using object model add() / update()  / save() method.

So properties like price, default category, reference code, enabled, description, ean, sale flag etc can be tracked. Basically this means columns from tb_product / tb_product_shop / tb_product_lang tables.

Associations (relationships between tables) such as categories, tags, carries, etc can't be tracked this ways. That's because there is no hook triggered when relationships changes. There isn't even any unified way in tb core to change associations.

Similarly, if something is changed using direct db update, then such change will not be audited. 

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1 hour ago, the.rampage.rado said:

Also If we can set period for the history it would be nice, a cron that runs xx a week/month to delete any history records older than xx days would be a nice way to automate this.

I've added this to backlog

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