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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. @musicmaster I am really surprised that you always have problems with migrating. When I switched I did a lot of tests. I always suceeded. It worked in real like a charm. And I am using multistore, have a lot of products, orders and stuff. So I really don't know where there problems are... You are talking of simplicity or userfriendliness. I agree, that this is very important. But what does it mean concret? What I learnt here the last weeks and months is, that needs are extremly heterogenous. Even things, which I was completly sure, that many people would suffer from it, didn't get too much support. For example I thougth "order editing" is really really important. But not many people joined the discussion. Same for Bundles, Multistore or ASM. Where would you start to make the software better?
  2. Well you surely did some changes somewhere!? New module? Theme modification?
  3. @MockoB with seriously I meant like "if they can devote all their time into tb". Now tb doesn't generate income, so they have to agree on many other coding projects, to save their incomes.
  4. Yeah I have tested it now multiple times. It seems to work always for me. But I will keep it in mind... I could add that. But I thought it would not be wished from other module devs. :D The reason why I thought so, was the different languages. How would you handle that in your module? Would you just pass an english string as default?
  5. @datakick thx! I am a bit confused. I just installed your module and it added all the tbgenzokronaactionshop entries... Are you on a singlestore installation or multistore?
  6. I can confirm, that the settings were linked wrongy ;) This will be fixed in the next release...
  7. You are right, that would be nice. But I guess "we" are just lacking manpower... I guess such a service, will only be realistic when Patreon generates serious income. So Lesley and Michael can work "seriously" on this project.
  8. @datakick thx a lot Sir! Yeah the release needs to be renamed. In the future I will upload my own zips. Now it's just the auto thing from github. Bug with wrong links are likely. I will go trough all of them, since I hardcoded some instead of always going for context->link... Bad me :D Right. the multiple status thing is a good idea. I will probably redesign the orders as a whole. Maybe you didn't put in a title and a message under settings? As I said above, I am probably gonna redesign it. Have you already checked, if the hooks are working for you?
  9. Well maybe it makes sense to import some modules. Think of a blog module...
  10. @SLiCK_303 and me are working hours for hours on it. Did anyone else play with it around?
  11. The issue was because of cloudflare... Had nothing to do with thirty bees!
  12. @maplewang did you chose the file: thirtybees-v1.0.4.zip?
  13. Yesterday I released an alpha version of my module: https://github.com/eschiendorfer/genzo_krona/releases The module became much more complex, than I thought. I am sure, that I missed quite a few bugs... So any kind of feedback would help. I am sure, there is a lot of room to improve the module. Right now, I won't add too many new features, since it's already very complex. I need to see, how everything works out and how many people use the module in practice. If you report bugs, please tell me which version of thirty bees you use. Also if it's multistore or not.
  14. @hubbobubbo Well you are right. Your decision will be thirtybees or 1.7 ps. I wouldn't rely too much, how the basic theme is looking. As you said, in ps there are a lot of things broken. If I were you, I would test out, if this things are working for you here in tb.
  15. @zimmer-media right, I have moved the topic. @fkoko maybe you should take a look at cms pages or blog in thirty bees. Maybe you can integrate your content more or less by copy paste. Afterwards you have a clean situation and no patchwork thing.
  16. I dont think so. It was working in the past... But I am not sure, when it stopped to work.
  17. Hello I can't set my multistore to maintenance mode and use it to IP access. I will always see the maintenance mode. Is this working for somebody in 1.0.3?
  18. Oh that's an interesting one. I guess when we test my loyality module, we could hook this birthday module into mine.
  19. What do you mean with integrate in an existing website? What is the website?
  20. I never sucessfully installed a store in a subfolder of another store. It's much better to use subdomains... But not sure if that really was your question!?
  21. Just saw this new blog post: https://thirtybees.com/blog/recaptcha-and-spam/?utmsource=back-office&utmmedium=rss&utmcampaign=back-office-CH&utmcontent=download
  22. @Generaal Why dont you use, the offical module from thirty bees? It stops the mail.ru attacks successfully: https://github.com/thirtybees/nocaptcharecaptcha/releases You just have to take some minutes to set it up.
  23. Hm I have no idea then. I only use it at the contact page and it works fine.
  24. Have you set up the api correctly?
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