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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. Happy New Year to everyone!
  2. @musicmaster thx for the information. I missed that... This is a must have for tb as well...
  3. Hello @HelenI I haven't seen this bug before, but I don't think it was resolved in tb. It sounds to me as you (or your dev) would have fixed a lot of asm bugs. Have you put them into github? It would surely help a lot of other merchants...
  4. @alwayspaws In general? I don't think it's possible to say. But I like the Roboto Font.
  5. wakabayashi


    Merry Christmas too all of you ;) Hopefully we get even more honey in 2018 :)
  6. @Ulrich Falls du Englisch kannst, solltest du einen entsprechend Bug Report bei github machen. Sonst müssen wir mal abwarten bis @Traumflug wieder hier ist. Er ist ein sehr erfahrener Programmierer :)
  7. Why do just write the artist as product name? I would do it like that: artist - album name
  8. I can't agree more with @Traumflug. This is exactly, what matters. Don't lose the times for details in design questions. You don't need to be perfect from day one. It's much more important to invest the time, to become an authority in your niche. Find your unique selling propositions and tell it to your visitors. Look for a creative ways, to drive people on your website.
  9. @DavidP I agree. But it's hard to just change it the core. It was designed with the idea of a standard combination. I guess changing this bevahiour, would break some things. But I am looking forward to @yaniv14 concept. Maybe he has a better idea than manipulating the html code.
  10. @yaniv14 thats cool. What is your approach?
  11. Well what are you expecting from a module? A module is also an option, but it would also use the same kind of hacks, I believe. Can you show me, what solution you are looking for?
  12. Could you please describe the issue more in in detail? I don't understand what you mean with extra field. Do you have coded a module?
  13. I don't wanna spam this topic anymore... I have made a new one about the attribute select thing https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1237/forcing-customer-to-choose-an-attribute Who of you is voting for the "product customization" here?
  14. It's an old pain, which was reported for years. Many merchants wish, to force the customer, to choose an attribute. I wondered what would be the best solution? How should it look like? I made a first attempt: https://clean.genzo.ch/de/gifts/soap How do you like it?
  15. @mockob said in I'm going to create a free module: Wow, thanks in advance! I wish there were more ppl like you ;) I just voted but I'm curious if it is possible someone to develop a module which forces customers to choose attributes when clicking add to cart button. It is many times discussed in ps forums and I know there is feature request here also with many votes, but not approved last I visited the feature request section. How do you like this one: https://clean.genzo.ch/de/gifts/soap Btw: I don't think this can be done nicely with a module... It should be done by restructering the core code, but this won't be possible. It would probbaly break a lot of things. So I the only solution I see, is to use dirty methods in the theme :D
  16. I just had the same thing. Maybe the solution will help other merchants, who land here: For me it was solved after going into the SSL settings and switch them on...
  17. @datakick yeah I agree. But I sounds like a little effort for them, or not? They check if the "Reward Module" is installed. If its installed, they show a tab in backoffice where merchant can set up the "points" for the action. Let'y say X points for a review. When a review is approved/posted the "review module" returns an array to the actionhook. If it works like that, it's doesn't cost the dev a lot of time. It all depends if the "Reward Module" is requested by a lot of merchants.
  18. The idea is to have a flexible system, which can reward different events. You ask for the event "review". Other merchants want to give points for a "newsletter signup". That's why the points feature, shouldn't be integrated in the review module. It needs to me a standalone module, which offers a hook, that can be used by other module devs. I hope that is technically possible!?
  19. @SLiCK_303 Please check out my post above. I really believe, we should distinguish between "Review Module" and a "Reward Module".
  20. @datakick oh cool. Sorry it's a bit offtopic: My view on points is a bit different. I think it's better to have a module "customer points". This modules handles the points. There you can define, what users get for the points and so on. This module would offer an action hook, which can be used from other modules. Like a review module. But could also be an Image Upload module or a testimonial module. You see my point? Back to your offer. I would appreciate a nice product review module as well ;)
  21. @datakick very nice idea! what is meant with "Points for Reviews module"?
  22. @tomik said in Different Resource Served with and Without www in url: because he changed the website to abc.com :laughing: :D :D :D I shouldn't answer in the morning ;)
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